A/N: Had this idea stirring around for a while, decided to finally start writing it because YJ got cancelled and I'm going through withdrawal. Let's see how this goes...

Chapter 1 takes place about a day after "Infiltrator" (Episode 6).

Disclaimer: I do not own Young Justice or any DC Comics creations. Just my OC and her backstory/plot.

Chapter 1

Just A Pit Stop

Star City was quiet this time of night, or at least quieter than usual. Stragglers still wandered their way through the streets, but none noticed the figure standing atop Royal University, cloaked by the veil of night. The person dropped down from the rooftop onto the ledge below, pushing open a window and slipping inside. The intruder remained hidden in a shadowed corner, watching the only other occupant type away at a computer on the other side of the room.

"Dr. Serling Roquette."

The woman at the computer jumped at the sound of a voice, having believed she was alone. Startled, she shot out of her chair, looking for the owner of the voice. But the room was dark, the dim light from her monitor and the windows were not enough to guide her.

"Who's there?" Dr. Roquette asked shakily.

"I mean you no harm." The person who stepped out of the shadows was not what she expected. A young girl with a lithe frame appeared with her hands raised in surrender. Dressed in a modified black sleeveless shozoku*, she wore long black armbands and a belt with a few small compartments around her waist, a pair of fans tucked under it. A long braid of dark hair trailed down her back while some fell around her eyes, the only visible part of her face since the bottom half was covered by a cloth mask.

Dr. Roquette backed up against her computer desk. "You're some kind of League of Shadows assassin or something," she guessed, reaching into her pocket and pressing the button on a small pager-like device. "Here to finish the job?"

Hands still raised, the girl watched Roquette reach into her pocket. Some sort of alert, no doubt; she had to make this quick.

"I am not a Shadow, Doctor." Well, not in that sense, she thought. "The League of Shadows is my enemy. I came to you for your help."

"The Shadows wanted my 'help' too, and look where that got me? Excuse me if I'm a little skeptical—"

"You have every reason not to trust me. But please, I have not raised a weapon, nor have I taken one step forward since you asked me to reveal myself. All I require are simple answers."

Perhaps it was her naivety, or perhaps she was stalling for time, but Roquette eventually gave in. "What kind of questions?"

"The assassins who attacked you, was one of them a woman named Cheshire?"

Roquette's look of fear and discomfort was all the answer she needed.

"I do apologize for bringing up bad memories, but it is for the greater good. Did you encounter a man named David Cain?"

"No, I mean, I can't be sure. Why are you asking me this stuff? Why do you want to know about the Shadows?"

The girl evaded the doctor's query. "One last question: do you know where they were holding you?"

Roquette seemed to think for a moment, glancing out the window nervously. For the briefest moment, a look of relief passed over her face, but the girl saw it.

Time's up.

In a flash, she drew the two metal fans from her belt and snapped them open, just barely blocking the arrow that shot through the window. She gave the frightened Roquette a final look before swinging back out onto the ledge and pulling herself up to the roof.

"Stop!" she heard a man shout, but she was already running from the scene. Jumping onto the next building, she caught sight of her pursuer: a man in a green hooded outfit. She stopped briefly, blocking another arrow as he shot at her, before jetting off around a corner. After a few minutes, she felt she was no longer being followed and slowed her pace to check her surroundings before coming to a halt in an alley.

She'd failed.

Star City had just been a pit stop, but when she heard about Dr. Roquette she couldn't help but seek out answers. Now she was no doubt on the radar of the vigilante who had chased her. A shinobi's** greatest asset is their ability to remain invisible. She let out a sigh of defeat and laid her fans out on the ground, looking at them with a careful eye and running her hands over every inch. There. A small, circular black object was attached to the back of her right fan. She pried it off and laid it on the ground. Closing her fans, she stowed them away under her belt and took off down the alley.

Next stop: Gotham City…

Green Arrow ran along the rooftops, following the signal on his tracker. He'd planted a tracer on Roquette's intruder with his second arrow, deciding to head back to the university to make sure no other Shadows tried to take out the doctor. Only after touching base with Roquette and having her escorted home by the police did he return to the chase.

He didn't like it, chasing after a kid like this, but he couldn't just let her go because of her age. The Justice League had a whole team of young people working for them, who's to say the League of Shadows wasn't using young members to do their dirty work?

Green Arrow stopped. According to his tracker, he was directly above Roquette's intruder. He armed his bow and peered down to find…

Nothing. An empty alleyway.

"Oh, great," he grumbled.

He jumped down the fire escapes to ground level and surveyed the area, spotting his tracer laying on the ground near a dumpster. She knew to look for it, he thought. Smart kid. Maybe she really was one of the Shadows, but he couldn't know for sure. Unless…

"Hey, Batman," he said into his comm, "I might have a bit of a... ninja problem. Figured you were the one to call."

*Shozoku: A type of dark-coloured clothing worn by practitioners of ninjutsu (the stereotypical "ninja uniform"), however hers is sleeveless, replaced by detached sleeves/armbands.

**Shinobi: Basically another word (Japanese) for ninja.

A/N: So there we go, I have done a prologue and therefore committed. And yes, this will be a Dick Grayson/OC story.

I was going to include the timestamps like in the show, but that takes forever, so I'll only do so for time skips.

Hoping you like it so far!

Please Review! :D