Sorry for the delay, but here we are, the final chapter! Thank you to those who have stuck around for the finish and I am glad so many enjoyed the story. Despite the debate about Lauren/Alex, it really has been a story about everlasting love and it seems most of you embraced that. Who knows what the LG writers have in store for Lauren, but I think I have pretty much covered all three possibilities for her and Bo together. I may do an epilogue and I have had requests for an epilogue to "Were Eternity Possible" so I may do that, too.

A VERY SPECIAL SHOUT OUT: to LadyRocks, my Beta on this story, for helping me expand my writing ability, staying true to the characters and keeping me in check and to Sydney563 for helping me tweak a few of my ideas on this final chapter. Be sure to check out both of these writers, they are awesome!

Thank you again for read/review/follow and I look forward to hearing what you all think of the ending.

Chapter 9

It's only been a week since Alex had the dissapointing conversation with her grandmother, but it feels like much longer. Since that day, she has buried herself in her work, afraid to let herself alone with Bo while she sorts out her feelings. Having spoken with a few past life people who, in her professional opinion, are a bit off their rocker since they all claim to have been someone famous, Alex plans to look into the name of the condition where one is lacking in your present life, so you feel fullfilled imaging your importance in a past life. Not that she is really lacking for anything in the present, having had numerous dream opportunities and a wonderful family. She is and has been mostly happy, living out all of her dreams and goals, with just this one nagging issue, named Queen Ysabeau.

The woman feels a little ashamed at having been so cold recently toward the Queen. Locked inside her mind rather than listening to her heart is a familiar and comfortable pattern for her. She is certain that Bo is feeling her distance, since they seem to have a connection already. Bo is probably worrying about her, or worse, thinking it is her fault. Knowing that she owes Bo and explanaton, she intends to take this whole matter into her own hands later tonight. Now, if only she knew what to say.


Looking for a little relaxation on a Sunday afternoon, Bo decides to go for a walk through the downtown shops. Passing the window of a cute little boutique, a red leather vest catches her eye so she immediately enters the store. Ringing the bell for service, Bo hears a girl yell out from the back of the shop, "Hang on there chicka, be right out!"

She hasn't heard anyone use slang in years, having spent most of her time with stuffy politicians, and it immediately reminds her of Kenzi. When the red head with pink highlights dressed in long black leggings and a flame red skirt and black top comes out from the back, Bo is immediately struck by her intense green eyes.

The girl gives her one look, furrows her brow and puts her hands on her hips. "Whoa! You are one bodacious looking chick, but those clothes" the girl waves her finger in a circle all over Bo "are so last century. Good thing you got me" she smiles brightly and motions for Bo to follow.

The brunette looks down at her black tank top, tight black jeans and high lace up boots in question before giving a shrug and following obediently. Her smile reaches her eyes, remembering how good it was to have normal friends, but it saddens her to realize that she hasn't had that in a really long time. Reminiscing, Bo nearly runs over the red head who is quickly fishing through clothes on the rack while mumbling to herself and holding things up to Bo's frame to compare.

"You know, I was really just interested in the red leather vest in the window" Bo says, not knowing if the girl is even listening as she continues rumaging.

"Ah...leather, of course. I've got just the thing. Come, come," she skips to the far back as Bo continues to follow along.

Wading through some boxes of new arrivals, the girl pulls out a black leather vest with royal purple etching around the borders and a tapered waist.

"Wow" Bo exclaims as she put it on. Looking at herself in the mirror, she is impressed. It really is beautiful. Tough yet feminine and chic.

"Now we hook you up with the latest jeans and boots, combined with this vintage top and BAM! The world is yours." The red head claps her hands together in excitement before grabbing several other items.

She seems to know just what size the brunette is, and Bo can't help but smile as the girl obviously loves her job. Apparently this shop girl doesn't recognize her or she would know that the world is already hers, but she definitely couldn't deny the girl's style choices.

"Do you own this store" Bo asks curiously, looking around the little shop while the girl rings up her purchase.

"I wish. I manage it though. I order the clothes and handle most of the clientel. The world appreciates my awesome stylings" she winks.

