(Hello. My first time making a fan fiction...well not really. On my deviant I have the same user name so look me up! ^_^ IM ONLY SAYING THIS ONCE - I do not own anything of Erin Hunter's not the warrior cat or anything else. If I did I would be a genius. I don't make money off of this, because then I would be rich lolz! XD anything else I didn't mention well...no. The cats and clans made up in this are my own, and a little warning, more O.C characters used in here than the originals. Anyway Plz enjoy! And plzzzzzz review? Thx!



There was a soft, almost unnoticeable sound of running. A group of four cats stayed prowling in the dark bushes of an unfamiliar land. One cat, a she cat, stepped out of of the dark and over to a bush. Her yellow fur and white stockings seemed to glow under the moonlight. She sniffed the bush that contained a tuft of red fur on it, the fur occasionally mixed with a bit of fluffy pink fur. She narrowed her yellow menacing eyes and let out a low growl, digging her white claws into the grass below her. 'The traitor came this way...' she thought. Her ears flicked at the sound someone walking softly behind her.

A large white male cat appeared, his blue eyes locked on the fur on the bush. His black tipped shredded ears flattened and his black tipped long tail lashed. He barred his fangs and let loose a low growl. "She came this way did she, Yelloweclipse? She is very cunning in trying to confuse us," he mewed. Yelloweclipse glares back at the fur and snorted.

"And she successfully did for some days now. She is still too far away from us...by at least 14 days. At the rate this is going we will lose her."

"No we won't mother," another voice said. Two blue, glaring eyes peeked out of the darkness. The owner of those eyes stepped out, his yellow coat glaring harshly under the moonliht. His black tipped tail and ears were lowered as he looked around, as if trying to keep away from someone. His black stocking legs moved quickly over to his parents and he swapped angrily at the fur on the branches of the bush, tearing them and some leaves off with his sharp claws. He spat at the fur in hatred. "We will find her, and we will punish her. We will make her wish she hadn't betrayed us and out clan, and I will mark her just as you have been marked, father."

The white male chuckled and Yelloweclipse flicked her son over the ear with her tail as she purred. "So eager you are Lightningstrike. You make me proud as you show how ready you are to defend your clan, exactly what I taught all of my lovely kits."

Lightningstrike snorted. "Not all of us are willing to defend our clan, not him especially, despite his status. I will bring the clan to justice myself, and then they will see that I am fit to be deputy!" Yellowstrike nodded, agreeing with her son. Out of all three of her kits, that one was not how she wanted him to be.

There was a louder, death promising growl behind them, making all but Yellowstrike flinch and crouch defensively. "No one will punish her but me." Well speak of the devil, that very son of hers had heard them. He walked out of the shadows, his sleek but thick white pelt glistening, his muscles under his fur rippling with power and pent up rage. He had the same black tipped ears and tail and black stockings as his brother, but those same menacing yellow eyes as his mother. He walked over to them, his long fangs slightly hanging past his bottom lip.

He looked at them all with a glare.

"No one will punish her, hurt her or bring her to justice but me. She is my mate who has my kits..." He looked them all over again, his eyes landing on Lightningstrike. "...not yours."

Lightningstrike avoided his gaze, looking down on the ground. Yelloweclipse growled lowly. Her son, her runt in her beautiful litter, her strongest kit who fought his way to the top, made his father and brother and all clans even his own fear him for his power and voice, who claimed the deputy position with iron claws, did not scare her. He was her kit. She was not afraid of him. She would never be afraid of him! He must, no, will respect her!

She ran up to him until they were nose to nose and bared her fangs, snarling at him. "Have you no shame? Do you not know that she has to be punished by the whole of our clan to attain true justice? Or do you simply choose to ignore what she did? To let her dishonor our clan as much as she pleases? Do you, Whitethunder, deputy of Moonclan, want the other clans to know that we cannot manage our own run away warriors, to think us weak with the mind of birds and the heart of kittypets?!" She narrowed her eyes, her sun soaked fur bristled with rage.

Whitethunder narrowed his eyes, his pelt bristling and his claws digging in the ground. Who did she think she was? This she cat, his mother, really was that mouse brained? That fox hearted? Did he not know that his mate could still be considered innocent, and probably is innocent. Did she not know that he was in a higher position than her, that speaking to him in such away could make her loose her respect as a warrior? 'But she betrayed me, us. There's no way she can be innocent.'

He forced his fur to lie flatten, forced his self to look calm. Both yellow pair of eyes glared at each other, one of rage, disgust and offense, the other in rage, sadness and desperation.

Whitethunder raised his head higher and glared down at her. "You dare talk to me in such a way and question my position as deputy? You dare raise your fur and bare your fangs at your superior, Yelloweclipse? I am your second in command leader, and you will respect me and the decisions I make as deputy or," he tilted his head "do you want to be marked as father did. Do you want to be marked as Whitemoon has been marked, mother?"

