Simone was sitting at another royal meeting bored as ever. She looked over at gumball who was slowly nodding off and kicked him under the table. He woke up glaring at her lightly and he earned a light snicker. The royal meetings were a lot calmer now that Simone was no longer the ice queen. In fact the meeting were quite useless now because everyone only came to be nosey with their other kingdoms. Simone and gumball have become best friends since then. They hung out whenever they could.
"I thought that would never end." Simone said as she stretched.
"Ugh I know. Hey want to go spare?" Gumball asked.
"You just don't get enough of getting your butt whooped do you?" She said mockingly.
"Ha you wish I will surely best you this time." He said walking out the room.
"I need to talk to you about something. " She said helping a defeated gumball up.
"Ok" He asked brushing himself off.
"I'm going to propose to Fionna." She said sitting down.
"Finally!" He said throwing his hands in the air. "I thought you never would."
"Well it takes time because I have to plan everything and find a ring."
"I understand but you're the ice queen I'm sure you'll find the perfect tying. You do know that Fionna would marry you even if you gave her a ring made out of grass."
"Yeah I know but I love her and want to give her the best wedding ever." She said leaning up against the wall. "I can it you know. I can see our little wedding in the Ice Kingdom. All blue and white. Cake walking her down the aisle ready to give her away to her. Marshall for my best man and you for hers. Us saying our vowls and then I do. I just want to give her the world. What anyone who is in love as me would want." She finished letting out a long sigh.
Gumball just smiled at her before pulling her towards the door. "Well how about you go make that happen missy." He said putting his hands on her shoulders.
"Alright alright I'll go think of something. Sheesh! If you just wanted me out of the way so you and Marshall could-" She was saying until gumball slammed the door in her face.
Well now what she thought as she rubbed the back of her neck sighing. She started walking done the hall when a maid ran up to her.
"Sorry to bother you but the Water King Willy has invited you to a weekend ball." The maid said handing her the invitation.
"Thank you." Simone said smiling sweetly at her.
The maid started walking away but turned back around. "For what it's worth I like you way better than that Ice Queen." The maid said before hurrying away.
Simone smiled no one has mentioned that to her in a long time. She wishes they one day she and everyone will be able to forget but she knows better. That part of her life will always be there.
When she got home Fionna wasn't there so she called Marshall over. She had started to write down a list of questions to ask Fionna. She wanted to get everything right. She was done writing the list by the time the vampire knocked on her door.
"It's open Marshall!" She yelled checking over her list once more.
"Sup Simone." Marshall said sitting beside her on the couch.
"I need your help with something and to talk to you. I know neither one of us are for emotional talks but it'll be good for us." She said turning to face him.
"Yeah your right we have both have been busy with our own lives lately. You have been so wrapped up in Fionna you have forgotten about I exist." Marshall joked rolling his eyes.
"Oh shut up. Like you can see me past Gumball." Simone said laughing rolling her eyes.
They looked at each other and smiled fondly. They hugged saying what words couldn't for the moment.
"You grew up into a wonderful man." Simone said pulling back and cupping his cheek. "I don't know how long Gumball had been alive but I know how long we have. I know better than anyone how painful immortality can be. You can go insane just by thinking about it. When I left you that day that's when I first broke. I never forgot you. For more than a thousand years I was trapped behind that crown in a cell. I watched the world change into Ooo. It was awful and I was scared and alone but I thought of you and Bennie. I hope he made it and found someone else. I prayed you made it someway somehow. I just wanted to see you again because I never got to say goodbye. Then one day I saw you and your band perform. I was so happy but, sad to. I had left you all alone. There is no telling what you had to go through alone. I wanted to be with you but I know if I didn't put that crown then we would both be dead." She said with tears falling down her cheeks. She tried to wipe them away but they kept coming.
