The Sickness (Title May Change)

OK this is my first fanfic ever! Not just my first Yu-Gi-Oh fanfic but I mean my first! So be nice. I also just got into Yu-Gi-Oh, so if something is wrong I'm sorry! Oh yeah, Legal stuff. I do not own Yu-Gi-Oh or any of the characters, in my dreams maybe but not in real life. Read and Review please!

Chapter-One The Beginning

It was a normal day . . . well, as normal as it could get for a high school student with an ancient spirit living inside him. Math class was going by really slow for Yugi today. He wasn't feeling very well, and he was starting to think that he should have stayed home; but he didn't want to worry anyone, especially Yami. This morning it wasn't as bad, but now he felt worse.

*(Earlier that day)*

The buzzer went off and Yugi awoke to the most annoying sound in the morning, his alarm clock. A hand popped out from under the covers and searched for the irritating noise, when it found its target, he clenched his fist and slammed it down on the damn thing, with the sound gone and no more disturbances, he drifted of into peaceful slumber once again. That is until Yami Yugi popped his head into Yugi's room and ordered him to get up, and told him that breakfast was almost ready.

Yugi groaned and said something incoherent under his breath then muttered "I'm up, I'm up".

Violet eyes opened to his now lit bedroom. Yugi stood up stretching about to open his drawer to get out his clothes, and all of a sudden he felt a wave of dizziness, he quickly sat back down on his bed and told himself that he just stood up too fast. He tried it again this time the dizziness wasn't as bad so he ignored it and continued to get dressed.

"Yugi your breakfast is getting cold!" Yelled Yami Yugi, "I'm coming, just a second" he yelled back to his alter ego.

When he came down stairs he was greeted by the smell of pancakes his favorite, the only problem was he wasn't hungry.

"Good morning Yugi" said Grandpa.


"Sit down Yugi its getting cold" said Yami as he served up breakfast.

"I have something to tell you boys."

When they were both listening Yugi's grandpa continued "I have to go on a little business trip for about two weeks, do you think you can handle yourselves?"

"Yes we'll be fine" Yami and Yugi said together.

"Where are you going grandpa?" asked Yugi

"I'm going for a meeting in Nermina; lots of other card shop owners are going to be there."

"Oh, what is the meeting about" questioned Yugi.

"That's a secret, but I'll say that it has something to do with Duel Monsters."

"Oh OK then, have a nice trip Grandpa" said Yugi with a smile.

"Yugi how come you aren't eating your pancakes?" asked Yami "I thought they were your favorite?" He said with a hint of worry in his voice.

"Oh um, I'm just not that hungry, I had a big dinner last night" Yugi explained.

"Well I'm off, you boys make sure you stay out of trouble okay, oh and I've left some money in the cookie jar for groceries use it wisely." Yugi's Grandpa said, making Yami forget all about Yugi's unusual behavior

"Yes, we will!" the two Yugi's said, and with that left.

"Well I guess it is just us for two weeks" said Yami.

"Yup" Yugi said in a cheery voice, as he tried his best to eat the pancakes.

As breakfast continued, Yugi started to develop a headache, and his throat was starting to hurt, he looked up at Yami and smiled to be sure he didn't think anything was wrong.

"You're going to be late for school if you don't hurry, Joey and the others will be here any minute" just as Yami finished his statement the door bell rang.

Yugi immediately ignored his discomfort and answered the door.

"Hey Yugi" said Tea.

"What's up Tea? How you doin' guys?" said Yugi in the happiest tone he could muster.

"Yami are you coming or, are you going to stay home today" asked Yugi.

"I'm coming" answered Yami as he disappeared into the millennium puzzle, which Yugi always had around his neck.

The gang walked to school, Yugi was abnormally short for a boy of 16, with unruly black spikes edged with crimson, that shot out at all angles which formed the majority of his hair, the rest consisted of golden bangs shaped, like lightning lining his face. Yugi had innocent violet eyes that were always filled with love and kindness.

His Yami looked almost exactly like Yugi, accept for being over a head taller and his golden bangs also pointed up into the spikes, and his crimson eyes weren't innocent they were filled with determination and courage.

