A/N: Hello! Well, this is my first fanfic, and my first dab at 'proper' writing too, come to think of it. I hope you enjoy!

Eponine pulled her phone out of her back pocket to check the time, shifting her canvas bag heavy with books from one shoulder to the other as she did so, and adjusting her backpack accordingly. 2:17pm. She had exactly 13 minutes in the library to herself before she was due to meet Courfeyrac for a study session. As if we're gonna get any work done, she scoffed to herself. As she stepped through the doors to the library, the musky smell of paper and ink drifted to her nostrils, and she was reminded once again just how much she liked it here. The stillness, the tranquility, she considered it a blessing, and a treasured escape.

Making her way to the self service points, she inhaled slowly, shrugging the bag from her shoulder and letting the handles slide down her arm until they sat comfortably in her hand. As she placed it atop the table and started taking the books from her bag one by one to return, she subconsciously rolled her aching shoulders.

She couldn't quite understand why people had kicked up such a stink when the library first announced their plans to install these self service points; the queues are shorter, it's quicker, and there's no human interaction. A win win situation in Eponine's eyes.

She scanned book number seven out of seven, placed it on the assigned shelf, and let out a sigh. Grabbing the now empty canvas bag and folding it as small as it would go, she didn't bother putting it away in her backpack as she knew she'd have purpose for it again soon enough. She stood there for a moment, deciding where to go. Considering the endless possibilities that a library provides. Just as she took a step towards the local history section, she felt her phone vibrate. Expecting to see a message from Courfeyrac saying he's going to be late followed by one of his obscure excuses, she was surprised to see the message was from Enjolras. She opened up the message but before she could read it, she was slightly startled by a soft 'Ahem' and looked up to see a middle aged man with grey hair cut short, a friendly face and a hardback book in arm, glancing expectantly between her and the free self service point she was still stood in front of. Muttering her quick apologies, she took a step to the side and again started to make her way towards local history, briefly forgetting the unread message before her phone notifies her of yet another one, also from Enjolras. She raises her eyebrow in intrigue and opens the most recent one.

Care to share the self service points with the rest of the library?

Eponine's head automatically snapped up in suspicion and her eyes started to scan the library top to bottom, until she noticed a figure in a blue polo neck t-shirt, with a head of blonde curls in need of a haircut, bent over a book, his face holding an expression of such intensity that you wonder whether he was simply reading something engaging, or in deep thought about a pressing matter. Eponine quickly typed out her reply with a smirk.

Since when did you start spying on innocent women?

She continued towards her destination and had just picked up a book when she received a reply.

I was merely making an observation.

Of course you were. And what are you doing in the library on a fine day such as this?

Fine being a day when the sky is grey, the wind is nipping at your unprotected external features because you had neglected to acknowledge the fact that the weather can turn in a matter of days, and the clouds heavy with rain, sitting there, just waiting for the perfect moment to unnecessarily drench you when you least expect it.

Now it is time for you to make the observation.

She raised her eyebrow at this, and returned the book to its previous place, an amused half smile playing on her lips.

Here we have the idol creature that goes by the name Enjolras, engrossed in its favourite activity. A rare sight indeed, for despite its placid nature, it is not often seen in its natural habitat, exposed thus, and surrounded by others of its kind.

Eponine tapped send, and glanced over at the creature to see his reaction. Enjolras straightened his posture when he saw his phone light up. Eponine found herself almost satisfied when she saw the corners of his mouth twitch, but he then place his phone back on the table, took up his position once again, and that was that. Leaning against the end of a bookcase, she watched him a moment longer. She watched as he moved to turn the page, handling it with the sort of delicacy you would gold leaf, or a journal belonging to your great grandmother.

He's probably not aware he even does it- Eponine was interrupted from her thoughts by a very loud and rather Courfeyrac sounding "Hey!" She let out a sigh and turned to see Courfeyrac physically ducking as he remembered where he was, with multiple 'Ssh's' coming from various places in the library.

"Sorry!" He stage whispered, though to whom he wasn't quite sure. He looked back at Eponine, who now had her arms crossed and was staring straight at him. Shrugging it off, he made his way over to her.

"You're early."

"I know I know, it ruins my reputation, but hey, I fancied a change."

