A/N: This story starts off as a session between Dr. Haji *Haji from Blood+, but as a Psychologist and Maka. At the beginning of every chapter, there will be a session. There is a flashback in every chapter as well, but not as long as this one.
Italics = flashback
Bold = reoccurring thought
*I don't own Soul Eater or Blood+*
"Hi, are you Dr. Haji?"
"Yes, I am. And you must be Maka Albarn?"
"Yeah that's me."
"Alright Ms. Albarn, please have a seat and we may get started whenever you wish."
*sigh* "Okay..."
Maka sat down on the large leather sofa across from a very tall, thin man with long black hair. His suit was just as dark as his eyes, and his pale skin contrasted his whole appearance. Talking about her feelings was something she always wondered about, maybe it would be easier than telling someone who already knows everything about you. Dr. Haji was the type of person you wouldn't really find yourself crying to, but he was getting paid to be here so he had to listen anyways. She sat there dwelling on her thoughts, not realizing Dr. Haji was sitting across from her, silently watching.
"Hmm? Oh, right. Well... I don't think I have any actual problems. I guess I don't someone to talk to. Being a teenage girl isn't exactly the easiest thing in the world, even though there are so many harder obstacles than high school and hormones. I can get through all the stuff that's going on around me. My parents had a brutal divorce that lasted the past year. I knew since I was little that it wasn't working between them anyways. Also, being pushed around by some of the upperclassmen in my school has become something I am accustomed to, so coming here is kind of pointless."
"Hmm. I read in your file that you were recommended by a boy 2 years older than you? He has also agreed to pay for all of your appointments here. Why don't you tell me about him, Maka."
"... Umm. His name is Soul. He's a Senior."
"How did you two meet?"
"Please tell me more about him."
"Is there a reason why you wish to not talk about Soul?"
"No, I just... want to go home."
"Hmm okay fine. As you wish. Let's talk some more next week."
Dr. Haji stood from his seat and grabbed Maka's jacket off the hook by the door. She stood as well and walked across his office to take her jacket. No words were spoken except for the thanks Maka received when she left. 'That was so weird', she thought to herself. 'We didn't even talk about anything. I wasn't even in there for 5 minutes and now I have to go back next week... Ugh...'. She walked out of the office building and onto the busy streets of Death City. Her house was a good 20 minute walk, but she liked the beautiful Spring weather. The grass was finally green again and the Sun was shining through the clouds. A small breeze was lingering through the air, flicking her dirty blonde hair around and across her face. As she walked, Maka started thinking about their small chat again. The small chat about the one boy she didn't want to be thinking of.
'How did you two meet?'
~The school halls were almost completely empty. The bell had just rung and she was already late to class. Maka didn't care, though. She was Mr. Stein's favorite student, and she was only ever really late because she would lose track of time in the Library, during her Independent Study block. Stein knew that and always let it slide.
She walked quietly with both earphones in, blasting the most recent album from The Strokes. 'Ugh Julian Casablancas, marry me.' Maka sighed as she looked down at the album cover for "Comedown Machine". When she looked back up, her face met the fist of a girl a year older than her. She fell to the ground and landed on her back. 'Not again...' she thought in horror. Three upperclassmen stood over her, giving a nasty look and kicking her bag away from her, then watched the other two girls tear it apart. The girl that punched her remained in her spot above Maka.
"Maka, what the fuck do you think you're doing, getting in my way? Get out, dumbitch." said the tall, pretty Arachne. She was a Junior, and one of the 'hottest' girls in the school. She was known for her good looks and her crazy, Project X house parties. Of course, Maka was never invited. Not that she gave a shit.
"I'm sorry, I didn't know you had the right to call me a dumb bitch. Last time I checked, my GPA was higher than yours, and I'm a full year below you."
Arachne scowled at Maka's clever remark, but returned hers with one just as snooty, "I may have the lower GPA, but it's only because I don't actually need good grades to get into the college of my dreams. I have the money and the looks to get anywhere I want in life, and all you will ever have is your books. You're also right that I am older than you, so you should listen to what I tell you. This is my school after all." When she said that, her foot went right into the side of Maka's right leg. She held back a loud cry, knowing that if she screamed, Arachne would kick her even harder.
