
Chapter Fifteen

He wasn't sure what had possessed him to agree to the two humans coming along but now he regretted it. Optimus could only sigh and walk away from the woman and man going over the technology and science behind their creation, utterly giving him a headache with all the large words and talking per second. He decided to be outside instead of the stuffy hanger in hopes to clear his head and rid of the headache. It's been several hours since Trinity had gone to sleep, nearing four in the morning now, which told him that the woman hasn't been getting the rest that she actually needed.

It was a good thing that her uncle was there to push her when she neglected herself, otherwise, she would be in a screaming match with Sam and then the rest of her team just like she did several years ago when she was being stubborn! If he remembered correctly, it was Phil who had told her to rest when Sam had called him up. Yes, he would be in use in the future after he and his team leave them. Then there was also the fact that the man known as Captain America cared for her as much as the rest of them and wished to see she was being taken care of her health.

He seemed just as stubborn and Optimus feels that is someone that Trinity truly needs in her life–and someone to use when Phil was not available!

Chaplin suddenly walks out and stood next to the leader of the Autobots, "The Lt. Colonel and their team are coming back, they're about five minutes out. They're beat up but they're safe."

"Let's get them ready and have Phil and Steve here as it was two of their members that had gone along in this mission," Optimus tells him before looking down at the tiny human.

Chaplin nods, turning slightly to go inside, "I'll go do that now." he suddenly stopped, wanting to say something but shook his head, muttering, "Never mind."

"What is it, Chaplin?" Optimus questioned, turning to the other man with a frown.

"I'm double checking now but I think that someone is trying to steal our electricity?" he questioned the last part, albeit confused.

Optimus blinked at him before laughing, "Go double check but if someone is stealing our electricity, you may go with someone or send somebody to look into it."

Chaplin nods, turning slightly red, and quickly rushed back inside the hanger just as a pair of lights had formed in the horizon. Optimus sighs, looking towards them and wondered what trouble has been stirred up on the other side of the world now. As soon as the V-22 Tandem landed and the occupants all walked off exhausted and hungry, Phil, Steve, Stone, and Optimus was there to greet them. They all walked as one inside the hanger, many agents greeting their brother-in-arms and getting them whatever they needed–i.e. food, water, change of clothes, medical supplies. Once they were all settled and good, Will and Ebbs started to lay out what it was that they had found in Saudi Arabia.

"We were near the border of Iraq when we found traces of rogue Decepticons. They seem to be following some type of Decepticon we've never seen before," Will shakes his head, looking at the group around them. "It seemed sleeker and more…"

"More advance," Ebbs tells them, leaning back in his chair. "Then this Autobot or Decepticon came out of nowhere and started to shoot at the Decepticons! Then men in black came out barreling out of their hiding place and started to kill the Decepticons as well–black ops type shit."

"They're calling themselves Cemetery Wind," Natasha informs them as she brought up a group of men wearing casual clothing in black but holding heavy gear. "Stark was able to hack into the government and find out about these guys on our way here. They were formed by CIA, Harold Attinger, to try and take out as many alien robots as they can, while also sending the remains to a company called Kinetic Solutions Incorporated, or KSI. Attinger's right-hand man is James Savoy, who lost a sister during the Chicago attack, is the one leading this group and they're working with an unknown alien robot. But Cemetery Wind was only supposed to go after the Decepticons, not the Autobots."

"So Savoy is on a rampage of revenge to destroy the Autobots while pretending to leave them alone," everyone turned to see Trinity walking into the hanger, rested and angry. "Does the President know about this?"

Clint shakes his head, "No. He only ordered this group to go against the Decepticons, he has no idea about Cemetery Wind going after Autobots."

"I say we get them back!" Wheelie starts out of nowhere, climbing onto the table, "Teach these humans that we're not ones to be messed with! No offense to you guys."

"I second that," Ebbs said seriously.

Trinity nods, placing a hand on Steve's shoulder when he moved to stand up, "They'll get what's coming but I want to know about this KSI."

Natasha nods, "It was started by Joshua Joyce in trying to build man-made prototype Transformers to make the world a better place." the red-headed woman snorts at this, rolling her eyes, "The prototypes were to be used for the military, cleaning, exploration, and every other possible task so that would pull back in human death and whatnot."

"So, this human is using our technology to make their lives easier!?" Optimus questioned enraged by this.

Natasha nods in confirmation, "Yes. Stark said that Joyce tried to get him to invest in him, that he had imagination but after being captured and then becoming Ironman, Stark declined Joyce as he wanted to go in the clean energy way, no more forming weapons."

"Well, I already have a team in-route to Chicago for reckon on this building. I want to know how the hell they're getting the alien technology when I know how hard it is to retrieve such data without an Autobot or Decepticon helping out in translating the language." Trinity tells them with a frown before looking over the two assassins and her friends, "Everyone go get some rest, especially you guys, and we'll get in touch with the team in the morning. There's nothing much that we can do now. Skids, Mudflap, and Wheelie you three better behave or I swear I will use the All-Spark and shut you all down! Understand?"

The two Autobots and former Decepticon mutter their agreement as they started to walk away to get some rest, the woman sighing with all the patience she had left. Her uncle was merely laughing quietly, hugging her shoulders and kissing the side of her head as he knew the toll of being in charge felt like. Trinity thanked the two assassins once more as they walked past, the two of them nodding in return before walking off to get rest. As everyone started to disperse to get the much-needed rest that they all need, Chaplin was struggling in what he should do, holding a tablet in his hands albeit tightly.