"I don't blame you. I never have and never will." Marshall said making her look up at him. "After you saved me I stayed in that car for a while. I left after the second day. I was hungry and I couldn't it. I left at night because those things didn't come out in the dark. I found a shopping center that wasn't that beat up. I found a backpack and packed as much food and water I could. One of those things came in so I ran to the bathroom and locked the door. Every so often I would check but it was always there. Luckily there was a window so I waited till dark and climbed through it. I picked a direction and started walking." He paused for a minute before continuing. "I met a woman soon after. If it wasn't for her I wouldn't be alive."
"You don't have to tell me if it's too painful for you to remember." She said squeezing his hand.
"No it's fine you deserve to know this part off my life. You were and are family Judy like she was." He said looking at her. She gave his had a squeeze and smiled at him and he returned it.
"Her name was Heather Grace. She was a fairly young woman who lived alone on a farm. I never asked why because I just sort of new better. She told me when she found me she was surprised. She thought all the humans and moved on or died. She was right. Once she saw my neck she pulled out her gun ready to shoot me but she didn't. She said once she saw me breath and pull hambo closer to me she couldn't." He said looking at her and smiling sadly. "You know what she told me before she died? She said she was so happy she did not pull the trigger."
Heather was walking through her fields doing a regular check of her grounds. When she saw something in the distance. Ready for anything she clutched her gun. To her surprise it was a little boy. He looked dehydrated and thin. She thought he had collapsed from walking. The boy rolled over some and she saw two bit marks on his neck. She immediately pulled out her gun. She was going to pull the trigger when she saw he was breathing. The boy pulled the object he was holding and mumbled "Hambo." She lowered her weapon. She couldn't do it. He wasn't a monster he was a child first. She picked the child up and carried him home.
Marshall woke up and tried to sit up. He heard something creak and rubbed his eyes. Then he realized the ground doesn't creak. His eyes snapped open and he saw he was in a room. Then he noticed there was someone next to him. His heart jumped at the chance it could have been Simone. Those thoughts vanished as his eyes fell on a red head woman. He screamed trying to get away.
"Hey now is that anyway to treat someone who saved your life." The woman said smiling at him.
He stopped screaming but didn't stop trying to climb the wall. He hadn't seen anyone besides Simone in a long time. The last time he saw someone his patents ended up dead and his neck burned for days. He was alone til Simone found him but she had left him. Now this woman had found him. He couldn't help but wonder how long it would be until he was alone again.
"I'm not going to hurt you I promise. I just want to help you because you looked closed to death when I found you." She said folding her arms.
He calmed down and held hambo closer. She smiled brightened. "That little guys name is Hambo right?" She asked. He gave her a look and she quickly answered. "You called his name in your sleep."
He nodded and she smiled again. "Well my name is Heather. Heather Grace." She said holding out her hand.
He looked at her before shaking it. "Marshall, Marshall Lee." He said quietly.
"Okay Marshall let's get some food in you." She said getting up and motioning for him to follow.
She led him to the kitchen and he sat at the table while she cooked. He didn't say anything and played around with Hambo till it was ready. When she sat the plate down he dug in. She sat down and placed her gun on the table. She watched him eat. He choked and she laughed patting his back. "Slow down it's not going to run away." She said teasing him. He blushed embarrassed but slowed down.
They continued on like that for months. For them it was like the world hadn't changed. They had there on safe haven. However things couldn't stay that way for them.
Marshall had started to notice he ate more red things and as more time pasted it became only red foods. He was sure Heather had noticed but she didn't say anything. His appetite became harder to please also. He noticed no matter how much he ate he was still hungry. He didn't say anything because he knew they could only eat a certain amount. One day when he went to check their traps in the forest. He came across a pack of wolves eating a deer. The biggest one turned around with blood dripping from its muzzle growling at him.
He was going to run but his legs wouldn't move. He couldn't think of leaving when he just became so hungry. He heard something beating steadily. Then he realized it was coming from the animals. He hadn't even realize he hadn't even realized he had started to growl back until his eyes moved back to the wolf. He was looking at him quizzically.
