Chapter 3: Old Friend, New Friend Tribute

"No, no, it's not 'pulawy', Tuna-fish," Iemitsu said slowly, pronouncing every word with clarity and loudness so that his son could understand. He was teaching his son how to speak already so his son wouldn't be teased when his son went to the nursery which would take some years later. "It's 'play', okay? Play!"

"P-p-pu...," Tsuna narrowed his eyes in concentration. "Pay?" He titled his head in wonder and looked expectantly at his father, wanting the man to praise him at his hard work. His big innocent eyes blinked when the blonde sighed in dismay.

"Tuna-fish," Iemitsu wanted to give up. He had been doing this for some time now and his child still hadn't gotten to speak properly. He wondered what went wrong with his teachings. He knew he was no teacher but he never guessed he sucked at teaching anyone—especially his own son.

Nana kept herself from giggling at the sight of her husband and child together. Tsuna had taken Iemitsu well as a father and was rather wanting to play with the man which the woman really was thankful of. Her kid was really energetic for his age and she couldn't take the energy. She was easily draining her energy when playing with the baby.

"Dear," she forced herself to say without the laughter that was threatening to come out. She smiled innocently. "How about you stop trying to teach, Tsu-chan? He just became two years old weeks ago. He'll eventually get it as he grows up," the brunette walked to the young child and patted the spiked hair that was the same shade as her own. "Isn't that right, Tsu-chan?"

"Un!" of course as a baby, Tsuna never really understood about the stuffs asked and simply agreed to them but the way his mother had asked him was the reason he agreed. His mother always patted him when there was a good thing happening so he thought his mother just asked about something good.

"See, Tsu-chan understand me~" Nana cooed and kissed her son's nose, making said baby cry out in happiness. "Aww~ You are such cute child, Tsu-chan! I think you'll get many people to like you~" Strangely the meaning was as if she was waiting for the arrival of MALE suitors. "I can't wait for you to have many friends!"

"Well, of course, he is our child after all," the pride in Iemitsu's voice was very much visible and he grinned at his child though he did have an unusual fear. "But children really grows up fast. It feels like the yesterday, he was just a small crawling to find his mother..."

Nana looked a little sad herself. It was true though. Looking their only son, he seemed to be very different yet still the same as when he was still a baby. Those big brown eyes still carried the same innocent yet for time-to-time, she could see it carrying a hint of orange and suspicion.

He could now stand on his own feet for some time before he fell down, wailing quietly and softly. He was shy towards people as well but the mother could blame that to herself. In the past, she was always hiding and avoiding other people until of course, she gained her own group of friends, including Iemitsu. She was even persuaded to become an idol like she dreamt off by the said friends.

Although, the blonde man seemed to have been annoyed when she gotten lots of suitor due to her occupation.

The brunette giggled to herself, making said blonde raise an eyebrow at her. She looked at her son, knowing full well he wound do great in the future. Call it mother's intuition but she knew from the very start her child would be successful.

Whether he would follow her footsteps or his father's, well, she could just imagine how many people would come to love the child.

"Ah, let's go shopping spree, dear~ I'm calling Hana-chan~"

And by the paling of Iemitsu's face, she let out a little sadistic grin. It's been a while since she went shopping and she just knew her best friend wanted to get back her husband for leaving her to take care of Tsuna.

And what better way than to go shopping spree?

Tsuna let out a cute cry in agreement, making Nana smile at the humor.

Hey, even her son seemed to like the idea~

"NOOOOO! Nana, please don't!"


Truth to be told, Iemitsu was not that oblivious to not see how men look at his wife and it was the main reason he really hated going to social places like malls. He let out a glare that made those men run away and immediately smile at his wonderful wife who never did notice those exchanges.

Hana, on the other hand, knew about them and found it amusing how even adults could get jealous—or be possessive and how the known idiot was glaring seriously that it could make someone pee in fear. It was not like him. But hey, he's in mafia so he picked that up—not that the ex-nurse knew this, of course.

"Darling, what do you think about this?" the blonde man showed a bunny suit for baby and smiled brightly, cooing his small son who was standing by her mother's side and was laughing at the action. "I think this outfit would fit Tuna-fish perfectly!"

Nana's eyes beamed at the suit and leaned towards her husband unconsciously. "Oh, this is perfect, anata~" she said excitedly just imaging how cute it would look on her only son. "Let's buy it!"

Her best friend pitied the child and looked towards the clothing. She bit back her lips, not wanting to question her older friend. The bunny suit was after all found in the female section, not male. She really wanted to tell but the view was currently making her awkward. Where husband and wife really that affectionate? Even in public?

