"Okay now that you're here we should probably check on the kid." Morgan said to Reid as he walked up to him.

He turned the handle to the room, and opened the door slowly. By now it was completely dark outside. The only light was the moon shining in from the window. Ed was sitting on the bed with his knees pulled up to his chest. The moonlight gleamed off of his automail. Ed quickly noticed the creaking of the door as it was being opened and threw a blanket over himself. "Hey there kid!" Morgan said happily. "How are you feeling?"

"I'm fine." Ed said quickly.

He reached into the tangles of his blanket and pulled out the long sleeve shirt he was wearing and quickly threw it on, making sure that they didn't see his automail. Ed looked at the guilty faces of Morgan and Reid. "What's going on?" Ed asked.

"Nothing." Reid said a little too quickly. "We just have to ask you a few more questions."

Ed looked at them suspiciously before giving them a big cheesy grin. "Alright then, ask away." Ed said happily.

"Where do you live?" Morgan asked.

"A little country town on the outside of a huge city. It's called Resembol. You won't find it on any map though." Ed answered.

"What's your birthday?" Reid asked.

"February 3rd. You know my friend's daughter has the same birthday as me." Ed laughed. "Me and brother had to deliver her too! It was crazy!"

"How old is your friend?" Morgan said with a look of shock and concern.

"He would be 29." Ed answered.

"What's his name?" Reid asked.

"Maes Hughes." Ed replied. "Although if you want his name so that you can bring him in for questioning, he wouldn't be of any use to you."

"And why is that?" Morgan asked.

"He was killed." Ed said looking at his lap. "He was shot twice while trying to help me and my brother."

He pulled his knees to his chest again and rested his head against the wall. "We can continue questioning tomorrow if you would like." Morgan suggested.

"I think that would be best." Ed said staring at the ceiling.

He closed his eyes and soon fell asleep. But just as soon as he was asleep he was covered in sweat. Reid tapped Morgan on the shoulder and pointed over at the sleeping boy. "No! Alphonse! You can't take him. You can't take him, he's my only brother!" Ed screamed.

Ed raised his hands and clapped them together creating a huge flash of blue electrical light. Ed woke up and looked around the room. "What the hell was that?" Ed asked. "What are you doing in here? I'm trying to sleep.

"It must have come from outside." Morgan said looking out the window.

Ed breathed out a huge sigh of relief. 'I guess they didn't notice, that's a good thing.' Ed thought.

"So why are you guys so attached to me all of a sudden?" Ed asked innocently.

"No reason!" They said in unison.

"Seriously what's going on? I'm not stupid you know." Ed sighed.

They both looked away. "You guys are so damn obvious!" Ed yelled.

"What do we tell him?" Reid whispered.

"I don't know." Morgan whispered back. "It's nothing kid! Don't worry about it."

Morgan and Reid got out of their chairs and left the room.

*Time skip*

The next morning everybody met in the briefing room. "Did anyone see or find anything about Berry the Choppers location?" Hotch asked standing up.

"We found a women that said that she saw someone that matched Berry's description." Emily told him.

"Is she in for questioning?" Hotch asked.

"Yes sir." Emily answered.

J.J left the room and went into the questioning room. "Hi my name is Jennifer, can you tell me what you saw tonight?" J.J asked.

The girl looked up with fear in her eyes. "There was this man running through the streets with a big knife, and he was screaming out someone's name." She answered.

"Can you remember the name?" J.J asked.

"I think it was something Elric, and he was also yelling for someone named 'fullmetal' to come out of hiding." She said.

"Okay, thank you for your time." J.J said standing up from the table.

"Wait, does that mean I can leave?" The girl asked.

J.J nodded and left the girl in the room