A/N: I am SO sorry for the wait, guys. D: School just started up again and, needless to say, I'm drowning in a mix of every unbearable form of academia. Please be understanding about my slow updates. And thank you for being understanding about my slow updates. I just don't want to release trash. You deserve better than that. I love you all dearly.

Reviews are my guiding light.

Recommend 1/2 page format.

Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto.

Chapter Thirteen: Konoha 12

Listlessly, Tsunade swished what little contents her sake bottle had left as she stared into the darkness of her office. As empty as the room was, she still felt the weight of concerned voices in her ears. All of their suspicions weighed on her shoulders, much to her vexation. It would never seem like too much for the Hokage, but the exasperation was simply unbearable. "Maybe you would've been more cut out for this job after all, ne?" she wondered aloud, thoughts of a certain perverted sage entering her mind, a sad smile tugging at her lips. For a moment, she wondered what his response would have been were he there to supply it. Of course this was impossible; but she imagined it would have been something like, "Ah, Tsunade, I think we both know you have all of the assets for the job." A bitter chuckle escaped her as she managed a, "Baka," to the man she knew was listening; out there, somewhere.

A sudden appearance of chakra caught her attention, and she quickly turned her eye to the balcony. Two familiar figures stood in the darkness of dawn, awaiting recognition. Sighing in a mix of frustration and relief, Tsunade rose from her seat. She could only hope as she exited out onto the balcony that the news she was about to hear was that which wouldn't further frustrate the state of the village. But knowing Haruno Sakura and Uchiha Sasuke, this was unlikely.

Tsunade stood before the young pair, who were crouched subserviently; as most did before the Hokage herself. She couldn't resist rolling her eyes at the predicament and finally spoke. "This better be good."

"We've come to request something of you, Tsunade-sama," Sasuke spoke, in as polite a voice he had ever used, much to her surprise. She stifled a scoff.

"On your feet," she spoke, almost in a sigh. Years of leadership had made the woman weary of formalities. Why couldn't people just get to the point? "What have you to request?"

Sakura was the first to lift her gaze as she rose. "First, Sasuke would like to offer his sincerest apologies for creating an unrest within the village."

Tsunade narrowed her eyes, "Then perhaps Sasuke should do that."

Sakura's cheeks crimsoned in a fashion Tsunade was familiar with, emerald eyes skidded away in embarrassment. Sasuke met Tsunade's gaze with a boldness that made her want to punch something, and at the same time made her want to buy him a drink. "I offer my sincerest apologies, Hokage-sama." The way he pronounced her title led her to decide it would have been the former of the two.

"How sweet," Tsunade managed to say without gritting her teeth, "but I doubt that's why you two have showed up on my balcony before sunrise dressed for combat." She eyed the gloves Sakura wore, which Tsunade had gifted the girl with for combat, along with the black shades of their clothing.

The pair exchanged a look before Sakura followed, "We've come to request permission to lead a retaliation group."

"A retaliation group?"

The two nodded in affirmation.

"Against Kabuto on the borders of Fire Country," Sasuke furthered. Tsunade lowered her gaze; she had been afraid of this. Much to her dismay, she would have far more to speak of with the Elders than she ever cared for.

"We already have a squadron in mind if you would only permit us to assemble under the pretense of the protection of this village, Shishou," Sakura spoke, a familiar determination twinkling in those glassy emeralds. Tsunade met the gaze with a measured look, she knew exactly just what squadron the girl spoke of.

With a nod, Tsunade followed with a sharp look in her eye, "And just why should I lend you a battalion of my youngest and most promising shinobi in such trying times?" Stern honey eyes focused in on the raven haired boy whose expression never seemed to fade from its shade of neutral stoicism, "And with regards to you particularly, Uchiha- why should I bid pardon on your disappearing yet again?" She chuckled bitterly, "You know, I had my doubts about you. But this girl," a softness wandered into her golden eyes as her gaze drifted over the girl she regarded as a daughter, "she is the only thing that stood between you and a prison sentence." Sakura closed her eyes with a pained expression, still Tsunade followed, "But even now I'm not sure if she could sway my feelings about this. This village, these shinobi, we are a unit. But you've made it so clear to me that you," she shook her head, her gaze falling over the village, "you choose to walk alone."

Sasuke eyes finally met hers, his mask of neutrality hardly wavered. Tsunade continued, "So why," she crossed her arms stubbornly, "why should I let you drag Sakura, and Naruto, and all of those promising young people down with you?"

