Disclaimer: I do not own StarTrek. I also have no claim on any pop culture references that I may use throughout my writings. I only own my OCs. Enjoy the read.


"It's a girl!" The nurse said excitedly as she began to cradle the tiny baby in her arms. The nurse lifted the screaming child up for the parents to see.

The couple looked at each other, the woman with a smile on her face and the man looking conflicted.

"Are you sure?" The man asked the nurse with every ounce of sincerity.

The nurse drew back having not been prepared for that kind of question. The nurse looked down at the child in her arms. She nodded. "Yes, sir. It's a girl."

"She's crying." The mother pointed out. "Why is she crying? None of my other girls cried." The mother was concerned. "Why is she? Is she okay?"

"Your baby is fine, Mrs. Cooper." The nurse assured. "She's perfect, in fact." The nurse smiled, handing the child off to another nurse to get the baby cleaned. "A natural childbirth is different from those that we would normally practice today. Your baby is perfectly healthy."

Mrs. Cooper sighed in relief.

Mr. Cooper looked at the nurse. "Are you one hundred percent sure that it's a girl?" He asked. "I was sure this one was a boy. I could feel it," the man insisted.

The nurse tried hard not to roll her eyes. "Sir, I have been practicing medicine for almost twenty-five years. Even still, you don't need a degree to determine a human female from a human male."

The man simply nodded, utterly defeated.

"Thomas, please don't do this." Mrs. Cooper begged. "We're blessed. Four girls. Four healthy, happy children."

Thomas looked to his wife.

"Please be okay with it." Mrs. Cooper scoffed a laugh. "I don't want to do this again."

"It was supposed to be a boy." The man whined.

Mrs. Cooper shook her head, leaning back down onto her pillow, tired out.

A nurse came back into the room holding the little, pink bundle. "Mr. Cooper?" the nurse questioned, gaining his attention. "Would you like to hold your daughter?" The nurse walked towards him, carefully passing the baby over to the taller man.

Mr. Cooper held his new baby girl in his arms, keeping her close and looking down on her. In the child, Thomas saw himself. Her head, though mostly bald had a small bit of light hair. Their other children had all been born with their mother's dark and curly mop.

After recognizing something in the child in his arms, Mr. Cooper was taken with the little girl. He loved all of his children, but he knew that he'd find his youngest daughter to be his unmentioned favorite.

"She's beautiful," Thomas said, turning to his wife. "Cadence, what about a name? Can we name her after me?"

Mrs. Cooper laughed once, weakly shaking her head. "I'm not having a daughter named Thomas."

"Just a middle name. We'll name her after my mother." Thomas moved closer to his wife to show her the baby. "We'll call her Reagan."

"Reagan Thomas Cooper?" Cadence asked, saying the name aloud. She took the baby from her husband, staring at her face for a moment. "I think she looks like a Reagan. It's perfect."