Slowly she put the data pad on her lap and rubbed with her thumb and index finger over her eyelids. The light was fading, fast like the day turned into the night.

A soft noise made her turn her head, she smiled faintly,"is it time already," she murmured.

"Yes it is," he replayed while he took the handles of her wheelchair and slowly turned it around before rolling her

inside the base and straight to the medbay.

"Seen him today?" he asked, "Nope, but that doesn't mean he wasn't there," she smirked.

"Suitable courter?" he murmured softly with a slight giggle in his voice. "Not in this form Darwin, not in this form," she giggled.

While entering the medbay, Dawn shifted a little and let a groan leave her lips, that damn pain came as she did not expect it.

Darwin stepped in front of her and bent down to his knees, looking worried he asked her if she was all right.

She waved his worry away, "it's all right Darwin she whispered, just get on with the procedure I'll live," she tried to laugh but that was just what it was a failed try.

She bent her head and pushed the hair out of her neck, exposing a little iron ring, Darwin took the syringe like tube in his hand and inserted it in the ring, slowly he pressed the green button and saw the fluid getting in the young girls neck.

Dawn shivered a little, like always when the fluid went through her spine it was a bit cold but not that cold just a bit uneasy that was it, but necessary as well, for without it she would scream from the pain she was getting from the tumor that was growing on her spine.

Darwin waited for her to settle down a bit, he knew it would take a few minutes before the pain would subside, he sighed while he put the syringe back on the counter. He took the cloth lying next to it and whiped some drops from the girls neck. Her reaction told him she was getting back into the world as she called it. Whenever the pain came she turned inside her self as if she wanted to block it.

Lately it was getting harder for her to do so. He knew she was running out of time, but they needed more time, not all was ready for the change. And as if that wasn't enough they have seen a spy, not that he tried to get in the base but the sensors had given them a warning they were not alone in the area. Dawn had seen him again yesterday, it was just a glimpse but she had looked at him and smiled a bit before getting back at her data pad.

When he had asked her about it how he looked she had laughed at him and had said he looked cute for a spy.

How cute he had asked her, and she had replied, cave girl cute, like drag him into a berth room tie him up and get my way with him, cute.

He laughed at the thought of it, Dawn was straightforward, but the thought of the girl in the wheelchair, dragging a fifteen feet robot into a berth room, was more than funny it would be hilarious and yet impossible for her now..

"What your laughing over," he heard her say, bringing him back to reality. "Hm I thought of the cave girl," he smirked. "Do you think I scared him a bit," she sighed, Darwin turned and looked in her eyes, "No sweetie, I do not think you scared him, if I think and am right about who he is, that is the last one to be scared at all. I don't think he realised you saw him yesterday, but if he did he has been hiding better today, for the scanners did pick him up again," he smiled.

"Come on lets get you ready for bed, you need your rest."

He waited for Dawn to pick up her data pad, "lets go Charles, she smirked start the engine and the race, for my bed is calling me."

He laughed and started the sound of a starting Lamborghini before rolling the girl out of the medbay, it was a little game they played.

Ever since she knew she was getting disabled because of the tumor in her back and knowing she would end up in a wheelchair. She had declared the wheelchair would have to be able to make at least 60 miles an hour otherwise she would refuse to sit in it.

Although he managed to get the electric wheelchair to be a bit faster, it definitely did not get any faster than 12 miles per hour.

So they played race track while riding to her room, she loved the sound of the Lamborghini engine,it made her smile and call him Charles the chauffeur. In the beginning he had looked at her when she first started to call him that, he was Darwin not Charles, and pretending was not in is programming.

But he had looked it up and had understood what she meant by it. So he played along like in the movie Driving miss Daisy, only miss Daisy did not have a Lamborghini, but who cared it was only a game and as long as it made Dawn happy he would play Charles the chauffeur and rolled the girl back to her room.

Back in her room, he waited for her to undress, after all these years he still looked away in respect, of course he knew how she looked while naked.

It made him angry knowing what that damn mech had done to her as a child, her small body was covered in scars, Dawn herself called it the roadmap from roads to never ever land.

After she was undressed he lifted her carefully and took her to the small shower and put her in a chair she used while washing herself under the shower.

The room had no mirrors only the chair, her towel and the shower, she needed nothing else. Darwin walked back into her small but cosy room and picked up the data pad. He saw she had been working on that damn virus again.

The triple A class virus was considered the most deadly virus ever, once infected it would eat away every data in your processor. It killed your personality and it stopped your system sending energon to the necessary places. It would give false commands and at the end you where nothing more than an empty shell and your spark would slowly fade away. It did not matter who it affected, bot or drone alike have been the victim of this killer virus.

Dawn had been working on it for years now, she had become a virus expert and had every detail from every virus she had come across on data pads. For later she had said, you never know I don't wanna start over after all the years I spend on decoding virus after virus..

It was this drive in her that made him love her so much, and he would do everything to make her last journey towards her end a bit lighter. He heard a sound coming out of the shower and he got up and knocked on the
door. "Ready dear," he said with a smirk, Yup she replied, her towel hung over her shoulder covering her back and breasts, he bend over and picked her up and walked back to the room.

After she was comfortably sitting in bed, he sat next to her. "Want your data pad or shall I leave it on the table," he asked her. "Nah leave it there," she said and started yawning.

"You really should do some lighter reading my dear he smirked, this stuff will clot your braincells.

"Hm sure like what, some romance books maybe," she giggled.

"Not a bad idea since you have a very unromantic way of thinking he said playfully.

Where you not the one who wanted to drag that mech who is currently outside this base, straight into a berth room, tie him up and get your way with him huh."

"Okay, Dawn smiled, I could use some sm lecture like how to act like a master."

"I think you better read something about courting a mech first he smirked when knowing how that works I will gladly give you the ropes to tie him down when needed."

Dawn slowly sank deeper into her pillow and closed her eyes, he saw how the sleep started to claim her, he checked her wrist band, and checked if it still worked monochrome with his program, he could read her heartbeat and it was just fine.

He would surely miss her in this form but he knew her tiny frame had worn out, she already had cheated death for as long as she did. And now only time would tell how long she would last, any day could mark the start of the end, the end that was slowly creeping into her body getting weaker each week, he knew the nanites could no longer fight of the many cancer and tumor cells growing inside her. Silently he got up and walked out of the room, dimming the lights he heard her softly say, "Night Darwin." "Night sweet spark," he replied, before closing the door behind him.

He had to call Soundwave and Tailwind, the latest scan of the girls frame had shown him a change that he did not like, at first he thought she would make at least another two months but this scan showed him otherwise, he definitely needed to call those two for them to come home.

Reformatted the chapter again and this time it did stick to how I wanted it.

Thanks to a flamer here on FF I almost forgot about the reformat, thank you for your hatred posting you call a review that could have been done by pm.

I hope you did not mind I blocked you after reading the ranting in your profile.