The two other girls, Medusa and Eruka, were still rummaging through Maka's bag in hopes they would find money or something juicy to share with the rest of the school. To Maka's dismay, they found both. Eruka snatched Maka's wallet out of the bag and pulled out $150 cash. She gazed at it for a few seconds until Medusa grabbed her arm to get her attention. She held up a notebook full of different songs and poems Maka had written. All her sheet music was stuffed in between the pages, but some fell out when Medusa opened the front cover. Eruka got up and walked over to Arachne, showing her the cash. Arachne was surprised to see Maka carrying so much money on her. She should be smarter than to carry that much around in school.
"Hey stupid girl, where'd you get this much dough?" Arachne inquired, nudging Maka's side with her foot.
"That's none of our business," Maka said in pain, "why would I tell you?"
"Because I'm going to take it either way, so you might as well. I also want something funny to tell my friends about at lunch. Not that you would know what having friends is like."
"Please go away."
"Okay. Be selfish. I'm just going to make something up then."
Medusa walked over to Arachne and showed her the notebook with the music inside. Maka's heart sunk as they ripped up the sheet music and folded up some others. They placed the folded papers in their purses, prepared to show their other friends what 'stupid shit' Maka Albarn has been up to. Medusa took the notebook from Arachne so she could kick and punch Maka some more before they would head to lunch.
"Hey guys." said an unknown voice from behind the three bullies. Maka didn't know who it was, but he sounded older.
"Oh hey Soul," Maka could hear Arachne speak with a cute yet sexy tone in her voice, "what's up?" The three girls stood side by side, blocking his view of Maka.
"Nothin' much. Just roaming the halls. What are you guys doing in the hallway? And what's with all the shredded papers?" he innocently pointed to all of Maka's shredded sheet music, scattered about the floor surrounding them.
"I thought cool guys don't ask too many questions," said Medusa with a flirtatious tone, "shouldn't you be in class?"
Soul looked behind the three girls to see what they were blocking him from seeing. He caught a glimpse of ash blonde hair and a tear-stained face with a black eye. He had seen that girl a few times before when he would go to the Library to use one of the computers. He always thought she was too quiet, like she had something to hide. He wanted to know what, but he never approached her because she looked so cute when she was deep in thought. When he saw her like this, he knew this situation wasn't cool at all. He needed to play it off cool, though. But how? He didn't like these three girls, but they seemed to fawn over him and he knew it. 'How ratchet can you get?' he thought to himself, as he looked at the three girls with a grin.
"Well actually I was looking for this girl of mine. Maybe you guys have seen her?"
Throughout the duration of the conversation, Maka was listening while lying limp on the ground. She knew Soul. Soul Evans. He was the most popular Senior in Death High and although she hated to admit it, he was pretty attractive. He had the whole cool, bad boy persona, but she always liked to think that it was all a facade. Maybe he was really intelligent and sensitive and kind-hearted.
The three looked heartbroken, knowing they would strike out with the hot, ghost-haired upperclassmen. "No, what's her name again?" Arachne asked, trying to sound knowledgeable of Soul's made up relationship.
Just like the three bitches that were beating her senseless, moments ago, Maka was also surprised to hear that the most popular bad boy in school 'had a girl'. That was normally something everybody in school knew about, whether they cared or not.
"Come on, don't tell me you don't know her name. That's lame, you guys. She's so hard to miss. You'll have to guess."
"What does she look like?"
"She's absolutely gorgeous." Soul stated with confidence, "She's really smart and although she doesn't know it, a lot of people are actually jealous of how beautiful she really is. Her long legs are so killer. She doesn't like talking much, but when she does, she speaks like an angel."
Eruka, Arachne, and Medusa all sighed, thinking that he was referring to each of them. Arachne blushed and walked closer to Soul, whispering into his ear. At that point, he could clearly see Maka laying on the ground in a pretty red sundress. Her hair was covering her face but he knew what she was hiding. She slowly stood up and picked up her torn backpack, placing the shredded papers inside. All her movements were silent and slow, but effortless. The way she moved seemed to amaze Soul. He had never seen her wear such a girly outfit before. 'What was the special occasion?' he wondered.