Yugi's best friend Joey was walking beside him, Joey's blond hair and attitude makes him the comedian of the bunch.

The brunet Tristan was leading the way.

Tea was on the other side of Joey, with her short brown hair bouncing as she walked.

The boy on the other side of Yugi was Bakura, also a holder of a millennium item, the millennium ring. His Yami looked just like him but his eyes were not as kind, they were fierce and ruthless, Bakura shares his mind with an ancient tomb raider, while Yugi shares his with an ancient pharaoh.

The gang arrived at Domino High School and went to their first class; fortunately they had all their classes together. Their first class was English (Or in this case Japanese but you get the idea). Their first class went by quickly, but as each class went by Yugi started to feel worse and worse.

"What is wrong with me? I was fine yesterday" Yugi pondered as the bell signaled that it was math.

As class droned on, Tea started to notice how tired Yugi looked. She was just about to lean over and say something to Joey when the bell rang.

"Finally", thought Yugi, "now lunch and one more class then school is over."


Joey, Tristan, Tea, Bakura and Yugi started to walk outside to eat their lunch - since it was such a nice day.

"So Yug', did ya understand anythin' the teacher was sayin'?" asked Joey.

Yugi just kept walking, like he wasn't hearing anything.

"My head really hurts, only two and a half hours until I get to go home, I can make it" thought Yugi.

Joey, Tristan, Tea and Bakura just looked at each other and shrugged.

"Hey, Yug' are you OK?" asked Joey.

"Huh?" Yugi said as he came out of his trance.

"I asked ya, if you were OK man" said Joey.

"Oh ya, I'm fine, why do you ask?"

"Well, you weren't answerin', and your face looks a lil' red."

"Ya, Yugi it does, are you sure you're OK?" asked Tea in a worried tone.

"Yes, I'm fine let's find a place to eat" said Yugi with a plastered smile on his face.

The gang found a near by picnic table and sat down.

"Oh I'm starved!" said Tristan.

"Me too" said Bakura.

They all started to unpack their lunches, when Yami Bakura and Yami Yugi came out right behind Joey.

"Man, warn us when you guys are gonna do that!"

"Sorry" both Yami's said in unison.

They continued to eat their lunch, while both Yami's argued over who knows what, they just didn't seem to get along; no one noticed that Yugi wasn't eating anything.

"Hey Yug, you up for a game of Duel Monsters before class?" asked Joey after finishing his lunch.

"Huh, sure" answered Yugi.

They cleared the picnic table and begun their match, the match went by pretty fast the only weird thing was that Joey won.

"Ya, I won, I won, I actually beat Yugi! I can't believe you fell for that trap Yugi" sang Joey in his victory.

"Come on Joey, you know that Yugi was just going easy on you" said Tristan.

"No he wasn't, were ya Yugi?"

". . ."


"Oh, um ya, no I wasn't going easy on you, you won fair and square." said Yugi with a forced smile on his face.

Joey was too preoccupied to notice Yugi's fake smile. "See I told ya, I won!"

"Ya sure whatever helps you sleep at night" teased Tristan.

The bell rang Yami Bakura and Yami Yugi went back to their soul rooms, as the gang walked back into the school for their last class.


"Ahhh, man I hate history its so boring!" exclaimed Joey as he sat down in his chair.

"Hey Yug I sorta forgot to do my homework could I copy yours?" asked Joey already knowing the answer.

Yugi never let him copy his homework, he would just say "How will you learn?" as much as Joey hated to admit it, he was grateful that Yugi never let him copy, it forced him to do his own work and he was actually was passing now.

"Sure, here" said Yugi as he slid it over to Joey.

"Ya, Yugi I knew you wouldn't say yes, I was just jokin'" realizing what just happened "Wait Yugi did you just say yes?" questioned Joey.

"Ya, here" said Yugi, he passed him his homework then continued to stare into space.

"I was just jokin' Yug, I did mine, here."

Joey passed the paper back to him. Just then the teacher walked into the room and started writing on the black board.

"OK, class I want you to copy this down, it's for your test tomorrow."