Eponine's face softened as she returned Courfeyrac's smile.

"Tables or beanbags?" she offered, as they started walking aimlessly around the centre of the library. He turned on the spot and started walking backwards, "Why must you ask that every time?"

"Beanbags it is." Eponine said with a nod as she grabbed Courfeyrac by the shoulders and turned him back round. They both shrugged off their bags and slumped into the soft pillows of polystyrene goodness, practically synchronised in their movements.

"So, what's going down in Courfland?"

He winced at this, "Don't say that again."

Eponine threw up her hands and reached for her backpack, only to find that it was just out of her reach, and she had sunken so far into the beanbag that it would have been a waste of good energy to push herself out of it, so she instead stayed put.

"Well I guess studying's out of the question," she rested her head in her hands as she settled into the beanbag and looked at Courfeyrac with anticipation. He mirrored her position and brushed one of his dark curls from out of his playful green eyes.

"It's booked. We leave tomorrow!"

It had initially been Eponine's idea, though Courfeyrac would no doubt claim it as his own. She had mentioned the need of a holiday, a break from work and stress that the standard weekend simply couldn't provide. She had neglected to think that the casual mentioning of such a thought with her friends in the room would result in Courfeyrac insisting " We make it a thing and do the thing."

"Holidays cost money," Combeferre had regretfully pointed out, peeking from behind his book on the natural history of some place or another.

"We could go camping? I mean, we'd still have to pay for the pitch, but it wouldn't cost too much," Suggested Cosette from her perch on Marius' lap at the end of the, sorry, their table, for they had claimed the table in the corner of the coffee shop at which Eponine worked as their own. You see, a couple of weeks ago there hadn't been enough seats, and when Eponine offered to fetch another chair, Cosette had insisted that she was quite comfortable, and it had been that way ever since. Murmurs of approval spread throughout the group of friends and Combeferre, getting out of his chair and placing his book pages faced down on the table in front of him, decided to bring about some order.

"All those in favour of taking a weekend's camping holiday say I." He was met with a response from what sounded like everybody, but just to be sure he continued.

"All those against, speak now or forever hold your peace." Feuilly and Bossuet were busy that weekend, but promised to join them for any future trips. Enjolras, who had been sitting at the adjoining coffee table with a paper he was working on, had somewhat surprised the others when he agreed to it. His reason being a short break would allow him to return with a fresh mind, which was partially true, but then he did enjoy spending time with his friends. And his family had a six man tent, which would no doubt be needed. When the subject of supplies made its way into the conversation, Bahorel suggested everyone just brings everything they have, they get food on the way, and then sort everything out when they get there. This seemed like the most obvious option, so now all that was left was to find a location and book, and Courfeyrac said he would take care of that. And he had.

Eponine smiled at Courfeyrac and punched him in the arm.

"What was that for?" He whined, rubbing the spot that was sure to bruise.

"A well done,' said Eponine, as if it were obvious. She sank back into her beanbag and stared at the floor, thinking.

"What?" Courfeyrac leaned in towards her, a look of concern now replacing his previous carefree expression.

Eponine had been camping once before, when she was 6. Her parents had for some reason thought they'd give a holiday a go, having never attempted such a thing before, and for the same reason that Cosette had given when she put forward her suggestion, her parents had decided that camping was the cheapest option. They had ended up sleeping in the car because the Thenardiers are useless at many things, and this includes putting up tents. And don't even get me started on the fire.

"Nothing." She looked up at Courfeyrac and gave him a small, reassuring smile, which he returned. It was then that her phone went off, alerting her to the fifth message she had received since entering the library that day. It was from Grantaire.


Since Eponine had started sharing a flat with Grantaire last month, they had developed this one word communication system. 'Food' translated into 'We are out of food, please go shopping asap'.

Eponine sighed and dropped the phone from her hand into her lap, as she flicked her choppy fringe to the side with one swift swish (try saying that 5 times in a row) of her head.

"Okay, now what?" Courfeyrac tried again.

"Just Grantaire letting me know we're out of food back at home," Home. That word had never felt quite right coming from Eponine's lips, and she couldn't remember the last time there was a place worthy enough of such a title. Still, she had a feeling she was in for one heck of a weekend.