AN: I am back from the dead, bitches! Since the return of the famous Nostalgia Critic, I have noticed that his character has changed for the good. He kind of reminds me a bit of the FanFic Critic post-killing Susan. So, this story is going to be about them hooking up! Enjoy! XD

The Nostalgia Critic looks longingly out his window. Even since his return, he felt like a changed man. He was more caring, more thoughtful, and more alive. What he was missing, though, was love.

Letting out a sigh, the Nostalgia Critic made his way over to his laptop. It was his off-week. So, he decided that he would surf YouTube to see if there were any up-and-coming internet reviewers. He has felt very disconnected to his fellow friends from TGWTG since his return. So, finding a new friend would be nice.

He typed in the word "Critic" into the search engine on YouTube. The first result fascinated him. It was of someone called the FanFic Critic.


It took him a very long time, but he managed to catch up with the FanFic Critic's show. Watching 199 episodes all at once would normally kill some people, but not the Nostalgia Critic. He was amazed at this woman and her willfulness to read such atrocities! He was also fascinated by how complex she was. To watch her grow mentally as her show progressed was fascinating. From being some kill-happy lunatic in the beginning to this guilt-ridden but caring sisterly figure at the end, it was quite an amazing thing to see. Yes, she has made her fair share of mistakes. But hasn't everyone?

The Nostalgia Critic knew it wouldn't be fair to judge her for her past mistakes because he has made plenty of his own. He was such a heartless person before he "died". His Purgatory helped him grow as a person. The same could be said for the FanFic Critic when she had killed her cousin. She had taken death for granted and thought it would be fine with the Dragon Balls around. Seeing her cousin become insane because of it changed the FanFic Critic for the good. Both he and the FanFic Critic had changed for the good.

Getting up from his chair, the Nostalgia Critic now knew what his next review would be. He was going to review the Lost in Austen mini series, which is about this young woman who gets swapped with the main character from the book Pride and Prejudice. In other words, this mini series is a self-insert fanfiction made into film. It would be perfect to review alongside the FanFic Critic. This would be his first co-review with another internet reviewer since his "death". It would also be his first co-review with someone who isn't famous. It would be a nice change of pace.

He quickly searched for a good sized suit case. When he found one, he threw several of his white shirts, three pairs of jeans, some pairs of socks, and several of his boxers inside of it. Slamming it shut, the Nostalgia Critic picked it up and carried it with him outside to his car. He smiles as he buckles himself in. Despite the long drive ahead of him, he is in good spirits. Turning the car on triumphantly, the Nostalgia Critic starts his long drive to his destination: New England.

I don't know where the FanFic Critic lives. I assume it's somewhere in New England. Even if that's not the case, oh well! it's called fanfiction for a reason, folks!