September 29, 1922
Dear Korra,
You'll never guessed what happened today...
I went to meet Tenzin and I saw Skoochy giving Jinora a flower. I'm not sure what any of it was about - the flower still had some roots with dirt on it, but do you think big brother Mako could help?
Things are moving Korra, things are moving and life is going, but I'm not. Koh's sake, I even referred to myself in third person!
My day was okay. Uneventful, in a way because there isn't any crime going on in the City, or at least, not where I've been assigned to patrol.
Hey, let's make a deal, okay? You have to stay and watch me become the head of my own squad. Watch me succeed and then you can decide whether you want to go or not... okay?
That way you'll stay around forever because you and I both know that I can't do anything now, without you.
I need an answer, Korra. Give me an answer, please.
I'll come again tomorrow.
Yours truly,