Hey guys! This is a two-shot/possible three-shot. I know I have lots of other stories to finish, but this one was just oozing out of my fingers. I hope you enjoy the first installment of "Restless Heart"...

Twitter: CliffhangerGirl

Warnings: Rated M for mature themes...(:

Restless Heart


"Y-You can't just expect me to move in with you when we've only been going out for two months! Please, just give us a chance. I've been in a relationship before, I know what it's like to watch it crumble if you push and push-." Imogen cut me off with a sharp slap across the cheek, the indent of her fingernails marking my skin.

"Get out." She hissed, pointing to her apartment door.

"I do everything for you, Eli. I drive you to work, pick you up at the train station when you're done, and all I ask of you is to move in with me. I'm not asking you for my hand in marriage, for fucks sake!" Her tone grew louder and more intense, her jaw narrowing with anger.

"It's only been two months, that's barely anything Imogen! I'm just trying to be logical here." I kept my voice low and calm, hoping she'd follow in my foot steps.

Yeah, right.

"GET OUT! We're through! I mean it Elijah, don't call me, text me, email me-nothing! I want no contact with you ever again, I'M DONE!" She yelled, and for the first time in my life, I didn't feel heartbreak, or sadness.

I had lived through only two relationships in my life; the first one had ended tragically, and the second…had ended in heart shattering pain. But after hearing Imogen's words, I was used to being broken up with, I was used to being lonely again, I was used to the pain.

I wasn't going to stand in front of her, and beg for her. If she wanted me out of her life so easily, and wouldn't give me time, then she wasn't worth it. If people don't make it to your future, there's a reason. I wasn't going to question her mind, or her standards that I couldn't meet.

"Goodbye Imogen." I whispered, flashing her a small smile.

Her jaw gaped, as if I was the one breaking up with her. For a moment, I wanted to work things out, I wanted to have her come back to my apartment and watch movies with me. But then again, I didn't want to surrender.

I wanted to escape love because in all honesty, it's a torterous prison.

She looked as if she wanted to bash a brick over my head; that is, if she could. I held out my hand and the past two months flashed before my eyes. The little picnics, the surprise dates, the flowers, the smiles, the kisses, the laughs…the happiness.

I swallowed the lump in my throat as she shook my hand.

"I-I guess we're just too different for each other. I'm sorry we didn't work out. I hope you have a nice life Eli, and I hope you find someone who can stand you." She seethed, ripping the grip from my hand, and pushing my chest roughly, causing me to practically fly through the open door.

My back hit the rails to the winding staircase in the hallway, and without a word, Imogen slammed the door, leaving me in echoing silence.

The memories of carrying Imogen up these steps smiling and giggling flashed before my eyes. In that moment, I knew the only way I'd get through this night would be making a trip to Ernie's bar downtown…


"Breaking up with me? W-What?" My lips trembled, watching my boyfriend of one year and three months nod his head eagerly, "Yup. So um, I had Ralph pack your bags already, they're by the door."

Luke pointed to the door, and my lips parted, my heart dropping into my stomach, "B-But…what did I do wrong?"

Here I was for the past year and three months thinking that Luke Baker was my soul mate, that I had finally found the guy of my dreams. Although he was a heart throb on the rink, and had spotted me at a Tronto Maple Leafs game, I thought he had chosen me…for me. I had been interviewing him for a week previous, and he said he'd grown feelings for me, leading to his public proposal of asking me out on a date during the game.

He stroked my cheek soothingly, "Awe…Clarebear, don't be upset. Relationships end, feelings change, people change. But uh, I'm glad I met you buddy."

"Buddy?" I cringed, "Are you fucking kidding me?"

"Yeah I mean…you're my best friend love, but the sex is just…I'm not feeling it anymore." Luke admitted, eyeing the open door, as if waiting for me to leave-which he was.

"The sex? That's why you're breaking up with me?" I asked, astonished and embarrassed. The butler, Ralph, had let out a small chuckle.

I shot him a glaring look, before turning back to Luke, who said, "I haven't been able to finish in weeks Clare! I gave you your chance, now please, go. Stop making it harder on us. Just accept it hun, and move the hell on, alright?"

He made it sound so easy; because for him, it would be.