Soul had forgotten Arachne was close to him until she pulled away and looked at him with a grin. She looked like suchabitch, standing in front of him, thinking he was too stupid to see the beaten girl behind them.
"What?" Soul asked with a bored tone.
"I said yes." Arachne replied with an even sexier grin and a wink.
"Wait what are you talking about?" he reminded himself of the situation at hand. 'Ohhh right. They think I'm talking about them. Haha eww.' he laughed at himself internally before walking around the three girls to grab Maka's hand. By that point, Maka had already been walking down the hall, trying to hide a limp in her right leg. She was so late to class.
"Oh wait hey babe, there you are." Soul said nonchalantly, as he pulled Maka into a tight hug from behind. He knew she was going to be confused as fuck, so he bent down and whispered in her ear, "Play along for a sec, okay? I'll get you out of this." He kissed her cheek and turned around to face the three baffled girls in front of him. They had forgotten all about Maka and her money until now. He loved the stupid looks on their faces.
"Thanks for helping me find her, you guys. See ya. Oh by the way, you might want to pick up all that shit you guys left on the ground." he pointed to the paper shreds and remnants of Maka's backpack. He walked back over to Maka and held her hand, walking her down the hallway. She had kept her head down the whole time.
When they rounded the corner, Maka ripped her hand away from Soul's and took off into the girl's locker room, conveniently next to where they were standing. She ran in and pulled apart the already torn apart backpack, looking for her cover up. Maka needed to be prepared for situations like this since they happened so often. She whipped it out and blobbed it all over the bruises on her cheek and eyelid. Tears were still rushing down her face, she was trying to figure out what had just happened and where the hell Soul came into all of this. Did he really just rescue her in the coolest way possible from the three most popular girls in school? Her thoughts were interrupted by the opening of the locker room door. What was going on?
"Hey what are you doing in here?" she whipped her head around to see Soul standing in front of her. 'WHAT IS HE DOING IN THE GIRL'S LOCKER ROOM?!' she was screaming on the inside. Maka looked away from him and continued to rub cover up on her black and bruised face.
"I should ask you the same thing," she said with a low voice. She kept her head down, "why did you help me out just then?"
"You looked like you were in serious trouble, and cool guys don't leave pretty girls in serious trouble." He stepped closer to her. "Let me see your face."
"Why?" she was surprised he was still standing in here, "I'm just fixing my makeup."
"You don't wear makeup though. Let me help you." he replied as softly as he could.
"Please don't come any closer to me." she whispered, then raised her head so she could see him standing in the reflection of the mirror. Her back was facing him, but he could see the smudged makeup and her puffy red eyes.
"I want to help you." he stepped closer and pulled her towards him. He turned her around and wrapped his arms around her shoulders, putting his hand on the back of her head. She leaned her head onto his chest and quietly cried. He held her tighter. "I'm going to protect you."
"You don't even know who I am." he could barely hear her muffled voice when she spoke into his toned chest.
"But I do. I see you all alone in the Library, deep in your studies, trying to distract yourself from other things. You look so beautiful, but so sad and I want to help you. I've always wanted to help you, but I never could until now." Soul spoke so gently and stroked her hair with his hand, "It seems I've learned so many things about you already... all except your name."
"Maka. It's beautiful."
"Thanks..." she could feel her face heat up, and even more so when she realized she was still standing in his arms.. She quickly pulled away and grabbed her backpack. Maka headed for the door, but felt his hand grab her wrist.
"Where are you going?" Soul asked, confused.
"I'm so late to class already. I have to go now... thank you." She slowly pulled herself away from him and opened to locker room door.
"Let me walk you to class..."
As they walked down the hallway, side by side, Soul thought long and hard about what he had just done. He was so proud of himself. 'Cool guy:1, Nasty Bitches:0'. He grinned and continued walking until he realized Maka had stopped a few feet back. She was about to walk into her class when Soul grabbed onto her for the third time. "Maka."
"Let's be friends."
"Okay. Goodbye, Soul."
"Bye Maka."~
Maka let out a sigh as she walked up the steps to her house. Learning to forget about the boy that she would forever be connected to was never going to happen. No one would understand them...