"Indeed" Bo smiles wide. "Listen, I could use someone like you. What if I doubled your salary and you were in charge of not only my wardrobe, but a few other little things as well." Suddenly excited about the possibility of having someone with some spunk back in her life, Bo can't hide her enthusiasm as she quickly searches for her card.

"Hmm...who are you" the girl perches her elbow on the counter and taps her chin as she looks Bo up and down with narrow eyes. "How do I know you're not some weirdo zombie robot come to hack off my head?"

Bo rolls her eyes with a laugh. "You don't, but I can promise you protection from any future zombie apocalypses."

This peaked the shop girl's interest as she drums her fingers on the counter, obviously weighing her options and looking Bo from top to bottom.

Knowing that she was on her way to winning the red head over, Bo goes for the kill. "Tell you what, I will take the clothes and leave you my contact card. You call me when you decide. I wouldn't take too, long. You never know when zombie robots will pop up" she winks.

Laughing along with Bo, the girl's eyes widen when the Queen pays with an American Express Black card. Leaving her a cash tip with her contact information, it only takes a second after Bo leaves for the girl to read "Queen Ysabeau."

"Holy shit" she says aloud and goes running outside after her.

She yells out to Bo, who was nearly in her car, "I can start tomorrow."

Bo turns and smiles victoriously, "Meet me at nine in the morning."

The girl scunches her face, obviously not liking the sound of that. "I am really more of an afternoon girl."

"Just like Kenzi" Bo thinks as she considers how much work they will really get done when they are in the same room together. She is definitely going to have to get a game system, because she foresees many hours of zombie killing ahead of them.

"Fine" the Queen chuckles, "Meet me at eleven and we will have brunch at my office. You like pancakes?" Bo smiles, glad to have stolen the charismatic girl away and excited to have someone new and not so uptight in her life.

"Duh! Who doesn't? This is sweet!" Throwing a fist pump, she turns back to the shop with huge smile on her face thinking of all the amazing fashion designs should will get to play with for the Queen.

"Wait! What is your name so I can tell the guards?"

"Gabby O'Houlihan at your service your Queenliness!" The red head does a mock curtsy and skips back into the boutique leaving Bo chuckling at her quirkiness.


The Dal

"Hey Trick! What's shakin?"

He looks at her curiously, "Nothing?" It came out as more of a question. He hasn't heard Bo talk like that in forever. "What's shaking with you?"

"Oh, I just went shopping. I really haven't done that in years...actually as the girl informed me, decades" she laughs. "She reminded me so much of Kenzi that I hired her to work for me."

The old man frowns at her, "Bo you can't just go hiring whoever you want. You have to be careful of who you surround yourself with."

"Of course I can Trick. I am the Queen. Look, there has been no "big bad" for a while and I know there will be a time when one reappears so until then, I need to start living again. I am going to make friend's, travel shop and you know what? Tonight I may order a pizza. Haven't done that in a while either."

The answer didn't do much to relieve her grandfather's worries. "Why the sudden change in mood? I mean, I am happy for you and all, just curious. You know I worry about you."

Sighing Bo props herself up on the edge of the bar, "I know you do, and I wish you wouldn't. I am fine. Better than I have been in a long time."

"Is this about Alexandra?" Trick can't help but notice the subtle changes in Bo's behavior since she has become enamored with the woman. She is strikingly beautiful, highly intelligent and bears a great resemblence to Lauren in many ways, but his grandaughter has just seemingly thrown herself blindly into some fantasized idea and he is concerned.

"Partly. Meeting her showed me that I can love again and that I have not been enjoying life. Gods knows I have alot of years ahead of me and it's time I start doing something with them."

Deep down Bo knows that Alex is the whole reason she feels like living again. She only hopes that they can navigate through this mess soon and start enjoying a life together. All the Queen has ever wanted is a happy life with her soul mate, but it has been a frustrating road. She sees Trick staring at her doubtingly.

"I know what you are thinking, and you Fae and all of your curses and weird shit. It's okay to be happy ya know. That's the problem with all of the Elders, they are always looking at prophecies and such. Haven't I already proven that I will choose light over dark. Those I care about over rules and laws. That I can and will overcome all of the old Fae ideas?"