Luke Baker had single handedly ripped my heart out of my chest, and stomped on it right before me. I held back the tears stinging my eyelids, only to stare up at him one last time, "Maybe you can't cum because it takes nearly fifteen minutes for you to even get it up! I'll make sure the press knows that your game may be smooth on the ice, but you've got no moves in the bedroom. Secret of mine? You've never made me finish. You have no sense of direction or listening skills, therefore I'm pretty sure half the women you slept with before me have LIED. You're an ignorant, self-centered pig! So there you go Luke Baker, someone had the guts to tell the truth. You're not perfect dude, no one is! Have fun jacking off with Ralph! Maybe he can lick up your pathetic pre-cum!" I declared loudly, feeling a sense of powerful energy flow through my body.

He didn't speak a word, just pointed to the door, and Ralph, who was standing with bags, wide-eyed.

I walked towards him, and took my bags, "Thanks for nothing."

Without looking back, I knew what my plan was for the night. I wasn't going to sulk, and let Luke Baker get to me like the rest of my ex-boyfriends did. I wasn't going to sit in my apartment and eat buckets of ice cream until I'm licking the bottom depressingly.

Oh no.

I was going to the biggest hot spot bar downtown; Ernie's.


The strobe lights were blaring the scene; girls were grinding, guys were panting, drinks were being tossed, and even cocaine was being sniffed. Although it wasn't done around others, if you went to the bathroom you were guaranteed to walk into a "coke feast". It was a traditional thing at Ernie's; everyone knew about it, probably even Ernie.

I never did drugs, though.

I was more of a guy to go hard with my drinking than shoot up heroine with needles that'll potentially kill me. Although drinking can kill me, at least it'll be a slow death over time.

It was around midnight; I could still see straight and the bartender hadn't signaled me to stop drinking because I was too intoxicated. I sighed, chugging down my drink, letting the cool droplets absorb into my hands.

A purse slammed down next to me, causing me to jolt, as I looked at the owner of the bag. She flashed me a sly smirk, asking "wassup", before sitting down beside me. She hauled over the bartender, and said, "Give me the strongest, biggest drink you have. Put it on this card. And oh, get my new friend a drink too…he looks thirsty."

"Yes m'am." He nodded obediently, before heading to the cash register to begin this strange woman's tab.

"Hi, I'm Clare." She grabbed my hand, shaking it eagerly.

"I'm Eli!" I screamed over the blaring music, and she nodded enthusiastically.

"What brings you to this kind of bar this late at night?" She asked, her curls looking rather damp from the rain outside. I smirked, raising my brow, "I could ask you the same question."

"Well, my boyfriend dumped me. Therefore, I'm out to celebrate…and it just so happens that the jackass forgot that I kept all of his credit cards in my wallet, in my bags, which he so kindly packed to kick me out." She smirked, trying to hide the sadness in her voice. I could tell that this break up wasn't easy on her, but she was trying to get over it by drinking the night away.

Just like me.

"I told you my story, now you tell me yours." Clare commanded, nudging my side with her-might I add-pointy elbow.

I laughed, looking at the bottle of half empty beer in my hands, "My girlfriend broke up with me because I didn't want to move in with her."

"How long were you guys going out?" She asked nonchalantly.

"Two months, to this day." I took a swig of my drink, allowing the buzz to form. She chuckled, and for the first time, I saw a woman smile at me. This wasn't a smile that neither Imogen nor my other ex's had ever given me. Although we had countless times of joy that included smiles, I've never seen a smile so…genuine.

So breathtaking.

"Here's you guys go." The bartender smiled, handing us off a tray full of various drinks. I looked over at Clare nervously, and she picked up a small shot glass, swigging it down in one gulp.

"What?" She asked, biting her lip.

For a woman her size, she could sure take down drinks. I watched her for fifteen minutes straight, taking in drink after drink after drink. When half of the trays contents had disappeared into Clare's body, she laughed at me.

The beer I had wasn't strong enough to get me completely smashed, but Clare looked like she was on her way down that road. And then I thought, why the hell can't I join her?

Clare handed me a shot glass, and said, "Here's to a fabulous night ahead, with my new best friend, Elijah…"

She drew out the "h", waiting for me to fill in the blank, "Goldsworthy."

"Elijah Goldsworthy."

Whatever was in the drink was strong enough to lead me into a small choking fit. My eyes watered, as Clare showed no weakness to the alcohol. She smirked, biting back her bottom lip.

This woman was dragging me into a dark place, a place that maybe…I belonged in, with her.

"What, Mr. Goldsworthy?" My eyes narrowed in on her as her tongue poked through her lips, teasing me, "Scared to keep up with me?"


10 reviews=next chapter (:

Love you guys,

Cliffhanger Girl


A/N, the next chapter is when the real business...starts (;