A/N. This story is slash. Morgan/Reid. They have become my favorite subjects lately! If this is not your thing, please turn back now. This story will be a couple chapters long, I'm just not sure how many. Right now, I'm thinking 4-5 chapters. This first one his just a teaser. I promise, it will get better!

"Son of a..."

"Morgan. Careful. Here, move over a little. I'll get it."

Reid took the keys from Morgan and pushed the door open, allowing the older agent to enter his own apartment first. He watched as Morgan struggled with the crutches, trying to maneuver his way to the couch. He got as close as possible, then fell the rest of the way, with a relieved huff, the crutches clunking loudly as they hit the floor.

"Dammit, these crutches suck." He grumbled. "Did they change them, or what?"

"It's not the crutches. The structure of the crutches haven't changed, you just haven't used them in so long, it seems like they have gotten harder." he explained.

"You callin me old, Pretty Boy?"

"No, I'm simply stating that it has been 15 years, two months and twelve days since you were last on crutches, and it's not as easy to get around now that you are that much older."

"How do you...never mind. I don't want to know. So, yea, that's Reid speak for I'm old. Thanks, man." His tone clearly said the conversation was over.

Morgan watched as Reid bent to retrieve the crutches and place them on the floor, longways in front of the couch. He then slid the footstool over and grabbed a pillow from the couch and placed it on top. Morgan stilled as the younger man reached down and gently eased his ace wrapped ankle on the pillow covered foot stool. Reid disappeared into the kitchen and Morgan allowed himself to breath again.

Get it together, man, Morgan thought to himself. He's here as your friend, and because you couldn't drive. Nothing more. Not that he didn't want more. Morgan realized years ago that his awkward, geeky, adorable co-worker had stolen his heart. He also knew it was a one way street. And that was ok, because, truthfully, Morgan wasn't ready to admit he swung both ways. So, he was the best friend, co-worker, confidant, and occasional heckler, and he loved every minute of it.

He leaned his head back against the couch, trying to block out the pain, listening to the boy genius move around in his kitchen. It was oddly comforting, and after the day he'd had, and the fact that the pain medication was starting to take effect, he found himself dosing off.

Reid made his way onto the kitchen and began opening cabinet, collecting essentials. First, he found and filled a water bottle, then grabbed the pain medication, as well. Before grabbing a bag of ice from the freezer, he opened the laundry room door, only to be pounced on by Clooney. He had almost forgotten about the dog, he'd been so quiet. When he saw the doggy door, he realized Clooney must have been outside and not heard his owner come home. He quickly grabbed the dogs collar and led him back into the laundry room.

He knew Clooney missed his master, but the last thing Morgan needed was his dog jumping up on him and hurting his ankle even more. So, Reid leaned down and scratched the dog behind his ears and explained why he had to stay locked up. Clooney cocked his head, as if trying to understand, and sat back on his haunches, waiting for the man to feed him.

After feeding and petting the dog, he went back into the kitchen, washed his hands and grabbed an ice bag from the freezer. Picking up the water bottle and pain meds, he went back into the living room, and the site stopped him in his tracks. Morgan was sleeping, his head leaned back against the couch. What gave Reid pause was the look of contentment on his friends face. It was as if he had no worries. His face was relaxed, and there wasn't a hint of pain or stress that was always present.

Reid smiled and allowed himself a rare look at his best friend. His eyes travelled over the relaxed face, and down his neck, where his tight fitting shirt came to a V. Then, down further to the well toned abs, partly hidden under the shirt. A quick glance to Morgan's face, just to be sure he was safe, he continued his journey down to Morgan's hips and groin, the jeans not leaving much to the imagination. He blushed, thinking that he needed to help his co-worker get into sweats. He wouldn't be comfortable laying around in those jeans, not that Reid would mind. Stop that, he thought. You are here to help your best friend, not give into to your totally misplaced desire.

With that thought, he put the water bottle and pills down on the table beside the couch, gently placed the ice bag on Morgan's ankle, and quietly slipped out the door. He returned a few moments later with his go-bag and headed straight for the shower. He had spent a few movie nights at Morgan's, so he was fairly comfortable making himself at home.

He stood under the hot spray, allowing the water to wash away the previous case. It has been local, thank goodness, and was solved fairly quickly, but there were still ten victims, and that was never easy let go. A psycho was killing prostitutes because his mom had been one, and left him alone to take care of himself, starting when he was 5. The man clearly had problems, even back then, and the resentment just grew through the years.

Morgan and Reid had been chasing the man down an alley, when Morgan suddenly fell to the ground, screaming. His fall startled the unsub, who tripped then too, allowing Reid time to gain the advantage and cuff him. After securing the suspect, he turned to Morgan, who was sitting now, holding his leg, in obvious pain.

After a trip to the ER, and X-rays, it was determined that Morgan had severely sprained his ankle, and was given crutches, pain meds and sent home. Reid took it upon himself to make sure Morgan got home.

He had even cleared it with Hotch to take a couple days off, so he could take care of his best friend. Having been on crutches recently, Reid knew how hard it was to take care of even simple tasks by yourself. Of course, he had yet to tell Morgan he was staying to help. It's not that he was avoiding that conversation, but...ok, so he was avoiding that conversation. He knew Morgan would refuse, but he wasn't giving in, so he figured he would just do it, and deal with Morgan's anger later.

After the shower, he felt human again. He changed into sweats and an old t shirt and headed into Morgan's room to look for the same for his friend. Finding them, he went back into the living room to wake up Morgan. He knew there was a tv in the master bedroom, and the bathroom was closer, so he planned on waking Morgan up and helping him move into his room. Then, he could crash on the couch.