A moment passed and Tsunade's gaze weighed heavily on Sasuke's shoulders, still- he didn't budge. Impatience wore on the tired leader's being, and with an exasperated sigh she rolled her eyes. "Okay," she threw her hands up in frustration, "I'll just have to worry about your punishment later. Go ho-" as she started for the door she heard, "Wait."

Despite all of the sense left in the older woman, she turned back to the boy. Much to her surprise, an undeniable wave of concern had swept across the dark onyx eyes which had been devoid of emotion until now. Sasuke placed a calming hand on Sakura's shoulder, and she gave him a look of reassurance. Tsunade might have been touched by the exchange if she had not already been frustrated with the situation. Sasuke stepped forward to lessen the distance between the pair and Tsunade.

"I don't expect the village to forgive my actions," Sasuke began with a voice not lacking in forbearance, "I don't even expect most of the people I once called friends to look at me." Tsunade caught the pained breath that Sakura sucked in. "But this is my village," Sasuke continued, sense of purpose now encompassing his voice, "This is my village, because this is the village that my brother loved so much. This is the village that he fought so hard for. This is the village that he died for." Onyx snapped shut behind pained lids, he turned his face, speaking through clenched teeth, "And I'll be damned before I let his dream go to ruins!" Tsunade found herself inched back, the chills shivered up her spine. "I'll die before I let any of Konoha go unaware of what he did for all of us," Sasuke's voice lowered, "We owe this to him. He saved all of you- we owe this to Itachi. Let me save him."

Sakura stepped forward to comfort the boy, but caught herself and stood back. If there was one thing to be said about the Haruno girl, it was that she always knew her place. Tsunade gave the Uchiha boy a once over, a sadness had come to his features and his stature seemed less proud. This boy who had once strived to rid the world of his brother now deeply mourned for him. Examining the hopeless boy, Tsunade let a tired sigh slip. She closed her eyes and leaned against the wall, arms still across her chest. "You have the next 48 hours to assemble your battalion. Be ready."

The pair each lowered themselves onto one knee in respect. "Thank you, Shishou," Sakura spoke in a hushed, appreciative voice. Sasuke merely looked up with deep, desperate eyes; he gave a single nod of appreciation. Still, Tsunade knew that this was the most appreciative gesture that the boy could ever offer. In the blink of an eye, the two nin disappeared into the night.

A pleased 'hmmph' emoted from the Hokage as her lips lifted in a wry smile.

Sasuke followed the rushing blur of pink that he only knew to be Sakura. The grace of her steps and the beautiful flow of her strides was captivating. It felt nice to be able to admit this to himself. Sakura was beautiful, and she was his. Still, there was business to be done. With a purposeful stealth in his stride, he skipped ahead of Sakura to their first stop.

Arriving at a familiar apartment door, embroidered with a dim red Uzumaki swirl, Sasuke let out a sigh. Sakura gave him a measure look as he leaned against the railing, waiting for her to take action. Truly, this was more stress than he cared for. The dobe would certainly be quite miffed with Sasuke latest actions, and in some ways it would be deserved. Still, Sasuke shuddered at the thought of raspy complaints and never-ending, kyuubi fueled beatings. Humorlessly, Sasuke considered how exponentially more terrible Inner Sakura's wrath was; this was of the many times he could be thankful that Sakura adored him for some strange reason.

The hard fist he could only presume to be Sakura met his bicep with annoyance, snapping him out of his reverie. If only she could understand the sweet things he said about her in his head. Sasuke rubbed at his bicep with a scowl, "What?" he whispered coldly.

Silently, she gestured toward the door with rebuking expression, as if she were waiting for him to knock. He merely responded with a 'tch' and turned his face again. She would knock, and that would be it. Another perturbed fist met his bicep, Sasuke emoted a pained hiss, and met emerald with an angry look that said WHAT?! She pushed him toward the door.

"Be a man!" she whispered harshly. Despite how miffed the Uchiha boy was at the girl's hard-headedness, he held a strange love for her sass.

With a sigh, Sasuke knocked at the door with noticeable force. Something stirred within the apartment. Knowing the dobe, he probably hadn't been sleeping soundly while one of his best friends was missing. For this, Sasuke did feel bad. Sasuke listened as familiar footsteps padded across the wooden floor. Slowly the door creaked open, and Sasuke prepared for a scolding.

A yawning Naruto rubbed sleep from his eyes, a familiar walrus sleeping cap secured on his head. With a drowsy sniffle, Naruto opened his eyes.

