This is my first MM Series fic. I hope that I do well.

            This is a story which takes place during the time after the fourth Maverick uprising and before the fifth. Yet, the roots of this story are entrenched long before it. Even before the first robot rebellion, in a quiet town located in the northeastern United States of America.

            Protoman was walking through the woods. He had been wandering around for over two years now. Soon, he would be back at Dr. Light's lab in Washington.

'Stupid teleporter experiment,' he thought bitterly. He stopped and looked around. It was getting late and he needed to rest for the night.

'Well, I guess this place is as good as any.'

Protoman sat down on a nearby stump and began to do the only thing which kept his sanity during these past years. He began to whistle. The four tone, five note song echoed throughout the forest and into the town. One child, no more than five years old, heard Protoman's whistling. As curious as all children are, he began to follow the tune, the fall foliage adequately masking the sound of his feet. Dashing in-between trees, he saw Protoman sitting on a stump. 'He's the one whistling.' The boy thought. He carefully made his way to a log closer to Protoman.

            The boy sat there and watched Protoman for a few minutes. Slowly, he put his lips together and began to whistle along with him. Protoman then noticed that his whistling suddenly sounded stronger than normal. He ignored it and continued to whistle. A few minutes later, his robotic hearing picked up a change in the tune. Yet, it wasn't from him. It was literally impossible for him to make a mistake. Protoman immediately stopped and his suspicions were confirmed. Someone else was whistling.

            The boy instantly became afraid when Protoman began looking around. The boy turned around and crouched down even further behind the log. He heard the rustling of leaves as Protoman began searching.

'Please don't let him find me. Please don't let him find me,' the boy thought over and over.

After a minute the footsteps stopped. The shaking boy opened his eyes and looked up to see Protoman staring down at him. Fear overtaking the boy, he bolted back towards his home.

"Hey kid wait! I'm not…" Protoman started, his arm stretched out towards the boy. "… going to hurt you." He sighed and shook his head. Now he would need to leave before the police started looking for him.

            Doctor Thomas Xavier Light lied down on his lawn chair. The night sky glittered like diamonds against black velvet above him. It had been a year since the confrontation with Wily's red demon. The only ones to have survived that horrible thing were Auto, the giant extraterrestrial robot Duo, and Bass' dog Treble. Blues, Rock, Roll, Bass, Rush, Eddie and Beat had all been killed just so that they could save his latest creation, Megaman X.

"Just give us your money and you'll walk away from this punk."

Dr. Light looked down on the lonely road in front of his house. He could see a local gang attempting to rob an innocent man that had been taking a stroll under the stars.

"Yeah, you'll walk away. A few cuts and bruises maybe, but you'll live," another one of the gang members said, triggering the others to laugh. The man reached to his right pocket. The gang thought that he was getting out his wallet but were wrong. The man whipped out a pistol he had holstered. The leader revealed his own weapon and shot twice.

            The man fell backwards as the bullets slammed into him. "Stupid asshole," the leader said as he tucked his pistol into his pants. Dr. Light shook his head.

'People have no respect for others these days. It seems as if they have already forgotten what it was like under Wily's threat.' The gang, after finding no money on the man at all, turned around and started to walk away. To Dr. Light's surprise, the man was still alive.

            Ignoring the excruciating pain, the man walked over and picked up a lightweight pole that had been on the side of the road. Drawing his right arm back he took two running steps and threw it like a javelin. The pole whistled through the air and imbedded itself right in a gang member's thigh. "Augh!" The thug cried out. The leader whipped around with his gun drawn.

"Mother fucker!"

The leader let loose a trio of rounds. The man jerked as one of the bullets went right into his heart. At last he fell down dead. The gang quickly made off before the police arrived.

            For reasons he could not understand at the time, Dr. Light walked down to where the man laid.

"My God," he said as he saw the man, "he's barely an adult." Bending over, he picked up the man's discarded wallet and looked for his driver's license. The man's name was Daniel Parker and he was twenty years old. Judging from the condition of the license, Dr. Light guessed that he had just moved here. He looked down at Daniel's body and picking it up, he brought it inside his lab.

            Dr. Light worked for six months. The work gave him something to do instead of just lounging around all day long. At last it had been finished. He had successfully built a robot that had the same exact appearance of Daniel. Using mainly theoretical procedures, Dr. Light managed to shift all of Daniel's knowledge into his robotic duplicate. He couldn't understand why he had done this. Because he had built Daniel's new body using the same schematics as he had for X, Dr. Light decided that rather activate him, he would put Daniel into stasis as well.

            Placing him in the same room as X, Dr. Light looked at the both of them. 'I hope that the day you two are activated, the world will be a much better place.' His eyes lingered on Daniel for a moment. His armor had been painted red and he even had a helmet. Dr. Light could only guess at what his reaction would be upon waking up. Sighing, he turned around and left.

            Okay, I'm using Erico's story, 'Whispers of Time' as my basis for a story line with one minor change. Where as Erico placed Dr. Light's lab in Tokyo, Japan, I'm placing it at the base of Mount St. Helens in Washington. R&R please.