Oh my goodness guys, I am so sorry! I went on vacation then work was busy and I haven't updated in forever! Please do forgive me. Here is a nice long chapter to make up for it.
Fair warning, this is the last chapter. There will be a short epilogue afterwards, but that is it. I am happy with where this story ended up, and I think its time to draw it to a close. So far, I have not planned a sequel.
I want to thank all you lovely folk for being so kind to me and for reading and reviewing this story loyally. It truly means a lot to me. My faithful reviewers who reviewed every chapter (you know who you are!), thank you for your continued feedback and support, it was dearly appreciated!
A special thank you is reserved, of course, for ReidsGirl, who is my wonderful beta and a wonderful friend. Thank you for all your encouragement and your input. This story would not be the same without you! Who knew I could make such a lovely friend half way around the world through a mutual love of Dr Reid and Criminal Minds? This one is for you, my dear!
Again, thank you all and enjoy!
"Spencer, baby, hurry up, we are going to be late!" Charlotte knocked on the bathroom door. "I do not want to be late for my own party!"
"I'm ready," Spencer opened the door, adjusting his sweater sleeves. "Calm down sweetheart, you're going to give yourself another breathing attack."
Charlotte rolled her eyes, but took a few ragged deep breaths just to please him. "Did you put the oxygen in the car?"
"Of course I did," Spencer placed a kiss on her forehead. "And your puffers, and your extra sweaters, and your wheelchair, just in case you get tired."
"Thank you," Charlotte smiled at him. "Now come on! Pen will kill us if we're late."
They hurried out the apartment and down the stairs to Spencer's car, him dutifully holding the door open for her as she climbed in. Leaning her head against the window, Charlotte let her thoughts drift through the past few months as Spencer drove.
They'd received the news right after her surgery; her cancer was going into remission. Spencer had cried for joy, kissing and hugging her over and over again until she'd had to tell him to stop because it was getting hard to breathe. Her friends had immediately come to visit, and her family had flown down without missing a beat. When she was strong enough, she'd gone through a few more rounds of radiation. The doctors had been surprised by her quick recovery from surgery. The word "miracle" was thrown around a lot. Every time she heard it Charlotte would just smile and think of a green eyed brunette smiling down at her from somewhere up in the clouds.
When she was able to return home, Spencer insisted that she officially move in with him, so they packed up her apartment and moved her into his. It had more room for all her things, as although her cancer was leaving her, her lung disease still remained. She needed oxygen tanks and other equipment to help her in her day to day life. It was rather annoying, but she took it all in stride, just focusing on the fact that she was alive.
Now today, 6 months after they received the news, they had the final test results in their hands. Charlotte had refused to open it, although she herself knew what the results were, she wanted the rest of her loved ones to know too, firsthand. So here they were, on their way to a party Pen was throwing her, to read the final verdict.
"We're here," Spencer's voice jogged her from her memories. "Looks like we're actually a little bit early. You want to breathe some oxygen for a little bit before we go in? Just to be sure you won't lose your breath in there?"
Charlotte turned to look at him, warmth spreading throughout her. He was always taking care of her. He'd taken care of her the moment she'd told him her diagnosis, and he was still doing it now. Never complaining, always patient and giving. It made her heart nearly burst with love. How many times had she thought of just how wonderful he really was? There was no guy quite like Spencer Reid. And he was all hers. She was suddenly overcome with the urge to prove it. They hadn't had proper sex since before she got sick, and suddenly that was very, very unacceptable.
"Nah, I'm good," she smiled coyly at him. "But we could always have a quickie in the backseat."
Spencer's eyes went wide. "Are you sure that's safe? We have not made love since before you got sick, it might be too much for you and your lungs, I wouldn't want-"
Charlotte cut him off by leaning over and pressing her lips to his in a hard kiss. "Spencer," she looked up at him under her lashes like she knew he loved. "I'm fine. I feel great. But it's been way too long and I don't want to wait another second. Now please, Dr Reid," she put her hand on his inner thigh, smirking at the groan rising in his throat, "throw me in the back seat and screw my brains out."
She didn't have to ask twice.
"You smell like sex," Pen greeted them at the door of Rossi's mansion 15 minutes later. "Gross guys, there are children here."
"Nice to see you too, Pen," Charlotte laughed, hugging her friend. "Where'd everybody?"
"In the living room," Pen replied. "Come on, we are all dying to know what the final result is!"
They made their way into the living room, where they were meant with more hello's and hugs. Everyone looked positively antsy, even Hotch.
"Charlotte tell us what's in your envelope!" Jack burst out as soon as he had hugged her. "We want to know! We want to know!"
"Give her a minute to get settled, Jack," Hotch scolded his son. "She looks like she could use a rest." His lips quirked up discreetly.
