Chapter 1

Carlisle and Esme sat together on a blanket at one of the highest points in Washington overlooking the ocean as the sun slowly sunk below the water's edge in the distance. A collage of pink and orange made way to the dark blues and purples that had begun to take over the earliest part of the night sky. It was calm and quiet with only the occasional scutter of a small animal making it's way home in the open forest behind them.

Carlisle sat behind Esme with his arms wrapped around her and his chin on her shoulder. She leaned into him and kept her fingers locked with his in both of her hands. His legs were on either side of hers and he gently rubbed her calf with his foot.

Esme purposely let in deep breaths, taking in everything about their surroundings, which were highlighted by the scent of her loving, protective husband. Her eyes closed for a moment and reopened as his lips pressed against the side of her face before he rested his chin back on her shoulder. She felt his hand gently stroke her hair a few times before he dropped his arm back down and rejoined his fingers with hers.

"It's so beautiful," Esme commented. Her eyes drifted along the horizon, "I wish we had a camera."

"Not as beautiful as you," Carlisle whispered in her ear.

She smiled and felt him hold her a little tighter. Another sigh left her mouth as the two of them stared out at the sunset that turned the lights out on the small town they called home.

"I love you," he told her, running the lengths of her arms with his fingers.

Esme turned halfway to meet his eyes, "I love you, too."

Carlisle leaned his face in toward hers and gave her a kiss. She turned back around and he continued to show his affection by pulling the top of her shirt to the side and to kiss the top of her shoulder.

Esme smiled and scrunched up as he did the same along her neck and ended just below her earlobe.

He laughed to himself at her reaction and separated himself from her to lay on his back.

Esme quickly joined him, disappointed from their brief moment of no contact. She rested her head on his chest and draped an arm over him, looking up at the starry sky.

Their legs intertwined and Carlisle gently stroked her hair, then her back and the top part of her arm that he could reach from the position they laid in.

Neither of them moved much over the course of a few hours. They enjoyed the privacy of the night up on the cliffs of Forks that protected them from the rest of the world. From there, they could watch the sun set in peace, letting the energy of the sun's rays decorate their beautiful, inhuman skin. It was something they hadn't done in awhile. In darkness, they could now share each other's company in a type of intmacy that didn't exist in many couples.

Esme loved being alone with Carlisle. The two of them enjoyed each other's company through the remainder of the night; talking, laughing and at times relying on the silence that accompanied nature to speak for them. It was the little touches and soft kisses that added to the intimacy of the evening without their physical level progressing to anything more. They had a bond like no two other people and truly could identify one another on a level that was indescribeable.

Carlisle leaned forward and rested his lips on Esme's forehead for a moment before laying his head back down flat. She smiled and propped herself up on an elbow in the center of his chest. He returned the smile as she leaned down and kissed him once.

"What are you thinking?" she asked him, now taking her turn at running a hand through his thick, wind tossed hair.

His hand drifted to the side of her face and it rested gently there as he spoke, "I'm thinking I don't want the sun to come up. I want this night to last forever."

Esme smiled and kissed him again. She looked over her shoulder toward the horizon where the first glow of the morning sun began to emerge. The land was still dark, though daylight was making itself known.

Carlisle still held his hand on the curve of her face, "Will you still have me forever?"

Esme turned back around and laughed, "Is there some doubt lingering in your voice?" she teased.

"No," he said with a smile.

"Well aren't we a little arrogant," she continued to tease.

"Not arrogant," he disagreed, "Just... trusting."

Esme put her hand over his on the side of her face.

"Do I have a reason to think otherwise?"

"I'm yours forever," she assured him, still smiling, as she brought her face down closer to his, "If you'll have me."

Carlisle brought her down the rest of the way and gave a long lasting more passionate kiss, though kept the movements of his mouth slow and non-aggressive.

Esme eventually broke the kiss, "You didn't answer my question."

Carlisle stared up at her ear to ear grin, "I didn't know you asked one."

"Will you have me? Forever."

"Oh, so you're turning the tables on me now?" His smiling eyes matched his perfect teeth that stood out in the darkness.

"I am." Her voice was teasing and playful, though he knew she wanted an answer.

"I'll have you forever... and ever," he paused, "And ever."

Esme reignited their kiss that seemed to last a lifetime before she cuddled back onto the comfort of his chest. The two of them laid together in each other's arms and watched the sun rise over Forks.