A/N: Rise of the Guardians is the most amazing movie ever. I am adicted to it. I drew this really cool and realistic picture of Jack, and I wish I could show it to you guys, but I don't know how. :( I asked my dad to use the computer to write this and I said it would only take about ten minutes. Sorry for taking TWO HOURS dad! I was planning on posting the second chapter tonight, but I'm too tired, and I have to get up early tomorrow, so hopefully I can do it tomorrow instead. So, read and review. :)


That's all I remember.

I didn't see it, but I could feel it.

It was all around me, pushing and pulling me further down into the depths.

That's when I felt it.


I opened my eyes, to see ice far above me, trapping me in the dark water, but allowing beams of light from the moon to shine through, giving me comfort.

I hadn't moved my arms or legs, but I could feel myself begin to float up, instead of sinking down.

I kept rising up, and I was so sure I was going to run into the ice that was trapping me in my watery prison.

But that's when it opened up, and I floated into the air, gasping for breath.

I was terrified. I thought I was going to float up forever, but I stopped.

I looked around, hoping nobody was around to see me, because no human should be able to float into the sky.

But then I heard a voice, taking me out of my thoughts.

I looked around again, but nobody was there.

Then I realized the voice was coming from inside my head.

The voice was so comforting and peaceful. It made it seem like everything was ok, and that nothing would hurt me.

It told me that my name is Jackā€¦Jack Frost.

I asked him who he was, and how he knew my name when I didn't even know it.

He was quiet for a moment, then he answered me.

He told me to look into the sky.

I did, but all I could see were the stars and the moon.

I looked at the moon, studying it, feeling its light beams shine down onto me.

Then he told me he was called Man in the Moon, and that he was the one who saved me from the pond.

That's when I felt myself being lowered to the ground.

My feet touched the ice, and I stood there, the opening gone.

I didn't know where to go, so I started to walk forwards.

My foot hit something, so I looked down.

It was a staff, kind of like a shepherd's.

I bent down and picked it up.

The second I touched it, frost began to form on it, but it didn't go all the way across the staff, just near the part I was touching.

I put my other hand on it, and frost began to appear there too.

I was getting excited now.

I walked up to a tree and touched it with the end of the staff.

Frost started spreading on the tree where I touched it.

I turned around and touched another tree, and the same thing happened.

I started bouncing up and down on the balls of my feet, adrenaline coursing through my body, and a smile on my face.

I turned and started running on the ice, lowering my staff down to brush its surface, forming frost anywhere it touched.

I stopped at the edge of the pond to admire my work.

That's when the wind picked me up, and I flew into the air.

I was slightly off balance at first, but I soon got the hang of it.

I flew, and flew, and flew, letting the wind take me anywhere it wanted.

Finally, it returned me back to the pond, my pond.

The wind blew through my hair, letting me feel its cool touch one more time, before it disappeared.

I bent down next to the pond, looking at my reflection on the ice.

My hair was as white as the snow around me, my eyes a brighter blue than the daytime sky, and my skin a pale pinkish color, flawless in every way.

I wore a brown cloak that rested on my shoulders and tied at my throat, a cream, loose fitted shirt, and tight, dark brown pants.

I was really surprised to see I didn't have any shoes on, yet my feet weren't cold.

I sat there looking at my reflection a little longer, before deciding to move off.

I still didn't know where to go, but I had a feeling I was moving in the right direction.

That feeling was wrong.

Growls came from all around me, mixing with evil laughter.

I turned around in circles, holding onto my staff with both hands, pointing it in front of me.

Then, all the noises stopped, and the forest was silent.

Then I hear someone screaming my name.

I ran in the direction of the sound, and I stopped at the edge of a clearing.

It's my pond.

And there's a little girl standing on the ice.

She yelled my name again, her voice cracking.

I walked closer to her, stepping onto the ice.

She looked up at me, fear filling her hazel eyes.

I looked down at the ice below her feet and I saw cracks forming.

I kept moving closer, telling her everything will be ok, and that I'll save her.

But I didn't.

Before I could take another step, she sliped through the ice into the freezing water.

I tried running forward, but the ice cracked beneath me, and I fell into the water after the girl.

Jack's eyes snap open as pain shoots through his left arm.

He closes his eyes and a moan escapes his lips.

He waits for the pain to subside before he opens his eyes again.

He looks at his arm and sees it bent at an odd angle.

He moves his attention to the tree in front of him. He looks up and sees that most of the branches above him are broken.

I must have fallen out of the tree during the nightmare.

Jack pushes himself up with his good arm, then he grabs his staff that was lying next to him in the snow.

He starts flying towards the North Pole as fast as he can, but pain pricks at his arm again, so he pulls it closer to him.

~North Pole; Bunny's POV~

Bunny leans up against the wall of North's office, watching Tooth fly around.

"Are you sure we shouldn't be looking for him?" Tooth asks, stopping for a moment to look out the window before continuing her frantic flying. "What if he's missing?"

"Tooth." North says.

"What if he's injured?" Tooth says, not hearing North.

"Toooth." North draws out the word, his voice rising.

"What if Pitch has him?" Tooth continues.

"Tooth!" North yells.

Tooth turns towards North. "I'm sorry North." Tooth says, tears appearing in her eyes as she lands and falls to her knees.

"It's alright Tooth, I understand that you're worried, but Jack is just running late by a few minutes." North says.

Bunny walks over and places a furry paw on Tooth's shoulder. "Besides mate, I'm sure he just lost track of time playing with Jamie."

They all jump when there's a knock on the door.

"At least they remembered to knock this time." North grumbles.

He opens the door and quickly holds his arms out to catch Jack.

"Jack!" North yells, shaking him to try and wake him up, but only receives a painful moan from the boy.

Bunny, seeing the problem, steps forward and takes Jack into his arms, bridal style. "Don't shake him mate, his left arm is broken." Bunny says, showing the group Jack's arm.

"Hurry, get him to the infirmary." North tells Bunny.

A/N: Aw! Protective Bunny. :) I hope you guys liked it, and I will hopefully update tomorrow. And to the people who also read my Merlin fanfics, this is the reason why it's taking me so long to update Merlin the Great. I had to write this while it was in my head. My notebook is already halfway full with this fic alone. :0 Wow. I was hoping it would last me a while. Guess not. Review! :D