A/N Thank you for sticking with this story! I know it's been forever since I updated! Please forgive me!

Disclaimer; I do NOT own Les miserables. I hate to say it. But it's true.

When Enjolras turned fifteen, was when the trouble began to show up more often than it used to.

Enjolras was a teenager, his father was one of the head officers in the city. What else would anyone expect?

But it wasn't the normal, sneaking out going to places he shouldn't. Saying bad things and poking fun at other people sort of trouble.

No, Enjolras had a sort of trouble that was all his own.

His friends, were one thing that was always getting him in trouble.

He couldn't help but sneak them in every so often. And Javert would get upset, and angry, of course. But when would hear his son's explanations later on that day, what could he really say?

The most common were these, "Bossuet doesn't have anywhere to stay.."

"Feuilly doesn't want to go back to the orphanage tonight.."

"Combeferre and I were just working a bit on school work together, father."

"Jehan has been wanting to show me some of his poetry, and this was the first time I could make time for him in a while.."

"Joly's a bit sick, I gave him a bit of the medicine we have in the back room. I hope you don't mind."

"Courfeyrac's girlfriend broke up with him today, and he needs someone to stay with him right now."

"Bahorel's gotten himself into a bit of a rut tonight. I'll clean him up. He won't be any trouble. Don't worry."

Then, other times it was simply the boy's inability to hold his tongue, for instance the time they went out for a ride together on their horses, and saw a gamine on the street being mistreated.

Enjolras had dismounted his horse at once, and run to the girl's side. Then began to lecture the man who had harmed her, on how it was unfair to steal from those who are smaller than you, for they cannot defend themselves. But he should remember that one day, even the smallest grow up, and when they do, they will be a force to be reckoned with.

The man had backed away slowly, and muttered something about a school boy and minding his own business.

But Enjolras hadn't seemed to notice. And if he did, he didn't mind. He had reached into his pocket and given the young girl all of the money he held in his pockets. Patting her on the head, then mounting his horse, Enjolras had turned to his father and asked if he could give her his jacket also.

"Son, we cannot give everything to those who do not work to earn their place in the world. The law is the law, and these people do not abide it. We must not encourage them to continue living this way, or else who knows where this country will end up."

"Perhaps in a better place. Where people in charge can see things from not just up here," He gestured to where he and his father sat, "But down on the ground with the people who need their help."

Javert simply stared at his teenage son in silence.

"That's the sort of world I would like to live in." Enjolras said, his blue eyes flicking towards Javert.

"I fear for the future if all young people think as you do, my boy." Javert said, without a thought as to what pain the words may cause his son."

That was the day, the first day, that Javert had ever seen his son cry.

That was the day their relationship began to unravel.

A/N I hope you all enjoyed it. Please review, favorite, follow and all that good stuff! God Bless!