Eagle Three 5A
Author's Note: The fifth chapter of my story is moved to the M section. To continue with this story, please go look for it there with the title of Eagle Three M. I know, not very original, but it gets the message across. The content is not suitable for younger readers or anyone who doesn't like to read about adult interactions. Sorry to make you change locations for reading this story, but I want to keep the first parts here and not move the whole story.
Sam was getting nervous. They'd finished eating their sandwiches and yet Jules still hadn't said anything about the events of the day. It was't like her to not say anything. They were putting everything away to leave the kitchen neat and tidy just the way Jules liked it. Once that chore was finished, she rounded on him. "You could have been shot today!" She poked him in the chest to emphasize her words. "Why did you get so close to him? Boss kept telling you to back up."
Look for the rest of the story in the M section.