He nods. "Yes, you certainly have, Ysabeau."

"Then be happy for me Trick. I am sure I have found my soul mate and she is all that I will ever crave. Nothing is more powerful to me than her essence. Those are words from one of your books."

The tiny man comes around the bar and takes her hand. "Ysabeau, I know I seem like a silly old man with far fetched ideas and fears, but all that I ever want is for you to be safe and happy."

"Thank you, Trick. That is all I want, too" she smiles softly at her grandfather, "Now how about a beer?"


It takes a while for Bo to settle down upon arriving back home as her thoughts constantly drift back to Alexandra. She has the lingering feeling that something is wrong with her as the woman has been somewhat standoffish lately and it seems as though they are drifting apart rather than growing closer. Despite her efforts, Alex has not hinted at anything in particular, but Bo is sure their relationship is a factor. The last two months have been challenging to say the least. Trying to contain her succubus while courting Alex is one of the hardest things she has ever done and she is thankful that she has mastered her desires over the years. Bo knows she is not alone in this after seeing the other woman struggle, as well.

She can't help but wonder why her relationships always have to be so damn hard. Her first relationship, Kyle, ended tragically. Dyson, wasn't particularly smooth sailing. Lambert was alright, but it was really just for fun. Lauren? Well, that was all kinds of drama, but in the end it was all worth it. Now, with Alex, she hopes it will also be worth it, because deep down it really feels right.

Hearing an unexpected knock on her door, Bo groans and glances at her clock. She can't believe it's one in the morning, as she has been reviewing paperwork all evening to take her mind off of the woman. Bo cautiously heads toward the door, grabbing her knife from the nightstand. It's not like anyone wishing her harm would warn her of their presence, with her power that would be beyond foolish, still, she never gets late night visits unless it's something bad.

Fearing the worst, she peeks through the hole and blows out a deep breath of relief seeing Alexandra at her doorstep. She hides the knife in the desk drawer and pauses to fix herself in the mirror.

Bo is relieved to see the woman after the thoughts that have been running through her head all evening. Their predicament is certainly unique and they are both doing their best to navigate the relationship, but the Queen's resolve has been hanging on by a thread when in the company of Alex. Her succubus wants nothing more than to have her soul mate and she can tell by Alex's aura that she is fighting the urge, too. Maybe it would be best to just let it happen already.

"Alex? Are you alright?" The heartfelt concern in her voice as she opens the door makes the tears hard to hold back as the woman enters the Queen's place slowly, her arms wrapping around herself in comfort.

"No, Bo. I'm not alright" Alex states coldly, her eyes cast down as she paces around the living room.

Bo shudders at the tone. Could there be something else going on that she missed? Has she been too caught up in her own feelings again to notice what is going on in someone she cares about? She certainly hopes that it is not the case. "Okay. Talk to me. Let me help you" she pleads softly.

"You know that I have had these dreams, visions, or whatever for my whole life" Alex talks seemingly to herself, hands moving in the air to help her thought process, "They all revolve around you somehow. Since we have met, this pull I have to is unearthly. I can't describe it. It's almost painful be near you and not have you."

Bo flinches at the thought of this relationship is somehow causing her lover pain in any way. Seems like she is always a conduit for heartache when all she wants is a normal life. She did give up the dream of a quiet life in the suburbs, but never the one of kids and a home with someone she loves.

All the while, Alex continues to ramble, "It's also unbelievably comforting and feels so good when I am with you. A double edged sword" the woman laughs at the awkwardness of their situation, but Bo doesn't seem to find the humor as she looks on in confusion.

"Then again, being apart hurts more." Following a brief pause Alex continues, "You see, I have been looking everywhere for answers. Books, files, research, interviewing people, past lives, voodoo, with no clear answer as to why this has been plaguing me."

Bo can't help but worry if Alex really feels like its a curse or a plague and wonders why it's always so hard for someone to be with her.