"OK, this is the last class; I just need to hold out for a little longer" thought Yugi as he started to copy down the jibberish on the chalk board.

Just then his vision started to blur and he couldn't read it anymore, Yugi shook his head to clear it but winced from the headache.

"Yugi?" said Yami in his thoughts "What's wrong? You're spirit seems strained."

"Huh?, oh Yami its you, I'm fine I was wasn't seeing strait for a second I'm fine now, really you don't have to worry, now I have to copy these notes so I'll talk to you after school."

"Okay, if you are sure" said Yami as he disconnected.

When Yugi was sure, Yami wasn't connected to him psychically anymore he told himself "Come on Yugi you can do this you only have one more class, then you can go home."

He tried shaking his head again but it just hurt him more and now he was starting to feel dizzy.

"Hey Yug, you OK? You aren't writin' anythin' down" questioned Joey with a look of concern on his face.

But before Yugi could answer his eyes rolled into his head and he fell to the floor.

"Yugi!" exclaimed all his friends.

The teacher turned around to see what all the commotion was about, and then he saw his student on the floor.

"Joey, Tristan would you take him to the nurses office please."

"Ya, sure" said Tristan.

Tristan helped Joey put Yugi on his back, then they headed down to the nurses office.

Tea put her hand up "Um . . . Mr."

"Yes Tea, you and Bakura can go and see if Yugi is alright" said the teacher

"Thank you" with that Bakura and Tea both left for the nurse's office in a hurry.


"He seemed fine a little while ago, do you know what is wrong with him?" asked Tristan.

"No, I don't know what happened."

"Is he alright?" said a familiar voice, Joey and Tristan turned to see Yami running behind them, with concern etched in his cold features.

"I thought you said you were gonna warn us when you were gonna do that!"

"Sorry, but the important thing is Yugi right now."

"Yeah, I know" said Joey.

They reached the nurses office, just as Yugi started to wake up.

"Oh dear lay him down on the bed" commanded the nurse.

Tristan, Joey and Yami did as they were told, just as Bakura and Tea came into the room.

The nurse walked over and put her hand on Yugi's forehead "Just as I thought, you have a low fever Mr. Mutou, and you need to go home or it will get worse."

"I'm fine, really schools almost over I can make it" said Yugi with a strained smile.

"I don't care if school is almost over, you are going home" said the nurse. "Now what is your phone number, so I can call your guardian to pick you up?"

"It's." Yugi started when Yami cut him off.

"That isn't necessary his guardian isn't home, I'll take him."

"Are you related to him? You two do look a lot alike."

"I'm . . . I'm his brother" lied Yami.

"Well Mr. Mutou be sure to take Yugi straight home, he should stay in bed and drink plenty of fluids, and take some medicine, if he gets any worse you should take him to a doctor, understand?"

"Yes, thank you we'll be going now" Yami picked Yugi up in piggy back position and left the nurses office, as the rest of the gang started to walk back to history.

Yami was having a hard time finding the way out of the school, considering he had to stay in the millennium puzzle all day.

"Yami I can walk, I'm fine really, put me down" said Yugi in a tired voice.

"No that's okay, I don't mind carrying you."

Just as they finally found the door, and as they were leaving, the school bell rang ending the day of classes.

"Well Yugi, you got your wish you lasted the day of school."

"Yeah, and now I'm ready to go home."

Yami laughed.

"Hey wait up!" Yelled Joey, he ran up with Tea, Bakura, and Tristan close behind him.

"Hey. we. wanna. go with ya" said Joey out of breath.

As they started to walk home it started to rain.

Very irritated, Joey said "Ah, man we're all gonna get wet."

As they ran to the game shop every step they took seemed like they were going two steps back from their destination.

Yugi's small voice broke the silence "Yami, it would be faster, and a lot easier for you, if I walked."

"No, Yugi we are almost home."

Finally, after it seemed like an eternity they arrived at the game shop, soaked and cold but they got there. They entered the shop and Yami put Yugi down.

"Now go up to your room, and change out of those wet clothes and get into bed" commanded Yami.

"OK" said Yugi as he walked up the stairs.

"We're all soaked" whined Tea.

