Disclaimer: I DON'T OWN HOW TO TRAIN YOUR DRAGON. However I did make this story.

So here's the next part in the story. So there's been a recent change in my schedule and I may not be able to post them as quick as I did before. Oh and sorry if the title sucks, but it was the best I could come up with. I would like to say thank you to guys for reading this and/or previous story so far.

It's been eight of years since I last seen Hiccup and his friends back on the dragon island. And more so since I last seen my family in my human form, but I wasn't in a rush to go see them right away. I spend my time traveling by foot and sometimes by flight, but only in places inaccessible by walking. During my times of rest and when people are not in sight, I'd practice changing specific body parts. Such as an arm, which wasn't easy at first but I learned how to change all of them individually. I eventually came across a town called Brywood and it was mostly a trading town. And it was amazing how they had almost anything anyone could ask for weapons, food, supplies, and various other things. I managed to get an apprenticeship as a blacksmith with a man named Brizio. He was a good teacher as he would work you hard but he knew when you've reached your limit. He showed me that there was more to a blacksmith than use a very hot piece of metal. You have to learn to heat and strike the metal just right in order to get result you want from the metal. During my apprenticeship I stayed at a place called the "Hammer's Inn". The room was decent even for me to live in. Before I'd go to sleep, I'd sometimes chat with Toothless using our minds about what was going on in Berk and sometimes we'd just talk. That was one thing I wished I used with my parents. Sometimes I accidentally leave the door open a little bit and I'd either be talked or just stare at the celling. Which I'd get some weird looks from people walking by my door, but I really didn't care.

Toothless had been telling me how Hiccup's been doing in his "dragon" training and he eventually learned to change form without ripping his clothes. Hiccup made a new tail that allows him or Hiccup to control, but now at the same time of course. He didn't like the improved tail at first but soon loved it. Hiccup and Astrid had become girlfriend and boyfriend instead of Astrid just pretending Hiccup was her boyfriend. Due to this relationship it meant Hiccup couldn't spend as much time with him as he use to. I kind of wished I was there to comfort him as he did the same with me.

After being Brizio apprentice for about seven and a half, he was killing in a small argument. I decided it was time to move on, so I thought it was time to see my family again.

It took about two weeks shifting between forms to reach one of two mountains overlooking my home village. However, when I reached the top of one of them I didn't see the same village as I'd left it. What stood in front of me was a large fort. I spent the night a mile away from the fort and was having trouble sleeping. I was thinking what my family would say and how they'd react. Eventually after a while I felt asleep.

The next morning I approached the fort and was greeted by two guards standing the entrance.

"State your business here." One the guards said readying his weapon

"I wish to visit my family." I responded underneath the hood.

"Very well." The guard said and gestured to one the guards above to open the doors.

"Guard, do you know where I can find the Sighvatson Family?" I said, as I would be looking for a needle in a haystack. The guard gave me the directions and offered to show where but I kindly refused. Once inside it was a lot busier than I remember, but it was a given. After a short walk I came across a house built from wood and stone. It was slightly bigger than the house I use to stay in years ago. I slowly approached the door and was about to knock, but something stopped me from doing so. My head began to fill with thoughts of what they would think. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, after clearing my head I knocked on the door. Then I heard footsteps from inside the house. Then a man opened the door just enough to show his head but not much else. I soon realized it was father.

"Can I help you stranger?" My father said trying to figure out who I was.

"I bring news of your son." I said which shocked my father. He opened the door wider and allowed me to come in. He led me to the dinner table and then brought everyone to listen. It was a little surprising to see everyone again. My brother and sister had grown quite a bit since I last seen them. My mother and father didn't change much other than becoming old. I made sure to cover my face with the hood for fear they'd recognize me. All of them seemed excited to hear news of how I was doing.

"So what is it?" My brother said too excited to stand it anymore.

"He says he's doing fine and not to worry about him as much." I said trying not to show my face.

"Has he got a family yet?" My mother said holding he hands together and waiting for my response.

"No not yet." I said kind of embarrassed by the question. She felt sad but still had a smile on her face. After awhile of chatting with my family I decided it was time to leave. They offered to allow me to stay there for the night, which I graciously accepted. The next morning they gave me breakfast and then I was on my way back to Beck.

However one night while I camped in a secluded cave. I was in my dragon form and I notice some of my scales turned white rather than black. It was interesting how this form can somehow amaze me.

Anyway I'd appreciate if you'd leave a review of the story. Maybe something you liked, disliked, or something you may want to see in the later chapters. Anyway Enjoy!