"When really I think I just need to look inside myself. Trust what my voices are telling me." The dark haired woman stops right in front of Bo, flustered and out of breath, she stares blankly at the brunette. All this running around looking for answers and avoiding the one thing she has always wanted most, to give herself fully to the Queen. To Bo. Her Bo.

Bo continues to stare at Alex, her brow furrowed, trying to figure out where the woman is headed with this and if she is supposed to say something here, because if so, she is at a loss for words, especially since she missed part of it when she was caught up in her own thoughts. One thing she does know is that Alex's usual bright aura just became blinding. It's unlike anything she has ever seen, causing her eyes to flash blue for a moment before returning to their normal brown.

Alex remains fixed in front of her with a lost expression, biting her lip and remaining silent as if contemplating something. She slowly closes the space between them, placing a hand on each side of Bo's face and gently presses their lips together. She pulls back slightly, keeping her hands in place as she watches Bo's eyes flutter open.

Alex still looks unsure of what her next move is and Bo treads cautiously knowing what she would like to see happen, but still being respectful of the other woman's fragile state. Her eyes moving from Bo's soulfull, brown orbs down to her lips, she leans in once again, this time however, the kiss is a little less innocent, sucking gently on the brunette's bottom lip and sliding her body up against Bo's. Both women moan with the contact and Bo feels her desire quickly rising.

Alex runs her hands up the back of the brunette's head and tangles through the long brown tresses as Bo lets her arms snake low around her lover's waist, keeping her close. The kisses are slow and sweet, each one taking the time to savor the soft lips of the other. It feels like forever since they kissed like this and Alex is tired of fighting it. She wants to let herself go and finally give herself completely to Bo.

Testing the waters by pushing her hips into Alex's core, the action causes the woman to gasp slightly, but Bo doesn't pull back. Instead Alex pushes her body back into Bo's, forcing the brunette to step back as her knees hit the sofa.

"Alex, I don't know how long I can control myself," Bo whispers, fighting her inner nature as Alex peppers her neck with kisses and runs her hands down the brunette's back, stopping below her firm buttocks and pulling their bodies tightly together. Bo's eyes flash blue again as there is no mistaking what her lover is telling her.

"Then don't. I want you. I want you all over me" she husks lowly, sucking on Bo's earlobe and nibbling on her neck while she starts to undo the brunette's night shirt.

The words hit the succubus full force. Bo can feel herself ready to pouce on a willing prey, yet somehow, the inner monster is mesmerized by the woman before her, almost as if it would rather be the prey for the other blue eyed seductress. Never having had this feeling before, Bo continues to stand in awe as she let's the other woman take control.

Alex slides the fabric off Bo's shoulders, teasing her fingers over creamy skin, making Bo shiver while she takes in the sight for the first time. Bo stands there fixed in place, her eyes blazing bright blue as the dark haired woman has her way with her, running her hands lightly across her collar bones and down around her nipples, leaving a trail of goosebumps on her skin.

Sliding her fingers into the waist band, Alex gently pulls down the sleep shorts to leave the brunette in nothing but her black lace panties breathing heavy with desire. Stepping back to get a full view of her lover, Alex is overcome with emotion upon first glance at the voluptuous form of the woman who has haunted her dreams since she was a child. She licks her lips at the sight of large supple breasts, toned thighs, perfect curves and dimples that make you melt. Her desire to have the woman in front of her has never been stronger.

A seductive smile forming on her lips as she enjoys the effect she is having on the succubus, the dark haired beauty slowly pulls down the straps of her pink colored dress, letting the silk fall to the floor as she is now matches her lover, wearing nothing but light pink lace panties.

The brunette's blue eyes widen as she watches the scene unfold. Alex is breathtakingly beautiful with a long, athletic build, toned arms, strong legs and sculpted abs. The succubus trembles when her lover walks predatorily back to her. The beast inside seems to have been rendered catatonic by her lover and is still content to let the other woman do the pursuing. Their breasts touch and they feel their flesh heat up before Alex pulls Bo into a searing kiss.

Alex knows how a succubus usually responds, so she is absolutely reveling in this moment where she gets to take the lead. She knows it won't last long and she is happy to push Bo's buttons as long as she can.