Marshall's eye sight was turning red as he started panting. He couldn't remember being so hungry ever in his life before. The wolf took a step forward giving another warning snarl and Marshall lost it.
When he came back to he was horrified. There was bits and pieces of flesh everywhere. He covered his mouth but quickly jerked away when he felt his hands were wet. His bloody hands started to shake as he stared at them. One look at the rest of the splattered blood on his body was all it took for him to scream.
He screamed and screamed and screamed until Heather came running. She took one look at the scene and fell limp against a tree. "Oh Marshall." Was all she said.
She didn't speak a word as she started fire and set the flesh a blames. She just gathered a shocked Marshall in her arms and walked back home. She said nothing as she put him down to start cleaning him. She said nothing when he started crying after looking at himself in the mirror. She only cleaned him up and put him down for bed. She didn't say anything but she did break down as soon as she closed his bedroom door. When he came out of his room she was already sitting at the table. He went and sat across from her and looked at the table. She smiled and placed her gun on the table. She got up and walked outside. He waited a minute before getting up and following her. He sat beside her on the steps and lined into the sun's warmth.
"I already knew." She said and he turned to look at her. "I knew the day I found you but, I couldn't kill you."
"What am I?" Marshall asked playing with his shadow.
"Vampire." She said sighing.
"Oh" He said sighing to.
He looked at her and she turned to him crying. He would never forget her face that day. It was the saddest face he had ever seen anyone make ever. "You are still my little Marshall." She said hugging him tightly. He hugged back as tight as he could. "Now go play." She said smiling and wiping her tears.
He smiled and ran out into the field chasing after a butterfly. She watched him play himself out in the sun.
After that day they didn't bring the incident up. They tried to move on as best thru could. Marshall's hungry was getting harder and harder to control. They were at dinner and almost everything was red.
"I'm hungry." He said pushing the food around.
"Then eat Marshall." Heather said calmly.
"I can't eat this." He said quietly.
"Then eat Marshall." She said calmly again gripping her gun under the table.
"I can't eat it!" He screamed slinging the plate into the wall. He was standing now gripping the table. His vision started to waver and heard it again. He heard the beating noise but the only other person in the room was Heather. He looked her over becoming hungrier. Quickly realized he ran from the table and to his room. He slammed the door locking it. His sled down it running his hands through his hair.
Think think think! He yelled in his head. He got up and started throwing everything red he saw in a pile.
Heather started banging on the door. "Let me in!" She yelled.
"Go away!" He yelled back pacing around the pile. She stopped banging on the door and he heard the beating again. He started to see read again and dropped to the floor clinching his stomach. He picked something up and tried to eat it crying. "Please!" He begged through tears. "Please I don't want to hurt her! I don't want to do what I did to those wolves to her. I can't. I don't want to be a monster." He sobbed out.
Heather couldn't take listening to him anymore. "Marshall Honey you're not a monster. You didn't ask to be what you have become. It's not your fault okay?" She said quietly. "Okay?"
"Okay" He said quietly.
"Now can you open the door for me?" She asked.
"But what if I hurt you?" He whispered.
"You won't." When she didn't get a reply she tried again. "Hey I believe in you. I trust you. I know you want because you're strong Marshall. You don't have to deal with this alone we can deal with it together."
It was still quiet until the door opened. He didn't say anything and went to sit back down. She went and sat by him and pulled him into a hug. He cried into her shoulder and she just rubbed his back. After he calmed down she picked up an apple.
"Show me what you were doing before." She aid giving it to him.
He looked at her before rolling his eyes and biting into it. Then he pulled it back out.
"Bit into it again but this time use your fangs and do what you feel." He rolled his eyes again but did it anyway. The only difference was he actually sucked this time. He gasped and snatched it away before swallowing. He looked at where the apples color was drained then back at her. She smiled and motioned for him to finish. He drained the rest of the apple and half of the pile of color.