"Oh, Nana-chan? Mitsu?" a muscular voice interrupted the lovey-dovey of the two, which made the young lady thanked Kami to whoever they sent to stop the madness but somehow, she narrowed her eyes instead. That voice sounded annoying familiar to her. She turned around and glared at the familiar black head.

"Hey, long time no see!" Yamamoto Tsuyoshi waved towards them and made way to them with an unknown red-haired woman and child on his side. He stopped at his dear friends, glancing at the small baby on the woman's side. "You two are still together, huh? That's great!" he touched the slightly smaller lady in his side. "I want you guys to meet my wife!"

"Eh so you also got yourself tied down, Yoshi?" Iemitsu teased, whistling at the blushing wife of his friend. "And a catcher to that! But Nana is still number one for me!"

"Ah, anata, stop that!"

Cue the kiss on the cheeks and the brunette to blush at the idiot. Hana wanted to gag. Forget about thanking Kami. She was sure this was the devil's work and she thought she could pay the blonde bastard back at leaving his wife.

Tsuyoshi just laughed at the action while his wife was a little confused. He turned to her who was standing by their now big baby. "Miyo, they're my two best friends in middle and high school, Sawada Iemitsu and Tanaka Nanami and they're always like this," he smiled easily, causing his wife to smile as well.

"And her?" Miyo asked softly and glanced towards the quiet Hana who glared at her husband who stared blankly.

"Our kohai and Nana's best friend, Kurokawa Hanako."

That sounded slightly flat and the red head blinked in question, wondering why the two of them were glancing with electricity on their eyes.

"They're known kendo rivals in middle school," she looked towards the other wife on the group and couldn't help feel like she had seen her before. "But Hanako—or more known as Hana—quit when high school started so Yoshi-kun was angry and still is."

Miyo looked down, a little sad that she knew little of her husband's childhood. "I see," she glanced again at the woman besides her, noting that her husband was looking for suits in the female department. "My name is Yamamoto Miyo and you are Tanaka Nanami-san, right?"

"Nana is just fine and it's Sawada now," the brown-haired lady smiled. "It's very nice to meet you! Don't you agree, Tsu-chan?" she turned to her baby who cried happily in greeting. "Gaah~!"

The other baby stared in curiosity at seeing someone like him though the other seemed more fragile and wondered if they could be playmates. He looked towards his mother who smiled in encouragement. She turned back to the woman. "Do you mind if my son play with your daughter, Sa-Nana-san?" she asked, not really comfortable calling someone without honorifics.

Nana stared for a minutes before bursting into pits of giggle. Miyo watched in confusion.

"What's wrong?" Tsuyoshi came to the scene, followed by a still annoyed looking Hana. "Why's Nana-chan laughing like a madman?"


"Don't you dare insult Nana, you monkey!" the black-haired young lady shouted angrily, wondering how her ex-rival had a wife when he was such an idiotic kendo fan however she did turn to her best friend with thoughtful eyes. "But seriously, Nana, why were you laughing?"

She waited for the older female to calm down and watched as a devilish glint made way to her eyes.

"It's just that... People nowadays seem to think my son is a daughter~!" Nana stated and emphasized on the son part, giggling at the surprised eyes of her old and new found friends.

The ex-nurse blinked before giggling as well and patting the brunette baby's head. "He does seem like a girl but Tsuna's a boy alright," she stated a little gentler than how she usually talked about children. She still disliked them but she liked her friend's son. "He's very energetic and can easily tire any babysitter."

"Well, now, that's weird," the currently male in the group commented slowly and looked at his ex-rival. "You actually manage to like a baby when you hate them in middle school and high school."

Miyo, on the other hand, looked at the so-called son and glanced at the other wife with a smile. "Then, do you mind if my son can play with your son?" she asked politely and watched as her son walked towards the shy looking baby.

"Of course not!" Nana beamed and squealed when she saw her son cutely stare at the other boy and—



Takeshi never liked shopping with his parents. It was too tiring and boring so he really never paid attention to his parents even when they met up with some of his father's friends. But he did pay attention when he saw a baby just like him yet also different from him. He wondered if he was a baby "girl" that his mother told him about.

He didn't hear the talks surrounding him and just moved closer to the other, wondering if he could play with him or her—whatever he would just see the guy as a "girl". He was not prepared for the bright smile that the shy guy made on his face and how sweetly he called out to him.


He grinned, knowing this was a start of a great friendship or whatever the TV called it.

"Hi~!" the black-haired baby grabbed the brunet's hand by his own. "Friends~!"