Alex brushes her nose along the brunette's jawline and whispers, "I need you Bo. I need you to make me yours." She sucks on the brunette's lower lip before sliding her tongue inside, gently exploring Bo's mouth with her own. She can feel the brunette tense before relaxing and suddenly her body is being engulfed by strong arms as the succubus finally responds and she is lifted up and carried to the Queen's bedroom.

Gently placing her lover down on the bed, Bo watches in awe as Alex, eyes sparkling with delight, slides up the bed and opens her legs slightly in invitation.

Bo's inner succubus is now begging for full release, longing to take back what is hers. She straddles her lover, crawling up until their faces meet. She hovers over Alex's flush body, hungry blue eyes scouring the prey, deciding where to begin her conquest. Noticing that there is still one article of clothing keeping them from becoming one, she kisses her way down to her lover's soaked core. Bo can smell her lover's arousal and it makes her moan feeling her own sex ache. Taking the lace in her teeth, she drags the panties down and throws them to the floor. The succubus removes her own quickly, feeling like she may explode if she doesn't possess this woman soon.

Both women stare wantingly into one another's eyes, the realization that this moment they have been anxiously anticipating is finally upon them and they want to savor it. Bo almost took her against the living room wall, her pent up sexual frustration nearly spilling over, but she didn't want their first time to be like some dirty back alley event. She isn't looking for a quick fuck, Bo wants to savor Alex, make love to her. Fighting her nature to consume, she wants to touch and taste every inch of the body below her for hours on end.

One last glance over the woman she is ready to possess, she revels in her lover's body writhing beneath her, aching to be touched. Torturing her no more, Bo let's her tongue pass once through her lover's soaked pink lips.

"Gods Bo, yes" Alex gasps.

That is all the encouragement the succubus needs as she licks and sucks the wet sex of her lover, each moan of passion spurring her deeper and harder.

To Alex's dismay, Bo leaves her burning core, which is oh so close to release she aches for, as she crashes their lips together, tongues dueling as they can't seem to get close enough to one another. Alex whimpers and bucks her hips wildly, trying to make contact and ease the throbbing desire between her legs. The woman let's out a hiss when Bo moves down to bite and tease her erect nipples.

Unable to hold on any longer, Bo slides her fingers deep inside Alex, who loudly voices her approval. Sliding three fingers slow and deep into her lover, the pair thrust in rhythm with their hungry kisses until the succubus gently starts to pull chi from her lover. She has waited, seemingly forever, to taste the delicious essence. Having been teased since the first meeting, the succubus has longed to have that sweet nectar coating her insides like a fine scotch.

Alex feels a tug in her chest and the warmth spread throughout her body, making her want more of everything as the succbus takes small sips at first. Feeling her walls begin to clench, Alex struggles to hold on as long as she can. She places her hand subconsciously over Bo's heart, focusing on pulling out hurt energy that has been consuming the Queen's heart and mind. It's not anything she has done before, but something tells her that she can heal Bo's pain. Her other hand slides down between Bo's legs, feeling how wet she is, she knows she is close too, and begins to tease her hard clit. Bo pulls more of the sweet chi and as they race toward climax together, Bo feels lighter, her mind at ease and the hand on her chest starts to glow.

Both women are lost in the ecsasty. It's like nothing they have ever experienced before. Happiness, light, love and serenity fills them up as a white light suddenly engulfs them both. The pair are frozen in time, with each shared heartbeat revealing another life passing before them as they see the events unfold through the eyes of their former selves.

