Chapter 4

Hey guys! I want to apologize for such a long wait. Between writer's block and drama, I have not had the time or cleverness to write anything suitable for my gltas fanfics. Sorry again guys!

"Well, I'm glad to see the spider guild has rebuilt themselves." Hal plucked some webbing off his shoulder. "Plus, their prison isn't such a...well, such a prison anymore."

Kilowog shook his head. "Ya mean torture? Yeah, it's good they're shaping up." The two men climbed aboard the Interceptor as they talked, only to be greeted by a cube that shoved itself in their faces.

"Greetings green lanterns Hal Jordan and Kilowog! Your negotiations were satisfactory?" LANOS looked between the lanterns expectantly.

Both men groaned. It was nice flying around in the old Interceptor, but Aya had always been a much better nav computer...and by that, they meant much less annoying.

"Yes, LANOS..." They walked around the cube and into the main room. Hal sat in his chair. "LANOS?" The computer's cube appeared before him, waiting. "Prep the hyperdrive for our jump back to Oa, please?" The human leaned back in his chair and rested his hands behind his head as he closed his eyes.

"Hyperdrive will be ready in 54.2 seconds!" LANOS chimed then phased back into the control panel.

Kilowog looked at him. "Hey, Jordan?" Hal opened an eye at him. "Do ya ever miss the old days? When it was the four of us?" Well, that was out of the blue! "Maybe we could..."

"Kilowog, you know it's too risky to visit them. If the guardians found out..." His voice trailed off. He couldn't voice what the guardians would do to his friends, especially since he didn't know if he'd be able to stop them.

The Bolovaxian's ears drooped and he turned back to his console. "Yeah, I know, Jordan. Still..."

Hal looked at his friend, uncertain what to say. He felt the same way, after all. Luckily, LANOS saved him from having to figure that out. "Hyperspace initiating in!" Just like that, the Interceptor was catapaulted into hyperspace.

Grateful for the subject of a conversation change, Hal walked over to Kilowog. "Well, it's a nice change we can cruise through hyperspace without heading towards something endangering the universe, right?"

Suddenly, the Interceptor gave a violent shake, throwing Hal to the floor. LANOS's voice chimed overhead. "My programs have been overridden and my coordinates have been reprogrammed."

Hal flew to his chair. "LANOS! Manual controls!"

Kilowog spun to look at the human. "Jordan! What do ya think you're doin?"

"When we come out of hyperspace, I'm going to be ready for whatever is waiting for us. Kilowog, get ready to fire..." Hal gripped the steering wheel, ready to veer off the path of whatever brought them to this new destination.

In the blink of an eye, they popped out of hyperspace and were floating among the stars. The Interceptor floated silently, whatever had been controlling it seemingly gone.

The Bolovaxian looked around. "Where are...look!" He jabbed a finger toward the front where they could see a pale figure cloaked in blue nod at them. "It's blue!"

Hal leaned back in his chair and made a low whistle. "This ought to be interesting..."

"I apologize for any inconvenience we brought upon your schedule." Razer nodded at the men.

"Awwww Blue we missed ya!" Kilowog grabbed Razer in an enthusiastic hug. Razer's eyes widened the smallest bit in surprise. "How ya been? How's Aya?"

The Volkregian carefully extracted himself from the much larger man's arms. "We've been fine. Everyone has been doing well. I thought you may be interested in meeting them when they arrive."

"When who arrives, Razer?" Hal shook his hand and saw the smallest smile grace Razer's face. There was a playful glint in his eyes and both men looked at each other in surprise.

"You'll have to wait and see just like the rest of us..."

Gentle as a caress, the interceptor touched down on Odym and the three men walked off the ship. On the ground, stood a familiar girl. She wore a sleeveless blue dress, her lavender hair in a ponytail over her shoulder, a blue ring on a chain around her neck and a warm smile on her face directed at the three chatting males that were strolling down the Interceptor's ramp.

But she wasn't as small as they remembered...

"WELCOME BACK, KILOWOG, HAL!" Both men's eyes widened at the booming voice, then, as they turned, they widened more at how large Krishna had become. Her whole body had become bigger and now she was...rather plump. She easily matched Kilowog's size now, as compared to when they had last seen her and she didn't even reach his shoulder and was a skinny lithe creature.

"How are you two?!" Her voice was loud as she grabbed the pair in a hug.

Hal's eyes were still huge as he was enclosed in her arms. "Kr...Krishna!'d you...?"