Tsuna—he remembered the other black haired woman calling the baby—blinked curiously and moved his head. "Prend? Wat's dat?" he asked, clearly still not used to speaking yet and Takeshi was more than happy to help that but first, they should be friends since they're going together forever. He liked the guy already after all.

"Oh, friends are people who stick and play together," her mother kindly explained but it made the the raven head pout. He was about to answer that! "Mom!" he whined unusually annoyed at not being the one to explain it and held out the brunet's hand with his. "Let's be friends, nee? I'm called Take-kun!"

"Un!" the smaller baby nodded excitedly but then, reverted to being his shy self, feeling he might have looked weird from being too happy. His face was painted in a red blush. "T-tsu-chan... Coll mi Tsu-chan, Take-kun!"

"Sure, Tsu-chan~!" Young Yamamoto stared at his new found friend and took notice of their differences. Tsu-chan looked delicate as if 'she' would break easily and couldn't hurt a fly. He patted the spiked hair and grinned, liking how soft it was. He was his friend's head could be used as a nest for birds.

"Ano...," he looked down and blinked in confusion when he saw his friend looking at the ground and moving his foot a little. The brunet paused and stared at the former's eyes. "Let pay?"

Takeshi glanced confused. 'Let pay? As in pay as in the paper with number and person?' he looked at the baby who released a look he could not help but be nervous off—pleading puppy eyes—then at his mother for guidance and saw amusement dancing in her eyes.

"He wants to play," luckily, Tsuna's mother translated and quickly went them. "He got a mix up between those two words because of his father so I'll stay with you guys to translate—" she looked at the pouting form and asked nicely. "—do you mind me joining?"

"No," that's a lie since he wanted to be together alone with his new friend but there was really no helping it. He grabbed the younger baby's hand and smiled brightly at the woman. "It's fine."


Yamamoto Miyo waved a goodbye as she saw her son, his friend and Nana take off to play. For some reasons, she could already feel her heart trust the other woman. It was really interesting when they had only just met and usually, she was more guarded and more caution, especially if it centered her son. But to that woman, she was able to trust her with her son.

It was rather nice, actually if passing all that suspicion. She never had someone else than her family talk to her as best friend. Yes, she had other friends but no one would ever come close for her to let them touch her son. She was born in the world of politics and just like mafia which Tsuyoshi was involved in, no one could be fully trusted.

However, she'll make an exception for her husbands old friends. Who knew more about him than she did.

At that thought, the red-haired woman glanced at the other woman besides herself and sighed heavily. It was really not surprising that she knew little of her husband's past, except for the fact he was in mafia. They were engaged by arranged marriage after all.

Though with Tsuyoshi's effort, she was able to think for herself and though they were married, they still took time learning about each other. She really fell for him but forgive her for feeling insecure, she was not a confident person at heart and she got the feeling there was more to the so-called kendo rivals.

The quiet wife glanced at the raven head again and did her best not to think of how Hana seemed to be more perfect as Takeshi's mother. She had short black hair and she was even a kendo player. She knew Tsuyoshi more than anyone else.

'More so than Nana-san...or me,' the childish thought was flared with envy but Miyo denied the entry of other more shameful thoughts about her insecurity and jealousy. She needed to face the reality that even though she was the wife, it didn't mean she knew everything about her husband. It needed to take time and trust.

'And yet it had already been two years since they had gotten married and I just found out of his childhood friends,' her childish mind again whined in her head.

"You're the monkey's wife, right?" the voice of who she was getting jealous off suddenly came to her ears and she jumped high, staring intently at her husband's ex-rival. Dark brown eyes clashed with black eyes. "Look, I don't know why you keep on staring at me but I'll tell you this. There is nothing going on with me and your husband."

"How did you—"

"The insecurity is written on your face," Hana promptly sighed, glancing at the cause of this problem and finding Iemitsu keeping Tsuyoshi from marching to their spot. Good, she didn't need any distraction. "I admit we actually planned on going out but that didn't turn out okay."

Miyo kept quiet but oddly, she was relaxing at her words. The ex-nurse wasn't lying for her expense and told the flat truth. She was grateful because she needed the truth, not a lie that would always be a lie.

"We were too opposite," the younger girl continued. "Love isn't like science where opposites attract. We just weren't meant to be but—" she looked at the Mrs. Yamamoto. "—you two, on the other hand, are together, married, and have a child. Don't waste your time being insecure. There are things that only you know about him yet I don't, right?"

And that was the truth. The red head was someone he trusted to tell about his occupation in the underground wold—mafia. It really felt stupid to her that she was even worrying.