Both Yelloweclipse and Lightningstrike turned to Whitemoon, who lowered and turn his head in shame. Over his left eye laid four pink claw marks where the fur had been ripped away. The mark not only displayed who did it to him and and for what reason, but lowered his respect as a warrior for not only his clan, but for all clans to see. It showed a sign of humiliation. Many cat were surprised that he wasn't blind in that eye, or better yet, dead. Who threatened a deputy's mate and lived? It was by law that any cat that disrespected the clan deputy or clan leader or threatened them in anyway were to be marked. No if, and or buts.

Yelloweclipse scoffed and walked away, her tail lowered and slightly tucked in submission. Her son or not, she still had to respect the rules. "No. I don't."

Whitethunder flicked his tail. "Good. I don't want to hear anything from any of you about this anymore, do I make myself clear?" All cat nodded.

Whitethunder turn and walked away to the bush, sniffing it over. Yelloweclipse walked a little ways away and stopped, pawing the ground. The ground was softer than usual, as though it had been dug up. With a small yowl she started digging. Lightningstrike ran over and helped her. Whitethunder watched them while Whitemoon looked around blue eyes alert and sceptical. He turned back to stare at them as Yelloweclipse started chuckling. "It appears your highness, that your kits are dead."

Whitethunder's eyes widened before they glazed over in pure rage and he pounced on her, letting out a battle yowl. He latched on to the scruff of her neck and threw her some feet away. Yelloweclipse landing with a loud thud. Before she could regain herself he had already pounced on her again, one of his hind paws on her tail and his large front paw on her throat, his claws just starting to dig underneath the fur of her neck. He glared down at her with cold, death promising yellow eyes.

"You dare wish death upon my kits?! Do you want me to kill you, mother?" he said in a low, bone chilling voice. Yelloweclipse shook her head eyes wide in fear. Now it was time to be afraid of him. She struggled and whimpered as he started to dig his claws into her throat.

Just when blood started to mar her yellow coat Whitemoon yowled for him to stop. "She tells the truth Whitethunder! Don't kill her! Let her go!"

WhiteThunder stopped and turned his glare over to Whitemoon. Whitemoon lowered his head staring down at the hole, his ears drooped and his tail tucked. Whitethunder removed his paw and walked over to the hole, walking past a running Lightningstrike who nursed his mothers wound. Yelloweclipse shooed her son away and pawed her neck, giving a sigh of relief. Lightningstrike hissed at her. "Do you want him to end you?! That was a stupid thing to say!"

"I was telling his his kits were dead!" she defended. Lightning Strike cuffed he over the ear like she was a kit.

"You had a stupid way of saying it!" He walked away from her standing some feet away from Whitethunder. Yelloweclipse followed him soon after, making sure to keep her distance from her enraged ready to kill son.

Whitethunder glared at Whitemoon. "Do you wish to take her place Whitemoon? Do you both want to die?" He flexed his claws and bared his fangs.

Whitemoon raised his head bravely and looked into Whitethunder's eyes. "No, she speaks...part, of the truth. Not all of your kits are dead. The red fur on the bush had some pink fur in it and the small paw prints that trailed with the larger paw prints over there," he pointer his tail straight and slightly to the left of them "shows that she took a kit with her, but the other two kit are dead. She buried them here."

He backed away as Whitethunder walked closer and peered into the hole. Two kits, one that would have been cream colored and another that would have been red, if you could get past the dirt, laid in in a comfortable position around each other. They looked as though they were sleeping, which indicated how carefully his mate at placed them in the hole.

Yelloweclipse, Lightningstrike and Whitemoon crouched around the hole close together, leaving all the room Whitethunder needed. Whitethunder sat and curled his long, fluffy tail around his paws. He tilted his head back and and let out a sad, angry yowl. A yowl that would reach deep down and break the heart of any creature listening. The others touched their nose to the edge of the hole and mourned quietly, let their soft mews join their mourning leaders. Two kit of their family has joined their ancestors.


Miles away under a comfortable bush laid two cats, a red fluffy she cat and a small pink she kit half her size. The both females perked their ears. The she cat looked up at the sky. So her mate had found their unborn dead kits. She pulled her head back and joined him in his mournful yowls, wrapping her fluffy tail around her kit.

The kit looked up at her mother with large sharp green orbs. She was mourning, she knew it. She knew about fighting, defending, running, hunting, and other things her mother had taught her and was still teaching her, so she knew about mourning. It meant the passing of a loved one right? What she didn't know was who and why it made her so sad. It made her feel as though she had lost two pieces of herself.

Her mother always told her to act on instinct, so that's what she did. She tilted her little head back, opened her little mouth and yowled with them. She yowled until her throat hurt and then she curled up in her mothers tail and fell asleep, dreaming of two kits who called themselves her siblings.

The she cat looked down at her kit. Her only kit. The only one that survived. She laid down beside her kit, curling around her. The kits nuzzled her and purred and the she cat purred back. She would keep training her kit, her little Sakura Blossom. She would protect her and get her to this safe place she dreamed of, where there were other cats that would protect her, cats that stood behind a bramble bush that glowed, glowed as though it was a star. She would make sure that her kit would get there safely, she was willing to put her life on the line for it. She curled tighter around her kit. She will not let her kit fall in the paws of those monsters chasing them. Never.

(Review! X3)