Charlotte blushed, settling herself down on a couch, Spencer on one side and Jack on the other. "I'm okay." She pulled the long brown envelope out of her purse. "Would you like to open it, Jack?"
The young boy's eyes went wide. "Can I? Can I really?"
"Sure," Charlotte smiled. "Besides Spencer, you are my most important man here."
"Oh, ouch," Derek put his hand over his heart. "That hurts, girlie."
"Oh, get over yourself Morgan." Emily punched his arm.
"Shush!" Jack cried. "I'm opening it!"
Charlotte felt Spencer's hand slide into hers as they watched Jack split open the envelope. She could feel the nervousness radiating off him. She even felt a little herself, despite what Maeve had told her. Reading her well as always, Spencer leaned over and put his lips to her ear.
"Whatever happens, I love you and I'll always be here for you," he whispered softly, causing her to squeeze his hand and blink back tears.
The room was silent as Jack pulled the papers out of the envelope, his brown eyes narrowed as he tried to read what was on the page. He squinted at it for a moment, before he looked up at his father.
"Daddy, what does complete remission mean?"
Hotch didn't get to answer, as the room had burst into whoops and cried of joy. Charlotte felt herself being swarmed by bodies and arms, but she couldn't distinguish anybody through the tears pouring down her face. She was cancer free. Maeve had been right, she was going to live. She was staying with her Spencer. She let out a sob of happiness, reaching out and hugging whoever she grabbed first.
Finally, after the hugs and whooping had subsided, she found herself facing her Spencer, his eyes shining with tears and his lips stretched into her favorite smile. He was radiating pure joy, and unable to contain herself any longer, she reached for him. To her surprise however, her stopped her, instead taking her hand in his and pulling her to her feet. She blinked at him in confusion.
"When I first met you, I was lost," he ignored her confused look and began to talk. "I was in a black hole I thought I would never escape. The hole made when Maeve left was jagged and bleeding and I didn't think it would ever heal. I was prepared to die alone, a bitter man." His eyes got dark.
"But then there was you," he smiled, the darkness leaving his eyes. "You came into my life so unexpectedly, and it scared me. But your light and warmth broke through every barrier I had put up, and before I knew it, all the walls were crashing down. You just, bulldozed through them and ground them into dust. And the hole was filled. An empty pit I thought would never go away was no longer there, all because of you."
Charlotte could feel fresh tears began to make their way down her face, but she kept quiet, eager to hear the rest of his little speech.
"When you told me you were sick, I felt that overwhelming blackness again," Spencer took her other hand, cradling them both in his gently. "The very thought of having you taken away from me was soul crushing. I couldn't imagine life without you. I love you so much, that a lifetime without you doesn't seem like a lifetime worth living. But now," he broke into another brilliant smile, "that's all in the past. You are here, you are well, and we are together. I get my lifetime with you. But, I'd like to change something, if that's alright with you."
Charlotte furrowed her brow again. "Spencer, what do you-oh!" She choked on her words, her breath completely leaving her. Her eyes wide, her heart racing, she watched him sink onto one knee in front of her.
"I love you, Charlotte," Spencer watched her with shining eyes, pulling a little black box out of his trouser pocket. "I love you, and I need you. I need you like I need to eat food, like I need to drink water, like I need to breateh air. I promised you when you got sick that I'd look after you and take care of you, will you let me do that for the rest of your life? Will you let me hold you, love you, and comfort you? You healed my heart, sweetheart, now let me cherish yours."
He popped open the ring box to reveal a beautiful diamond ring, but Charlotte barely glanced at it. She was too focused on her Spencer.
"Charlotte Autumn Devereaux," Spencer took her hand again. "Sweetheart, love, healer of my heart, will you marry me?"
Charlotte let out a happy laugh, tears once again blurring her vision. Her heart was beating like an 8 oh 8 drum, and there was nothing but pure joy singing through her body. She let her fingers interlace with Spencer's.
"Yes," she laughed, so happy she thought she might explode. "Yes, yes yes yes YES!"
Before she could blink, he'd slid the ring on her finger and swept her up into his arms. Their lips met in a crushing kiss, tears mingling together as they held each other. Charlotte barely registered the cheers and laughs of their friends around them, all she could see and hear and feel was her Spencer. Who would have thought they'd get to here? They'd been through so much, there had been so much doubt. But not anymore. She would get to spend the rest of her long life with Spencer as his wife. There was nothing she wanted more.
"I'm home," she mumbled against his lips when they finally stopped kissing. "You are my home, I'm home."
"And they all lived happily ever after!" Jack shouted exuberantly, barreling in between them to hug his beloved nanny.
Charlotte and Spencer shared a smile as their friends crowded around them to offer their congratulations.
Yes, they would most definitely live happily every after.
(until the epilogue lol)