They sat there in silence after that. Until she ruffled his hair. "Hey Marshall?"
"Yeah Heather." He said stopping her hand.
"I'm so happy I didn't pull the trigger." She said smiling out the window. He smiled to.
Their moment was ruined by the sound of trees falling and something screeching. "Stay here." Heather said jumping up and grabbing her gun.
He watched her run out the door and never looked away. He heard more screeching followed by gun fire. He jumped up running out the same doorway.
He burst through the front door and stopped in his tracks. There was Heather shooting at three large creatures. Her gun ran out of bullets and she threw it to the side backing up. She turned to him and smiled. She mouthed "I love you." Before the creatures ripped her apart right in front of him. When they were done they turned towards him. He turned to run but bumped into something and fell down. He looked up at a woman in a suit with a hat and axe on her back.
She glanced at him before walking towards the creatures. "Mindless demons." She said opening her mouth as they charged at her. Their souls flowed in and their bodies fell to the ground. She looked back at him over his shoulder.
He hadn't moved since he fell. Heather was dead, he almost died, and now a woman just killed these things by opening her mouth. He didn't even see her squat down in front of him. He jumped back surprised when she snapped her fingers in his face. "Well at least you didn't pass out." She said standing back up and looking at him.
"My name is Lucy Abadeer. I was just passing through and wanted to see if they woman was still alive. I met her a while back. I actually saved her life like I saved yours when her family was killed by vampires. She didn't shed a single tear at their funeral. She only promised to stay alive for as long as she could. I'm surprised she let you live considering that." She said looking him over.
She moved her gazed to the yard. She closed her eyes as the wind blew. She looked back at him with her hair blowing around her red eyes. "The world is no long what any of us intended." She said clinching the pendant hanging from her neck. "I and you are not the same but we are immortal. We will live for however long forever is. It will become maddening along the way but it is our cruel fate in this world. A mind can only take so much. Nobody is meant to live forever but we will make the best of it. I shall take you with me because I do not know what will become of you if I leave. I'll give you a minute to gather your things." She turned looking back out into the yard.
He got up and stumbled into the house. He went and grabbed Hambo. He walked into Heather's room and looked around. "Good bye Heather I love you to." He said before closing the door.
He walked back outside to see the woman standing by a fire. He was going to walk out there but jumped back into the shade. He looked down at the burned flesh on his arm. He felt something get put on his head. He glanced up to see a hat on his head.
"You're only a monster when you have given up and given in." She said before walking down the steps. She opened a portal and looked back at him.
He had long stopped questioning things. He held his held down and let his tears hit the ground as he walked down steps through the last sun rays of the sunset.
"You see monsters don't cry." She said as she placed her hat back on her head. He looked up and nodded still crying. She smiled wickedly in the moonlight and held out her hand. He grabbed it holding Hambo closer to him.
They walked through the portal and Marshall looked back. He saw his safe haven fading into darkness.
Marshall breathed through his nose slowly and wiped his tears. "I have never told anyone that story." He said.
She smiled and hugged him. At that moment Fionna came through the door. "Whoa am I interrupting something?" She asked.
They jumped apart surprised. "Oh hey fifi and no. We were just having a talk." Marshall said.
"Yeah love a long overdue talk." Simone said.
"Oh ok it's about time." She said smiling at them.
"Yeah well I'm going to go." He said going to the door. He pulled a hat out of nowhere and put it on.
"Oh you don't have to go Mar." Fionna said.
"Yeah I do you guys have to go dress shopping. I also need to get going before it gets dark. I don't feel like traveling in the dark right now." He said smiling wickedly before leaving.
"That smile was just creepy." Fionna said shivering.
"Sometimes people play as monsters because monsters don't cry." Simone said smiling sadly. "Hey are you ok?" Fionna asked cupping her cheek.