The girl laughed heartily. "Suppose you're wondering why I'm even larger than Kilowog, huh?" She let the two men go and smiled, patting her especially large belly. "Elemental females' whole body gets larger when they...well no use hiding it! The female's whole body gets larger when they get pregnant!"

Razer snickered as Hal's and Kilowog's jaws nearly hit the ground. Hal recovered first, but only enough to speak. "You're...pregnant...?"

She grinned. "Yep! But girls always do things in pairs on Earth don't they, Hal?"

His expression was confused for a moment, until realization dawned on him and his eyes grew even wider. " mean...?"

"That's exactly what I mean. Now come on. Aya was the one that hijacked your ship after all. She's eager to see you guys."

"Ayyyaaaa! We've got company! Come say hello!" From behind the hanging cloth that served as the house's front door, peeked out a petite girl. Her skin was a faint green and she wore a sleeveless, high-necked, white gown, green ring on a chain around her neck. Aya smiled at the men and they both raced over to greet her as she came fully out into the open, a small smile on her lips. When they saw her, both green lanterns skidded to a halt and their eyes locked on her round belly. One slender hand pressed on her back as she walked and the other rested on the large bump affectionately. Krishna strolled over as if Hal and Kilowog weren't frozen to the spot and leaned into the house. "Saint Walker! Dad! We have company!"

After a minute, both blue lanterns appeared. Saint Walker moved to Krishna's side, putting an arm around her lovingly, as far as his arm would go around her. "Welcome back to Odym, my friends. What brings you to our little planet?"

"Aya wanted us to visit apparently." Hal crossed his arms and raised an eyebrow at Aya, clearly amused.

The small girl smiled at him. "Green lantern Hal, you and sergeant Kilowog are the closest thing I have to a family. I thought you'd want to be here for the birth of our child." A small frown appeared on her sweet face. "Perhaps, I was wrong?"

Hal smiled and patted her head. "Don't be silly, Aya. Of course we wanna be here for your kid to come into the world. Well, maybe not righttt there..."

She smiled. "I understand. In many cultures the males are not allowed in the delivery room due to it being such an intense and intimate moment in the woman's life."

The group turned as they heard a loud huff. Krishna crossed her arms and raised an eyebrow. "This is all fine and good, but the food is getting cold so can we move this inside?"

Both the human and Bolovaxian's stomachs grumbled as if on cue and they both eagerly agreed to getting some food in their bellies.

"So wheref's Warfth?" Hal was chewing on some kind of fish while Kilowog downed another bowl of soup. The blue lanterns and Aya watched in emotions ranging from amusement to disgust as the green lanterns went to town on the food the girls had prepared.

Ganthet chuckled. "He is currently on a mission on a distant planet as a peacemaker. I imagine he won't be back for some time."

" guys ever eat?" Krishna stared in amazement as they continued to eat more and more.

"Yeah, but those space meals just don't cut it." Kilowog wiped his mouth with the back of his forearm. "Ya know, those things are made of concentrated nutrients so it's just not the same as real food."

Hal prodded a drumstick-shaped fruit. It had dark blue stripes over a pale blue background. "Hey, what's this one, Aya?"

"That is called a narab fruit, green lantern Hal. It is eaten similarly to how humans eat the legs of chickens." She pointed a slender finger at the white chunk sticking out of the end. "That is the core. It is not consumed, much as the bone would not be."

Hal nodded as he listened and picked it up, tearing off a chunk. He chewed thoughtfully before grinning. "Tastes great, Aya!"

She smiled, but before she could say anything Krishna raised a hand. "Let's get down to business shall we?" She looked at Kilowog and Hal seriously. "Look. As of now, the blue lanterns are a bit of a secret from the well as Aya's being a green lantern, but if the time ever comes where we are discovered...well, it'll come down to two things. Either the guardians will allow us a peaceful existence, which is the less likely of the two, or they will try to erase us from existence. If that time comes and the worse of the options occurs, will you protect our children? Will you save them?"

Hal and Kilowog looked at each other and nodded before turning back to Krishna. The human put his unfinished narab down before he spoke. "We will keep them safe...but only on one condition."

"What is the condition green lantern Hal?"

He smiled. "We do everything we can to keep all of you guys safe too."

The group stared in surprise, then broke into smiles. Razer shook his head in amazement. "You never cease to amaze..."

Saint Walker smiled serenely. "We accept your terms."

The girl at his side laughed. "Well, now that we got the seriousness out of the way...let's finish eating!"

And now the long-awaited next chapter is here! It's short, but I wanted to get something posted after all this time. Hope I didn't disappoint too much. Sorry again guys!