Bo finds herself looking through the eyes of a blonde woman dressed in attire from ages ago, crying over the body of a young, dark haired man that has been stabbed. While she does not recognize the man, she can feel that it's her soul mate. She is enundated with visions of them happy and in love. Quickly it changes to Bo seeing through the eyes of a dying warrior king on the battle field, a blonde queen holding the body close with tears in her eyes as he dies. Once again there are flashes of them together in happier times. Then she is a royal, dressed to the hilt. Looking into the mirror, she sees herself, but it's not her, she is in another body, with brown hair done up precisely as if preparing for a ball. A pretty red head comes in with a smile, wraps her arms around Bo and places kisses on her neck. Bo smiles, feeling the genuine love between them. More flashes of a long life of the pair together before a treacherous act results in her soul mate's death while trying to protect her lover. Bo feels anger swarm her and visions of much death and destruction before all goes black. Suddenly, she is herself again, but she is looking down at Lauren the first time they made love. She wants to cry, knowing this isn't real, that she can't have Lauren back. A slideshow in her mind of the sacrifices the doctor made for her and the life they shared make her want to sob uncontollably, but she can't as she is suddenly frozen once more, watching as Lauren walks to the bathroom, turning back to flash her beautiful smile before she stops at the mirror in the bedroom.

Meanwhile, Alex is seeing her own lives flash quickly, each accompanied with happy times and a tragic end. There is a blonde woman crying, standing over her and she feels her own tears fall down her face before taking a final breath. Next, she is holding a slain warrior in her arms, comforting him with love as he dies in her arms on the field of battle. Next she is at a royal ball, holding tightly to the brunette woman that she loves dearly as they twirl around the dance floor. The envy of all untl her eyes fall upon a set that flashes deviousness. She loses him in the crowd. All of a sudden they are in the garden, walking in the moonlight when she hears a sound, turning quickly, she jumps in front of her lover as she is stabbed through the chest. She watches as her lover kills the man with just a look, her hands reaching out to no avail to stop her. Her last sight is the royal woman kissing her on the forehead, her eyes black with rage "All shall pay for this" she said as the red head's life slipped away. She feels the heartbreak in her chest before a warmth replaces it. Now, she is looking up at Bo in bed. They are making love and they are happy. She climbs out of bed, the brunette watching her as she heads to the bathroom. She turns to smile at her lover and the bedroom mirror catches her attention.

Bo watches as Lauren walks up and stares deep into the mirror. The reflection looking back is not her own, but instead of confusion, she smiles lovingly at the black haired, blue eyed beauty staring back at her. Bo can only watch in awe as her lover turns to come back to bed, only now, it is Alexandra walking back to her waiting arms.

A sense of relief washes over Alex as memories of Dr. Lauren Lewis's life invade her mind until suddenly, she is herself again, lying under Bo in bed, right now. She can see the blue chi leaving her body and a warm yellow light from Bo entering her own. There is an overwhelming feeling of love that makes her want to cry. Looking up into Bo's eyes, she sees the same feeling reflecting back at her. That same soul that their own continually searches for lifetime after lifetime, and both of them seeing in their lover all that they could ever want or need.

With a flash of light, they are back in the present and find themselves amid most intense release they have ever experienced. Muscles tense, chests heaving and sweat dripping off of them, they scream out one another's names passionately until they collapse in exhaustion together.

Breathless, Bo can utter only one word with a slight laugh, "Epic!"

Alexandra rolls her eyes and laughs, recalling the time that Bo had said that to her in her previous life, she smiles, "Definitely."

Alex rolls them on their sides. Her expression one of relief and happiness. "I have been many people, but I love you Ysabeau and I have always belonged to you" she says, her soft eyes looking deeply into Bo's as she kisses her soul mate deeply once more, refusing to let go of the hold she has on the brunette.

"Well, whoever you are, I know you and I love you!" Bo echoes words from a lifetime ago as she touches their foreheads together. The words are as true now as they were when she first spoke them. Bo's inner Fae recognized her soul mate even when she was human. Their desperate need to reconnect time and again will not be deterred. Now the brunette has to wonder how many times they have had a similar conversation. The thought that this isn't the first, and will probably not be the last time that they take this journey together brings a smile to her lips. An all encompassing feeling of wholeness overtaking her with the memories of all of the lives they have shared and the knowledge that they are together once again.

Bo pulls her head back to take in her soul mate's soft features, committing this moment to memory. Brushing back dark locks from the woman's face, she looks lovingly into bright blue eyes with glowing yellow specs and smiles softly as she cups Alex's cheek. "I am so glad you made it home. This girl has been lost without you."