"Thank you, Kurokawa-san," a beautiful smile blossomed her face. "Really, thank you."

"Just call me Hana, with no honorifics," the young lady let out a smile of her own. "I want to be friends with you and—"

Miyo smiled.

"—I want to help you if you need to beat your husband to senses. The guy seriously doesn't deserve to have a gentle and beautiful wife like you. Same with that idiotic blonde. He didn't deserve Nana."

And she laughed while Hana watched with soft glance.

They surely would be great friends. Same applied to Nana.


"Don't disturb them," Iemitsu started seriously, putting Tsuyoshi to place. "You know, someday they would bound to meet each other and have a talk. Your wife carried the signs of awareness to her surrounding. You need to let them have this talk."

"I guess you're right," the black-haired man sighed. "And you wanted to ask something, right?"

The young mafioso closed his eyes. "Is it true?" he whispered almost as if scared for anyone to hear the conversation and it was with good reason. No one should hear this conversation. "Are you really quitting mafia—being a swordsman?"

"I have higher priority than that and you know it. I need to act more of a father to my son. I want to take care of him and to do that, I need to leave mafia and everything regarding it," the swordsman answered seriously. "I though you would have done the same since you do have a normal wife and son."

"You know, how hard it is for someone to get out of mafia, especially if you're in almost the same rank as the boss," the slight paused before swallowing. "It equals to death."

Silence surrounded the two before the goofy blonde was up and running. "Well, about your wife again, why didn't you just tell her about you and Hana?" he asked curiously and excitedly as if they were not talking about mafias moments ago.

"I just don't want to see her sad if she hear about me or Hana," the cheerful man didn't even bat her eyebrows. "I'm not blind. I can see she's in love with me. I don't want her to get hurt in knowing I might still love someone else."

"She didn't need to worry about that. You are already in love with her, right?" the blonde couldn't stop himself from teasing his friend but he was telling the truth as well. "You wouldn't have slept together and have a child if you didn't."

"Heh," the swordsman smiled brightly like how his son smiled at something he liked. "You got me. I am madly in love with Miyo."

"Glad to hear your confession, monkey," that immediately made him pale and blush from head to toe at the sight of his ex-rival and his blushing wife. He couldn't help but exclaim, "You heard?!"

"Loud and clear~!"

Iemitsu and Hana laughed at Miyo's and Tsuyoshi's reaction of blushing at the comment—the female more than the male.


Nana hummed a playful tone she knew since she was young. She had felt like she didn't take part in something important but it was okay. She enjoyed watching how the two babies interact with each other. It was cute. Takeshi was very much gentle and patient with her Tsu-chan. He would always hold each others' hands.

It made her remember the times when Iemitsu was courting her. He would be like what Takeshi was doing—only more bolder. He would want to hold hands forever and he wouldn't miss a day without calling or talking to her. He didn't rush and made efforts to woo her.

And it was even more similar with how Tsuna was acting. He was definitely acting like how she acted in the past. Blushing, not minding the touches, being oblivious and liking the warmth he provided, yup, he was definitely a lot like her.

"Nanami-chan?" a familiar voice came from behind and the young woman turned around to see a familiar woman with long platinum blonde hair and an emotionless face though it was still pretty. "Fancy meeting you here."

"Ah, kaichou-san, it's nice to see you again," she replied politely, knowing how this person hated impoliteness most of all and she didn't want to angry the latter. She was about to say something else when they heard a wail—a familiar wail in her opinion. She looked towards her son and his friend and was shocked to see a new comer—a boy, no older than three or four.

"Plant-eater," with glares like that and seemingly recognizable name calling, even as a child Nana could tell this boy was the son of the woman next to her who was staring rather curiously despite the emotionless face. "Apologize—" the brunette wanted to applause how he knew a difficult word for a child. "—now, plant-eater."

To her amusement and surprised, Takeshi stood firm in his position and held a protective stance for her son who was cowering at the sight of the unknown boy. "No," he glared and the mother of the smallest baby couldn't help but took a picture of it. Good picture to send to Tsuyoshi and Miyo. "You bump Tsu-chan."

A brief glance at her small son and the young mother could see how those icy grey eyes softened even for a little—almost as if guilty at what he had done—and she knew the unknown boy's mother also noticed it by the small smirk playing on her mouth.

"T-take-kun, it's okey!" Tsuna quickly interfered, fearing for what was about to happen. He usually saw this tension with Hana and Iemitsu so he was used to it. However, he knew that something was strange when it was from the new child and his friend. Something in his gut told him so. He looked towards the other kid with pleading teary eyes. "Tsu-chan's sorie..."

