You would think with a small town like Storybrooke there would be no place for Hook to hide from her. But finally after a week, she corners him on the rooftop. It was silly, how many times they were up there and only this time that she was able to find him alone, free of any blondes to stop her from killing him.

"Now, now, your majesty - I see that vein throbbing, and I know it means you mean harm. How about we drink some rum and forget about it." He asks her in a cheerful tone, twirling his hook around to shake off the nerves.

"Forget, what you did to me?" she asks with a slight disbelief in her voice.

"It was only a slight peck—"

"Tongue—" Regina corrects in a hiss.

"Alright, kiss. I hardly think that counts for murder." Hook admits slowly, standing his ground as the former evil queen sauntered towards him. He could nearly see the flames sliding along her shoulders, if he squinted. One minute they were there and then they were gone as she grabbed his neck, fingers squeezing tightly.

"You infuriate me to no end, pirate." She murmurs as she holds his neck, eyes never leaving his face. He didn't flinch, keeping a calm stance as she did so, a teasing smile on his face.

"And that is a bad thing?"


"And yet you share your rum with me." The pirate asks uncertainly, a notion slowly forming in his mind.

Regina lets out a sigh and releases him, fight all but gone from her stance. "Why are you here."


"In Storybrooke. In my town." Regina huffs impatiently.

"I had business to attend to. Your mother could be… very persuasive." Hook says with a grim smile, this time the teasing not reaching his eyes.

"Is that all."


"You're after Emma." She states it as a fact. She kept any feelings from her tone as she did, any opinions.



With that she turns and storms off, leaving him feeling some how things unfinished. Only for a fireball to strike him in the ass, causing a yelp and quick work at putting it out. That must have been for the kiss, he muses sadly at his ruined pants.