I don't own anything except for my Oc's first chapter is just backstory.I plan on making this into at least 60 chapters.
"So what does it say?"Jazmine asked her father who stood in the living room of their home. Tom Dubois put the paper back in the manila envelope it was mailed in turning to see Jazmine behind him.
"It says exactly what I knew it'd say."Tom spoke solidly as if he had not been fighting nonstop with his wife of almost 20 years everynight for the past 2 nights.
"Emeryss,Is not my daughter."Tom said "And I've never been with Cristal-"Like the champagne."Jazmine interrupted a small smile threatened her lips in an attempt to lighten the mood.
Tom smiled"Yes like the champagne" Tom smiled at his shoes embarrassed that he has to go through great lengths to prove his innocence,(he's a prosecutor for Santa's sake!) to his wife and daughter."So now all you have to do is show mom and everything'll be alright. she 'll come back."Jazmine whispered the last part to herself.
"Yeah yes of course."Tom nodded walking from the living room toward the stairs and away from the truth they both knew Sarah Dubois just needed a reason to leave her loveless marriage. Cristal like the champagne showing up with a 14 year old girl claiming it to be Tom's daughter was just the straw to break the camel's back."What about her?"Jazmine asked referring to the girl who would be sitting on their front porch in the next few minutes as she was instructed to come everyday by her mother,Who never returned since that day,not even a goodbye hug to her daughter,unlike Sarah who cried and begged for Jazmine to follow her and called everynight to make sure Jazmine was prepared for bed.
Emeryss sat on the Dubois front porch like her mother said for the past two days promptly at 4:00pm and left at nine. The girl never said hello or goodbye. Where she slept Jazmine had no idea."She'll have to go with her mom."Tom said "Where is her mom?"Jazmine asked him knowing his answer.
"I don't know-Tom spoke suddenly realizing Jazmine reasoning"No Jazmine hun we can't possibly-
"Daddy she has nobody!"Jazmine spoke up for the girl she always wanted a sibling,sure she was 2 years younger than Jazmine but Jazmine didn't care she could teach her so much like how-"No Jazmine I'm sorry."Tom spoke again"Daddy this isn't right we can't just leave her,or else she'll turn out like Cristal and then you'd be prosecuting her for God knows what and-"Okay okay look just invite her in for dinner and maybe we can figure out just what exactly to do about this."Tom exhaled rubbing his temples
"Oh thank you daddy!Thank you she'll be like the little sister I never had!"Jazmine shrieked Tom seemed to want to argue but was cut off by Jazmine hugging him."Okay hunny I'm going to take a nap."Tom said before going into his office.
Jazmine knew he was going to drink his self into a stupor again That's all he did for the past two nights. Jazmine also knew she'd have to figure out what to do about dinner.
The leftovers were gone, So Jazmine went to the freezer for some chicken cutlets but they were frozen solid Jazmine took them to the sink and ran warm water over them and looked at the clock and it was 3:58pm Jazmine turned off the water and ran to the door and sure enough the skinny girl with long reddish creole looking hair and big scared blue eyes walked down the street trying not to step on the cracks. Even though Tom Dubois wasn't her father but whoever the man was he was definitely black.
Walking on her tippy toes in her light green glitter chuck taylors and purple courderoy skinny jeans that were too high around her ankles and a hoodie by Aeropostle her hair plaited in two side braids going into the back of her head into one braid She was smiling at the ground as if she were playing a silent game with herself. Jazmine stood on the porch and waited for her to approach the house when she got to the Dubois walk way she looked up to see Jazmine and the girl stopped dead in her tracks and stared at Jazmine. Afraid to move.
"Hi"The 16 year old said to girl who waved all 5 fingers from side to side and looked back down."You hungry?"Jazmine asked smiling sure she grew up from her 10 year old self physically but everything about Jazmine Dubois wasn't subject to change.
The girl nodded her head then looked to her feet."Come come!"Jazmine waved her inside when they made it inside the girl looked at Jazmine as if she was going to turn around and say "Psych!"Jazmine seen the younger girl follow close behind her almost stepping on the back of her shoes. She didn't close the door,Jazmine turned around and went to close it. Emeryss looked down."We keep the door closed."Jazmine spoke softly trying not to offend her.
"Sit at the table."Jazmine said to Emeryss who did as told."I was making chicken cutlets for us but I'm not to good at cooking dinner, breakfast is more my thing."Jazmine said. Emeryss didn't respond.
When Jazmine turned from the sink she seen the girl take out a naked dingy Barbie from her hoodie pocket. The dolls blonde hair was damaged and black in places but Emeryss smiled at it as if she seen a newborn baby."You like dolls?"Jazmine asked her nodded before rubbing the dolls hair from it's face like Jazmine intended to take it from her."I have alot of dolls."Jazmine said to Emeryss."Want to see?"
Emeryss nodded as if she was ashamed to do so."Follow me."Jazmine said walking up the stairs to her room. Emeryss gasped when they made it to Jazmine's bright pink bedroom, Her face couldn't hide her excitement as she smiled and looked around at the plushies in the room while Jazmine pulled the old toybox filled with her once beloved dollies out the closet.