"Yeah love." Simone said kissing her knuckles. "But like he said I need to go dress shopping so come with me?"
"Yeah let's do it!" She said kissing her and running out the door.
Simone shook her head and followed her out the house.
"So which one looked better?" Simone asked from behind the curtain.
"Hmmm I think the red one was the best." Fionna said looking at herself in the mirror. She should have cleaned herself up some. She was so dirty she had to stand as to not dirty anything.
"Alright let's go." Simone said popping out if the changing room and intertwining their fingers. She kissed her cheek and pulled her along.
"Don't you think that's nasty because I'm dirty?" Fionna asked.
Simone spun around and smashed their lips together. Kissing her passionately then she pulling away. Fionna panted gripping onto her girlfriend's shirt. "I will never think kissing you is nasty no matter how dirty you are. I always want to show you how much I love you." She said whispering into Fionna's ear.
"Stop that! We're in public." She said trying to push her away.
"Yeah I know and I think I want to try something else." She said pushing her into a dressing room.
"What are you doing?" Fionna asked as she leaned against the wall not daring to move.
"I want to see how dirty you are." Simone said dropping the dress and kissing her.
She pulled up Fionna's shirt as she kissed down her jaw. She her neck and pinched her nipples. Fionna moaned out before covering her mouth. She didn't want to get caught so she had to be quiet. Simone took a nipple in her mouth before pushing her girlfriends skirt down. She quickly dropped to her knees lapping up her juices. Fionna grinded onto her tongue trying to get a release. Simone plunged her tongue deep into. Fionna gripped her hair humping her face till she came.
She stood up and kissed her. Simone started to remove her pants quickly. She then shoved three fingers into pulled her down to the floor. She continued to pump into her as an employee called out to them.
"Excuse me queen Simone is everything alright?" She asked.
Simone pulled fingers out and put them into Fionna's mouth as she grinded their clits together. "Everything is prefect just trying it on for the last time." She said.
Fionna started to play with her tits when the employee left. Simone moaned grinding down harder and faster. She yanked Fionna up by her hair and kissed her as they came together.
"Now we're dirty together." She said panting.
Fionna woke up first and decided to go make Simone some breakfast. She wiggled out of her loves embrace and kissed her cheek. She smiled before walking in the kitchen. She decided to just make her some fruit salad. When she was done she sat it in the table and a half sleep queen walked in.
"Good morning" Simone mumbled shuffling over to kiss her lover.
"Morning love I made you a fruit salad it's in the table." Fionna said returning the kiss and pointing at the table.
"Thank you love you." Simone said taking the bowl and going to get ready.
A little later she was kissing Simone goodbye and heading back to bed. They had barely gotten any sleep last night.
She was woken up by a certain vampire at her door. She opened the door and he smiled ruffling her hair. "Hey Mar what's up?" She asked following him to the couch.
"Oh nothing gumball is doing an experiment on our friends and I'm helping." He said pulling out a piece of paper.
"Hmm what's it about?" She asked leaning back.
"I'm not sure but I got to ask you some questions. I already asked Simone hers before our talk yesterday." He said.
"Alright well ask away." She said waving her hands around.
"If you could go anywhere in Ooo where would you go?"
"The hot springs place called Whirlpool where the Ice Kingdom and Flame Kingdom meet. I've been trying to book a time but it's always booked."
"What's your favorite time of the day?"
"If you could do anything in Ooo what would it be?"
"Um I've done almost everything but the only thing I haven't done is go to a Royal Ball with Simone."
"What is your idea of a perfect day?"
"A relaxing day. Breakfast in bed, a full body day, a bubble bath in a jacuzzi, a bonfire on the beach, and end it making love to Simone."
"Um ewww enough questions. Come on let's go hang out." He said pulling her to her feet.
"Alright alright let me change my clothes." She said pushing him out of the way.
If Simone only heard some of your answers. He thought as he waited on her. I can't wait to see Fionna's face after she proposes.