"The towels are in the bathroom, and if you want you can borrow some of my clothes and put your clothes in the dryer" said Yami as he walked up the stairs to check on Yugi, and change out of his wet clothes.

Joey and the rest of them did as they were told and put their clothes in the dryer. Yami changed into dry clothes then, walked down the hall and entered Yugi's room to see him doing his math homework, and not in bed.

"What are you doing Yugi? You should be in bed."

"Oh, I'm just finishing some math homework so I don't have to do it later" said Yugi with an innocent smile on his face.

"Well you shouldn't be doing math, you should be in bed resting so you get better, you heard what the nurse said, and you aren't even out of your wet clothes, Yugi don't you have any sense at all?"

"Sorry, Yami I'll change now and I'll get into bed" when Yami saw Yugi getting up to get changed he left to go and make him some soup.

"How's Yugi?" asked Tea immerging from the bathroom wearing Yami's clothes.

"Oh, he's getting into bed now."

"Oh that's good, what are you making?"

"I'm making Yugi some chicken noodle soup, he didn't eat breakfast this morning and I'm guessing he didn't eat lunch today either, do you guys want some to?"

"I would, I'll ask the others." Tea said as she left, to ask the others if they wanted some soup as well.

"Ask us what?" asked Tristan as he Bakura, Joey and now Yami Bakura entered the kitchen.

"Do you want some of this soup I'm making?" asked Yami.

"Sure" they all said together.


Back upstairs in Yugi's bedroom, Yugi sat at his desk still doing his math homework the only difference was, he had finally changed out of his wet clothes.

"Maybe Yami's right, maybe I should get some rest I can't think straight with this headache" Yugi thought, just as he got up to retire to his bed Yami walked in with a bowl of soup.

"Still not in bed I see."

"I'm sorry, I was just getting up to get into bed, I think your right I need to sleep" said Yugi.

"Not until you eat something first, then you can take some of this flu medicine."

Yugi sat at his desk forcing himself to eat the soup "I'm done, I can't eat anymore."

"You haven't even eaten half of it" said Yami in a worried tone.

"I'm just not that hungry, I'll eat later" explained Yugi.

"Okay then take this pill, it will help reduce your fever."

Yugi took the pill from Yami, put it in his mouth then took a swig of water and washed it down.

"Now bed. Yugi, you need your rest."

Yugi got up walked over to his bed and got in; he was asleep once his head hit the pillows.


"How is he?" asked Bakura as Yami walked down the stairs.

"He's asleep now, he didn't eat much though" Yami said as he examined the almost full bowl of soup in his hands.

"That's just a symptom of the flu he'll get over it" said Tea joining in the conversation.

"Well its Friday tomorrow, and we have a test in history we should get going" said Tristan.

"Yes we should, our clothes should be dry now, so we'll see you tomorrow Yami" said Tea.

"Is Yugi gonna be in school tomorrow" asked Joey.

"We'll see how he's feeling tomorrow Joey, but I don't think so" said Yami.

Yami said goodbye to the others and went to check on Yugi.

When he entered his bedroom Yugi was asleep in his bed, where he should be. Thinking no more could be done for his small look alike he went to his own bedroom, tired from running home with Yugi on his back, he soon fell asleep.

Yugi woke up a few hours later his violet eyes read the alarm clock it said; 9:43.

"I should finish that math home work, and study for that test that we have tomorrow" he thought.

Yugi got out of bed and almost fell over if it hadn't been for his desk, he grabbed onto it for support and sat down in his chair and opened his math book.


Somewhere not to far away from the game shop.

"Did it work, and is his Grandpa gone?" asked a very cold voice.

"Is Yugi Mutou weakened?"

"Yes master, the boy Yugi has just begun to fall under your spell" answered another voice.

"Now when will you tell me how to get my dear Cecelia back?"

The cold voice spoke again "In time when you have completed my tasks.

Finally, his millennium puzzle will be mine, and he will be too sick to do anything about it!"

OK that is it for chapter one, yeah I know boring; it will get better I promise well I'm tired now I've been working on this all day. I'll update if I get reviews Thanks!