A/N: As many might be able to tell, this is my first fanfic. So please, be kind. I absolutely adore those that follow, favorite, and especially those that review. Make my day?

I would recommend that my stories be read in the 1/2 page format.

Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto. *sigh*

Chapter One: Homecoming

He's not the same, Sakura thought as she stared at this strange creature that she used to know so well. Or so she thought. You're just here to check his wounds, she reassured herself, it's not a big deal. His face was different, she couldn't help but notice; though his eyes had grown weary, his muscles had swollen into maturity. He had grown so much, she couldn't believe it. Even so, something about it made her sad; other than all obvious reasons. After all of these years, she half-expected to walk in and see the thirteen year old boy that she once knew; small and somewhat fragile despite his strength. They boy that was callous, yet human. This man was just... cold.

Despite the aversion she felt towards his unconscious body, she approached the bed. Collecting herself, she reached for the bandages wrapped around his torso, below the defined crease of pectoral muscle. *slap* Sasuke's hand snapped up to her neck, his fingers coiled like aggressive snakes and his eyes met hers, black and emotionless holes serving as windows to where his soul should be. Sakura flashed red, finding it harder to breathe, and grabbed his hand in turn, her brow furrowed in rage.

"I don't like to be touched," she huffed, crushing his wrist in her brute strength. With a pained grunt, he cradled his hand and shot her a glare. She felt so idiotic, having not seen this coming despite past experiences with the dangerous nin. Because that's what he was, and that's what was to be expected of him: danger. Flustered, Sakura exited the room in a huff, adding to the nearest medic, "You change his bandages." To think I used to miss you, she thought as she continued down the corridor.

Sasuke couldn't help but let a smug smirk spread across his face as he watched the rosette storm out of the hospital room. He still had an effect on her. Sa-ku-ra.

"Tsunade-sama," Sakura addressed her teacher as she entered the Fifth's office.

"I have been informed that you stormed out of Uchiha Sasuke's room today," the Hokage said, not lifting her eyes from the documents that she had sprawled out over her desk.

"I did," Sakura confessed. Sakura suddenly felt mortified of her actions, having not considered that they would get back to Tsunade-sama.

With an exhausted sigh, Tsunade responded, "You are a professional now, Sakura-san. Not just some love torn teenager, that life is one of the past. I can't allow my medics to show such theatrics with their patients-"

"But, Shishou-!"

The Fifth raised a finger, her golden eyes now glared up indignantly as she addressed her pupil, "Uchiha Sasuke is now an essential part in the defense of this village from recent threats, as are shinobi like you. Now is the time for you to tend to him."

"Sasuke is a traitor, Shishou!" Sakura's fists clenched, an uncontrollable heat filled her face, "He betrayed Konoha, he betrayed his team! He betrayed me!" It had been a long while since the kunoichi spoke at length of the boy that once crushed her heart without mercy, and now she had no reason to hold back. A familiar pain pinged in her chest.

A sort of softness passed over Tsunade's eyes as she saw the desperation in Sakura's eyes, but she knew her role. As Hokage, and the girl's master, she had to act accordingly. "Sakura," she said calmly as Sakura fought the tears, "you must do this, if not for yourself, then for me. No one else has your abilities. I have full confidence in you."

Sakura collected herself, feeling slightly idiotic, "Hai, Tsunade-sama."

"Ah, Sakura-chan!" Sakura's spiky toe-headed friend Naruto called out to her as she crossed the street.

"I'm not in the mood, Naruto," she said as he followed intently behind her.

She sighed, Naruto was more dear to her than anyone, but now was not the time. The sort of feelings that the boy had harbored for the Uchiha were different from her own, there was no questioning that. In many ways, Naruto had more of a right to chase after Sasuke all that time, for Sasuke in many ways had acknowledged him as a friend. But Sakura? She was simply an annoyance, as he had so clearly stated. Naruto had his friend back, and she just had another reminder of how pathetic she had once been.

"Granny Tsunade already told me what happened," the kyuubi container explained to his rosette friend, "you have to give Teme some time."

Time, she thought, he's had years. Sakura bit her tongue, Naruto didn't deserve such bitter words; especially since they both now had much different feelings towards Sasuke being back. Naruto was ecstatic to have his friend back, all was forgiven. And somehow Sakura felt that she had much more to forgive, none of which had been made up for.

"Sakura-chaaaaa-!" Sakura turned to the whiny teenager and placed a hand on his shoulder, a calm yet confused expression took his face.

"I'll see you around, Naruto," she said to her friend before leaving him puzzled in the middle of the street.

If anything, she needed time. Not to forgive, but to smother herself with self-pity and lots of chocolate.