Jazmine opened the lid and Emeryss dropped to her knees,her pale hand grabbing each doll and gasping and hugging them. This went on for an hour rubbing each doll and looking at them longingly and Jazmine watched intently until her stomach growled and she stood about to check on the chicken."I'm going to run downstairs and check on our food okay?"Jazmine said to her, The girl went downstairs to see the chicken still frozen she groaned and put it back in the freezer."Emeryss! I'll be right back okay!"Jazmine called on her way out the ran across the street to the Freeman house and knocked softly and waited.
When Huey opened the door he looked at her feet before moving his eyes up.
Huey Freeman had not changed much over the years he just looked and acted more like a 16 year old version of the old Huey. Time had been kind to his skin it never had break outs and gross bumps like others his age his deep maroon eyes still had that mysterious aura to them. His body was perfectly proportioned and his posture was always militant. A scowl always his accessory of choice.
"Jazmine."He said to her in greeting."Huey."She smiled slyly she feigned being flirtatious. With girls always throwing themselves at him, which Jazmine always thought was funny but he was never moved if Huey Freeman wanted to show you some attention he would but when he was ready and not a moment before.
The boy raised his brow as if to ask her what she wanted."Well I'm having a friend and we don't know what to do about dinner."Jazmine said " and since Mr. Freeman is such a good cook!"She spoke louder past Huey's head into the house where she could smell food cooking"I was wondering if-
"Oh ofcourse cutie pie!"Mr Freeman said walking behind Huey now opening the door wider."Huey! Quit being rude and go set two extra settings at the table!"Mr Freeman growled to Huey before plastering a smile and turning to Jazmine"You and your friend come right on over."
Jazmine smiled "Thanks Mr Freeman."He went back into the kitchen.
"Well if you'll excuse me."Huey said about to close the door.
"Huey wait ."Jazmine said Huey held the door."She's... different okay?"Jazmine said looking back towards her house."So can you make sure your brother is y'know...nice?" Huey stared at her before calling up the stairs."Riley! Jazmine has a slow friend coming for dinner so be polite!"
Jazmine rolled her eyes at his bluntness."Be right back."She said turning away.
When she made it back to her house Emeryss was still in Jazmine's room."Hey,We're going to eat dinner across the street okay?" Emy nodded and started sadly putting the dolls away."You can keep them out it's fine."Jazmine said
Emeryss stood and followed when they got across the street Jazmine led her into the Freeman home by her hand. The Freemans were already at the table.
"Everyone this is Emeryss,Emeryss this is Huey,Riley and Mr Freeman. "Jazmine said before sitting at the table. The younger girl followed her as if to sit in the same chair.
"HELLO.I AM HAPPY TO HAVE YOU IN MY HOME. PLEASE SIT."Mr Freeman spoke loudly at Emeryss motioning to a chair by Riley.
"Yo yo yo Rezzy Escobar."Riley shook the deuces at her.
Huey only stared at her. Emeryss was overwhelmed and looked at Jazmine to save her.
" 'sokay we're going to eat then we can go back to the dolls."Jazmine said hoping to soothe her it worked and Emeryss sat next to Riley with her head down.
"Damn what's wrong wit er can't handle herself like a lady when around a real nigga like me?"Riley said"Oh i get it i get it, the bitches shy round Young Reezy cus I be like-
"Riley shut your damn mouth."Huey said
"Yes, this young lady is quiet just the way I like it."Mr. Freeman spoke putting food on everyone's plate save Huey."You should take a pointer from her all that hippidy jibbidy bulljive, can't get no peace and quiet."
Emeryss grabbed her fork and tore into her food like someone was going to take it,her mashed potatoes were gone in a matter of seconds. She did a little jig in her seat when she moved on to the green peas. Apparently food and dolls made Emeryss a happy girl!
"Here,you want my green peas too?"Riley asked about to put his food on her plate.
"Mr Freeman this is a really good meal you prepared."Jazmine said
"Why Thank you cutie pie,you know when I owned a restaurant...
Mr. Freeman started talking and Jazmine listened but looking over at Emeryss and Riley and occassionally Huey.
This would be an interesting summer for Jazmine Dubois.
Emeryss(Eh-mar-iss)Is not a main character she's in the story to add depth to my version of Jazmine in case anyone is wondering Emeryss has Agoraphobia which is is an anxiety disorder characterized by anxiety in situations where the sufferer perceives the environment as being difficult to escape or get help. These situations include, but are not limited to, wide-open spaces, as well as uncontrollable social situations such as may be met in shopping malls, airports, and on bridges. Agoraphobia is defined within the DSM-IV TR as a subset of panic disorder, involving the fear of incurring a panic attack in those sufferer may go to great lengths to avoid those situations, in severe cases becoming unable to leave their home or safe haven.(Wikipedia)
Next chapters will be longer. R&R please
I don't own Barbie.