Disclaimer: I DON'T OWN HOW TO TRAIN YOUR DRAGON. However I did make this story.

Apologizes if you were excepting a chapter within the past few weeks. But, this is probably going to be the last chapter in this story. I intend on continuing it in a new story. I do have some ideas where I want to go with the story, but I very much welcome reader input. I would like to say thank you to you the audience for reading this and/or previous story so far. Here's the next part in the story.

The next morning I woke up to an almost pleasant morning if it wasn't for all the moving around. Everyone (human & dragon) was busy shuffling about doing stuff. Just as I stood up, Toothless approach our little groups.

"Get up guys, we need to leave now!" He roared at us. Meatlug was the only one really that hadn't already woke up. After some convincing, we got her to wake up. We followed Toothless through the somewhat hectic movements of people to where Hiccup and the others were. They made some checks with their gear before hopping on the saddles. After which we got ourselves into the air as quickly as possible. The large enemy armada appeared to look like small dots in the distance. Sometime after lifting up, the ships raised anchor and joined up with some of the other ships already circling the island. The dragons as well got themselves into the air shortly after the ships set off.

While we followed the ships from the air, I could hear the roars and through of other dragons. Some couldn't wait for the battle to start, while some wished to be elsewhere. The ages of the various dragons varied a little bit. It consisted of a mixture of elders and adolescents dragon, which there a few more adolescents than elders. The same could be said from the range of dragon species as their were more or less of one type. Although there were a few unknown species.

One type was in between a medium to small size dragon, but they had spikes from head to tail. However, its underbelly was smooth with no spikes coming out from there. The wings seemed kind of small for its body from my point of view. But they were able to fly which meant it good enough to keep them in the air. I didn't know what they were capability of doing, but those spike looked like they could do massive damage. I began forming ideas what they were able to do before asking them what they can do. I carefully ask the unknown dragon what they could do, such as fire breathing or any other meanings of attack. As well as to ask what could be done to defend themselves should the need arise.

They weren't able to breath fire, instead they could roll up into a ball while using the spikes to attack or defend. Their thick other skin protects their insides from sharp or penetrating object as they roll around. However, it hard to control or see where they're going once in the tight ball. Which meant they could be vulnerable whenever they're not curled up. I mentally call them spikers.

Another one had a ball shaped object on the back of their tails, which was obvious what they could do with it. They were on medium side of the dragon size scale. It had some protection on both front and back, but there was more on the belly side. Probably to prevent them from injuring themselves when they swung their tails. There weren't very many spikes like the other dragon, but they still had a few spike. They were able to shot a few fireballs before reaching their limit. I mentally called them firing fireball.

We didn't leave very far from our fortified island so as to have some safety if we need to fall back. The plan was to have the dragons flying above the clouds for cover until the Vikings signaled to us the attack has started. At which pointed we'd bring down an array of attacks on them, then the Vikings would begin to attack. Then the dragons would join the Vikings in the attack.

For what felt like the longest time, nothing seemed to be happening down below as there was nothing signaling us. I thought about taking a peek below, but then I could let the enemy know of our possible attack. Eventually a flaming ball appeared from the clouds before dropping down and out of sight. Being bored of our minds, we took that as the signal and folded our wings in.

Once we'd cleared the clouds, we saw a mess of ships against ships with its crew ready to attack the other. We used the ship's flag colors to lessen the confusion when we were diving in for our first attack. Although we didn't guarantee we'd miss every one of our ships, we hit a few of our own forces with minimal damage to ship and crew. Some of us gave it all they had, while some were in more of a reserved state to attack later. A few enemy ships were sunk, but some of its crew swam to other surrounding ships. Next the Gronckles and other slow moving dragons climbed to begin another dive. While the rest of us gave a high-speed attack using our fire before saving it as they attacked each of the ships.

I lost sight of the gang after we were given the signal and just started attacking from ship to ship. I couldn't quite see where they were since I focused on the fights I was having. I did my best not to kill them, but it didn't mean they weren't in a lot of pain. Although killing them would be easy, that wasn't in my nature to kill people. At least without a reason to do so, which this wasn't one of them. Although I was doing alright, I'd get a few cuts here and there sometimes. The same could be said for everyone else in the fight, more or less.

The fighting seemed almost nonstop as one after the other kept rushing toward me and to the other fighters. They'd come charging in one by one and sometimes more one. While each one tried to get a hit in me, before going down. But sometimes they'd get up to strike again with some success before going down again. This constant attack made it somewhat hard to get airborne without the threat of being killed. So I was left to attack from aboard the ship.

"What's a battle with injuries." One of things I said to myself every time I felt a sting from a weapon hitting me. Some of the pain I was feeling was dulled a bit due to the rush I was feeling in battle. At some point I was able to catch a glimpse of Hiccup on Toothless riding past. Before turning my attention to the fight I was having.

In almost what left like a minute or less, the battle was over with the enemy retreating. I was on one of our ships due to an injured wing. Which wasn't hurting like it did once before. Anyway, I wasn't the only one not flying back as there were others aboard various ships. In the meantime I was stuck on a mess covered ships along with some people who were just the same. Not that I was complaining about it, it's just that I'd much rather be flying. I didn't notice much blood was pouring out from the cuts like they did a while ago. Although there could be a reasonably explanation to this and focus on other thoughts. I began to ponder the possibly the enemy may strike again with another large force like they did moments again. Except that we'd be weaker than before from the attack earlier, but there was no evidence to support the theory. To which I simply enjoyed the ride as much I was could without jumping into the cold water and swimming. Some of the Viking chattered about the battle just moments ago and to "improve" for later storytelling. Since no one could understand exactly what I say, I sat down and closed my eyes to relax.

Once we'd gotten back could we fully see the damaged we'd suffered from battle. Three ships were lost along with thirty or more humans and dragons lost I heard them say. Although that was just a guess for now until they could fully count it. I hoped none of my friends were killed, but a thought in the back of my mind told me they would be fine. I walked to where we were last night thinking they'd maybe do the same. It took a while before I'd get an answer.

This will probably be the last chapter in this story, but it will be continued at a later date. We will see what happens in the future. Anyway I'd appreciate if you'd leave a review of the story. Please do share any ideas you have of the story, and/ or your opinion of it. And if you have any questions about the story, I'm more than happy to answer them. Anyway Enjoy!