A/N: Here is the last chapter of Lost and Gone. I honestly didn't think that the first small paragraph would grow into this. I am still working on Reunion, Untitled, and Letters. I also have a few more ideas up my sleeve. I am just taking my time. Please R&R.

A big thank you to all of you who read this story.

Disclaimer: Not mine.

These types of days were always hard. They were reminders of what she had lost. She still had her beautiful, smart sons, who had grown in to amazing young men. She couldn't have been prouder of them. It is days like these that she wishes that she still had Danny around to see their sons grow.

She still can't believe that her husband, her Danny, had been gone for five years. Linda still catches herself about to ask Danny even five years later. She is beyond grateful that Danny's family continued to be her family. When she thought of dating again, she asked his family for permission. It never seemed right however to move on. She was always going to always love Danny, for he was her soulmate and still loved him to this day.

Linda was snapped out of her reverie by the buzzing of her phone. Ever since Danny was killed Frank and she communicated more than when he was alive. But then again his entire family had kept good contact with Linda. So it didn't surprise her to see that Frank had texted her, however it was the subject of the text that surprised her.

'Just got news…Danny may be alive."

Short, sweet and shook her to the core. Linda had to re-read it about twenty times. She didn't want to get her hopes up, in the case that it was false. She heard Sean yelling at her, that they were going to be late. As she looked at the clock she realized that they already were late.

"I'm coming, was just reading a text from your grandfather," Linda explained trying to hide the shock she was feeling. The news that had her reeling.


On the way to the cemetery, Linda tried her best to keep herself calm and hide what she knew from her son. She usually never kept anything from her two boys; there were very few secrets between the three. She vaguely remembers telling Sean to go ahead and make his way down to the family. She re-reads the text, over and over again. What was she supposed to make of it? If it was true how would she react?

Taking a deep breath, she slowly climbed out of the car, noticing that they were the last ones there. She made note to talk to Frank as soon as they are done. She is trying her best to stay calm and collected. She heard her three year old niece and nephew babbling away. She was so grateful that those children came along when they did. Ainsley, Grace and Daniel had helped the family heals in more ways than one.

As she got closer she saw her oldest son holding Daniel and smiled at the little boy, he was starting to become a mini Danny, a mini version of his namesake. However she noticed the tear tracks on his face, she started to ask what was wrong when she saw who was holding her youngest.

It was true, Danny, her Danny was alive.

"Danny?" She asked in surprise. As he looked at her, she could tell that the love and adoration that they had always held for each other was still there.

"Linda? My god," Danny couldn't believe it. She was still here. And she was still the most beautiful women he had ever seen. Over the five years that he was gone, he still loved Linda with all of his heart.

"Its…its… are you really here?" She asked as if to make sure this wasn't a dream. She was greeted with a nod, knowing that was all Danny could answer with. She noticed the tears that were threatening to fall and inched closer to her husband. Was he still her husband?

"Five years, five years Danny. You've been gone for five years, I barely survived that. And now, now you're back. Do you just expect me to take you back and…." She found herself yelling at him in anger and shock. She always thought when he came home that she would be excited and ready to make a life with him again.

"I know and I am so sorry for that. I want you to be happy. That's all I've ever wanted for you. Even if you hadn't agreed to marry me, I just wanted you to be happy. If you," Danny began but choked up at the thought of not being with Linda anymore. "If you don't want me to come home, I completely understand that. Five years is a long time. I want you to know that I will always love you," he finished in a whisper. He could hear the soft sobs coming from his family and he himself was trying to stay composed. However all he saw was his beloved Linda, trying to hold it together.

"Danny, it has always been you. And it will always be you," Linda began, "Yes five years is a long time, but I want you home. I need you to come home. "

All she could do was weep into her husband's arms. After five years, Danny was home and they could all breathe and put the pieces back together.