"Oh hi, Sakura-cha-" Naruto's eyes drifted from the pinkette to the dark boy beside her. The light bulb flicked on.

"I'LL KILL 'IM!" the blonde boy began to rage, arms swinging as he tried to break hold from Sasuke's sleeper hold.

"Calm down first," Sasuke said.

"NEVER," Naruto replied. "Sakura-chan! Help me beat him up!"

Sakura took another step back, "Nope. This one's between you two." Sasuke would have to hold her to that one another time, he scowled at her. She met his scowl with an adorable grin.

"Would you just calm yourself, dobe," Sasuke struggled, "we need to talk."

"I said never!" and with that a flying hand lunged itself into Sasuke's open groin. Pain erupted in the Uchiha and he fell, immobilized, to the ground.

"You," Sasuke rasped, "ASSHOLE!" the two began rolling across the ground, attempting to land hits on each other.

As hair began to be pulled, Sasuke heard, "Okay," the two were suddenly pulled apart, held in the air. Sakura grasped each boy by the collar, "I think that's about enough." She set the down on either side of her. Damn her and her super strength.

"What do you want, teme?" Naruto crossed his arms, and stared off in another direction with a childish scowl on his face. Sasuke did not respond to the childish nature and was rebuked by Sakura's strong, mediating pinch.

With a hiss of irritation, Sasuke began, "I..." he sighed, "I need your help." He now had Naruto's attention; cerulean eyes drifted over Sasuke's form suspiciously.

"You need my help?" hints of a grin made themselves known on the blonde boy's foxy face.

"Isn't that what I said," Sasuke grumbled.

"Sasuke," Sakura chided him with a frown. He raised his hands in apology.

"We need to put together a squad," Sasuke finally spoke, a seriousness in his tone, "now. And-" he stalled for a moment, trying to find the words, "We can't do this without you." Because no matter what happened, Naruto had and would always be his best friend.

This had never been truer than now, as Naruto answered, without hesitation, "Okay, Sasuke."

"Pig," Sakura shook the sleeping blonde girl, who stubbornly buried her face into the pillow. Sakura sighed and called once more as she continued to shake the blonde, "C'mon Piggy, wake up. Ino stirred but didn't wake.

"She's a heavier sleeper than even you, Sakura," Sasuke spoke, a slight smirk on his face. She tried to contain her blush at the fact that Sasuke knew something so personal about her.

"Give her a wet willy," Naruto whispered from the window. Sakura choked a laugh back and continued shaking.

Sasuke stepped forward impatiently. Sakura was quite nervous she watched him place a hand on the girl's pillow. A short, weak wave of electricity was sent through the pillow and Ino shot up.

"WHATTHEFUH-" Sakura clamped a hand over the Yamanaka's mouth. Stifling a laugh at the wild static that made Ino's usually perfect hair stand on end, Sakura shushed the girl.

"Pig, we need your help."

Team Seven strode on to the village gates, which Sakura had instructed Ino to communicate to everyone was the meeting ground. Sasuke's steps along the way were no less furtive than usual, although he was more pensive. She could feel as he thought and rethought everything, his expression hardened in contemplation. How she wished so badly that she could reach out to him now and make him perfectly aware of how much support he had. She and Naruto. They would always be there for him. And yet, the support of the rest of their friends remained so important to him. Sakura would have liked to think that she knew why, but she would just have to find out.

Upon arriving at the gate, Sakura was surprised to see everyone was there. Team Gai. Team Asuma, with a slightly staticky looking Ino. Team Kurenai. Even Sai. And now, as the attention of all fell upon them- Team Kakashi.

They landed on the pavement, in front of everyone, with hardly a sound. Despite these being all of the closest friends that Sakura would ever have, an anxiousness built up in the pit of her stomach. She and Naruto exchanged a look as Sasuke stepped forward and gazed around at everyone. This would be the first time that the Konoha 12 had been complete in years.

Plus Sai.

She felt his hesitation, he turned back to her, a lost look in his eyes. As he reluctantly turned to face the group, alone. Sucking in a breath, Sakura found the courage to step forward and in front of Sasuke. Turning a cheek to him, she watched his face fade from worry to a mix of surprise and pure emotion. She fixed him a smile and let it slip as she looked to her comrades. All of these familiar faces looked so uncertain, it pained her.

"Today, like many days, we have a common goal," she spoke. Her gaze fixed over the group, "We, together," her fingers entwined themselves with Sasuke's, "will save Konoha."