"Nwo faiht!"

Silence came to the three children before the two older boys looked at each other and sighed, mentally having a truce to fight since the youngest baby had that face they didn't really want to see.

"Is that your son?" Nana's ex-president of their old school asked knowingly and she could only nodded in reply, not that she needed since the other already knew it. "He seems used to fight and although he's scared, he doesn't seem to like anyone getting hurt. I take it, Iemitsu's his father, huh? Though, he seems more like a mini you. Too feminine."

"Yes. That's correct, Raven-chan," the platinum woman smiled softly at the familiar name but frowned at what followed. "And your son's father is Hiiro-kun, right? I can recognize that name calling anywhere even if it's plant-eater, not herbivore and your son also has his hair and your eyes."

"Is something the matter?" the brunette asked worriedly, finally seeing the change in expression at the sound of their other friend. "You two are still together, right?"

"Of course, we are... It's just that he's still doing it," Raven paused to think of how to say what's on her mind, her emotionless face cracking into panic. "He's still fighting. I can understand it's in his blood but what if he gets hurt? I'm worried every night when he turns out with more blood each day! I can't help but think my son might also become like him as well!"

"Kyoya, my son, is a lot like me in wanting to discipline people but he is a lot like his father with how he thinks violence can solve his problem. He's like me when it comes to studies and he has my emotionless face but he has strength and blood thirst for fight...just like Hiiro. A perfect combination of the two of us."

"Raven-chan," the younger wife could actually sympathize with what her friend was feeling. How could she not when her husband was in mafia? She never told Iemitsu but she was scared at what would happen to them, especially to their only son. He was going to be too far kindhearted and oblivious. She was scared that Tsuna might become involved in mafia.

"It's fine. Just guide them. Just be there for them. It'll be fine."

Grey eyes looked at honey-brown eyes with a gentle glance.

"Funny how you, who was my husband's first love, become a close friend instead of a rival."


Tsuna didn't understand it at all but he knew it was his fault. He wasn't looking to where he was going so he had ended up bumping into someone. He was scared. The one he bumped into was much taller than him. It was scary. And then, Takeshi glared at the boy and seemed to be protecting him.

It was rather uncomfortable for the brunet to see this so he interfered and the results went into finding a new friend.

Kyoya—the boy he bumped into—was super nice despite his scary looks! He was gentle with him and played with him. He even gave him some candies though his mother said not to eat to much since it was bad. Kyoya's mother even scolded his friend due to this.

It also turned out that Kyoya's mother was his mother's friend as well. The small baby was amazed at this and a little confused. Friends were always together, right? So it's weird that he never saw the platinum woman before.

Anyway, Takeshi seemed to not talk Kyoya for some reason. Tsuna wondered why and he even asked about it however no one answered him. That made him pout childishly but he then just sighed and accepted it.

But then, it was time to say good bye to old and new found friends. The youngest baby wanted to cry and that he did.

"Tsu-chan, don't cry!" unusually, the young Yamamoto was not good with tears, same with young Hibari. "Plant-eater, stop crying."

The adults either were finding the situation too funny or too weird that they didn't know if they should step in to help their children. Luckily, they have Nana with them.

"Now, now, Tsu-chan, we need to go," she smoothly said and patted her son's head. "You can visit them and lay with them but now, we have to go home."

Tsuna didn't really like the idea but this was his mother so he needed to obey her mother. "Okey," he managed to say before standing near his friends. He quickly kissed both their cheeks and smiled brightly. "Let pay agein~ Biaye~!"

He didn't even notice the surprised, shock, blush, giggle and terror that came from his surroundings and just moved next to his mother. Well, it was a rather entertaining first shopping for the baby.


Black-chan: Sorry for being too late in updating. Um, I wanted to write about their parent's so there. I wrote it. Hope you guys don't mind much... And yeah, I'm making the three of them childhood friend since I thought those two would be a better choice since they lived in Namimori. So anyway, we get to see Yamamoto's and Hibari's family and their situation. Hope that will justify their characters! I'm thinking since this is growing up series then I'll add family problems, too! So I'm going to add a little mafia after all. Hey, anyone interested about their parents school days? XD

Note: I just found out that babies don't walk or talk that much (I have a baby cousin and plus I remembered the lesson about babies last school year) when they're one year old but for the sake of the story, please just ignore the logic of real life XD Let's just say they're genius or they're like Lambo! Through, I made it that Takeshi can pronounce better than Tsuna.

To xXnazaraXx: Thank you for understanding and for reading this still!