
Disclaimer:- Don't own them just borrowing!

Episode:- None

Pairing:- Sandra/Gerry

Rating:- M

Achieve:- . /group/new_tricksff/

Summary:- Internet dating can be fun, scary and even all out weird.

Author's Note:- Another idea I batted about and didn't ever do so following a theme for the week here it is let's see what happens!

"I still can't believe she dumped me I mean I've got a lot to offer a woman what's her problem." Gerry sighed staring into the pint that Emily had just set down in front of him.

"I've told you that you need to start looking for women who aren't half your age and only out for what they can get. She was what? 33? 34? Of course she was going to dump you." Emily replied laughing as he gave her his best hurt face before shrugging and taking a sip of her own drink. She was getting seriously sick of having this same conversation every few months. He'd get dumped or dump his latest bimbo then she'd meet him and listen to him moan about how he didn't know what constantly went wrong when it was as plain as day that he was constantly picking the same sort of woman. He needed someone who was looking for was relationship not just a wallet until someone better came along.

"I thought she was different she seemed to be really serious about things then suddenly it's bye-bye nice knowing you."

"You met her when she was at a hen party dressed in a bikini and a "world's best shag" sash did you really think that all pointed to deep and meaningful relationship?"

"Just because she enjoyed a night out doesn't mean she couldn't want a future with me she was…" Gerry began before giving up when he realised that he was getting nowhere with his defence of his latest ex. He knew she was right he had an unbeaten record for choosing the wrong women but to tell him he needed to meet women with a more serious outlook on life was a joke. He worked, he went to the pub and he went home where exactly was he supposed to meet these women? It wasn't even like he could meet them in work other than Sandra, and he didn't even want to go into why that was never going to happen, the only women he met were either victims or suspects neither of which made for great relationships. "Well come on then mastermind how exactly do you propose I meet this dream woman who wants me for who I am and is out for a relationship that consists of more than sex and being taken out?"

"I don't know maybe you need to start hanging around in places with a little more class than this one." Emily smiled moving her food and feeling it stick to the carpet which she was quite sure had seen hundreds of pints of beer, almost as many pints of blood and god knows what else split on it over the years. The age range wasn't exactly wide and she couldn't imagine any woman over the age of 21 coming through the door if she had an ounce of sense. "Or there's always internet dating, it's all the rage now I read somewhere that 40% of married couples meet online these days."

"Online dating? What sort of looser do you think I am? Jesus Emily I said I wanted a relationship not some Glen Close in fatal attraction style psycho who sits around on their computer all day looking for the next unsuspecting male victim!" Gerry scoffed downing his pint and going to the bar to get them another drink still not quite believing what he was hearing. Internet dating? The modern day equivalent of lonely hearts ads? He remember years before one of his guvnors getting a bucket load of stick when the team found out he'd answered a lonely hearts ad in the paper and he could only imagine how much fun Jack, Brian and especially Sandra would have at his expense if they thought for even a second he was looking for a relationship online.

"Look I found this and all I did was a general search on dating sights none of those women look like nutters to me." Emily continued when he returned with the drinks and she thrust her phone at him.

"Yeah but they are probably all fake photos and all the same desperate woman just joining over and over again in the hope she might get lucky once!." He sighed taking the phone and scrolling through the women on the page that Emily had pulled up.

"Rubbish, this is what professional women do these days, I've even considered it myself at times. When you work all the hours god sends sometimes the only way of meeting someone who knows what it's like to live in the real world is to go online. People who want a relationship, really want one, don't have time to play bar room roulette they want to have some sort of assurance that the people they are meeting and spending they precious spare time with are after the same thing they are."

"So real women, attractive, smart, successful, sexy women use these sites?" Gerry asked still extremely sceptical but finding himself persuaded by the images of the women he was seeing in front of him.

"Yes!" Emily sighed takin the phone back and turning it off before looking back at him again. "I'm not saying we should use that particular site but we could do some research, find a good one, and I'd even help you set up a profile and show you how to use it. It's got to be better than ending up sitting here having the same conversation in another six months hasn't it?"

"OK maybe you're right but I don't want anyone to know about it, one hint that Sandra and the guys know anything and I pull the plug got it?" Gerry agreed taking a gulp of his pint and hoping that this wasn't as bad an idea as he felt it was.