"What's going on, Chaplin?" Trinity asked softly with an amused grin.

The older man sighs, turning red as Optimus, Trinity, Steve, Phil, Stone, Ebbs, and Will stared at him, waiting to hear what it was that he found. "Someone is stealing our electricity," he muttered embarrassingly.

Optimus was the one to laugh as the others blinked in surprise before laughing as well, making the other man turn red even darker, "I'm sorry Chaplin. Do you know who is stealing it?" Trinity asked as she calmed down enough to ask.

"It's the house next door, and they're using a lot of electricity! It's why we would have moments of lights blinking or static on the monitors," Chaplin tells her as he hands over the tablet to Trinity to see.

She looked down at the graphics going up and down, "Okay. I'll take a small team next door and see what's going on. Chaplin, make sure that that's all they're doing and double check to make sure we haven't been found out."

Chaplin nods, taking the tablet back from her, "You got it, Spades."

"Rini," Phil started but his niece shook her head.

"I'm fine. I've rested enough to at least take a look around. Once I get back, I'll go back to bed, I promise," she tells him with a smile.

"As stubborn as both of your parents!" he muttered before kissing her head, "I'll wait for your return."

Trinity rolls her eyes but smiles nonetheless, sighing, I love you too, Uncle Phil, as she walked away towards the weapon storage. Steve was right at her side, as Stone followed up on her other, Phil sighing at the two men trying to win her affection–despite that he already knew that his niece was falling for Steve already. Trinity, however, ignored the two for the time being and looked over to a group of men cleaning their weapons and figured a group of six would be good enough to investigate next door.

Brett Phelps is third generation Irish-American with dark blonde hair and blue eyes with a build that of a fighter of mixed-martial arts and in his late thirties. Brett is actually a fighter as he had love of the fight when he was overseas during his time as a marine and he had continued with it when he became a NEST agent. And just like the rest of his brothers-in-arms, he had tattoos up and down his arms, back, and chest with an angry attitude that all military men and women had come to receive after being in a war for so long. Many did tease him, however, as he did have the pale skin and if he wasn't careful, he would get as burned as a cooked lobster.

Then there was Scott Nelson with pepper black hair and beard with light gray eyes, despite his age being in his mid-forties, the man still acted like a child. Well, if Trinity was honest with herself, all men act like children but she didn't see anything wrong with it with those in the military as it was their way to destress after a long and hard mission. He was built like many of the military men and women and had come from the Alpha Company, Fourth Battalion, First Special Forces Group of the Army. The great thing about him was the fact that his training to both new recruits and veteran agents help keep them all on their toes, as well as being good at training others.

Then there was Mikal 'Hooch' Vega, a large man who is a former–although, you are never a former military anything–Navy Seal from Team Three and was stationed in Iran and was part of a group to get Lennox and Epps after their base in Qatar was destroyed by Decepticons. In his late forties, Hooch is a massive man that will hurt anyone that hurts his family but gentle enough to be loveable. He does a lot of the planning when it comes to extraction involving water and the go-to man to train other agents in the ways of the Navy Seal. Being of Spanish-American descendants, he had the black peppered hair, brown eyes, and tanned skin that he received from his father's Spanish origins. However, he got his cooking skills from his mother and the NEST agents always made sure he ended up cooking somehow.

They were merely cleaning their weapons as they were out target practicing, trying to set up their new area and getting familiar with the new layout of the area. Trinity knew that with them, Steve and Stone, they would be enough to assess the house with no actual shots being fired–the woman hoped, at least.

"Phelps, Nelson, Hooch!" the three men looked towards her, waiting, "We're going to check out the house next door. Get your gear ready and get the sisters."

Nodding, the three men started to reassemble their weapons as Steve walked towards the lockers where his uniform was at to get ready. Trinity opened the weapon storage with her full hand on the scanner and walked towards the stock of tactical vests, quickly putting one on, then walked further down to the weapons section to grab the LaRue Tactical OBR and extra ammo before walking out with Stone, who had also put on a tactical vest and grabbed a LaRue.

Walking towards the entrance, Trinity nods to the men, seeing that Ironhide had also joined them as well. "Okay, we're going in quiet so try not to make any noise," she told the Autobots, who nodded in understanding, the five men picking up comms so they can communicate. "I'll be with Acree and Steve taking the front of the house, Chromia and Elita One, I want you guys to take the back of the house with Stone and Hooch. Ironhide, you'll be with Nelson and Phelps on the east side of the house."

"Are you going to want to send in droids to look for heat signatures?" Chaplin asked curiously, his tablet already in his hands.

Trinity gives him a curt nod, "Yes. I want to know how many people are on the property, have you figured out if they're not doing much harm then stealing our electricity?"

Chaplin shakes his head, "No ma'am, they're just stealing power, nothing else."

Trinity sighs, "Alright, let's get going before the sun comes up and we lose the darkness and the advantage of surprise."

Everyone rode with Ironhide, letting the sisters to drive ahead and get into position if they needed to attack first. Hidden in the tall grass, the five men gathered around Trinity to stare at the tablet in her hands. There were three heat signatures inside the barn, moving about or sitting still, while some warmer ones stood around the west corner of the building, while there was no one inside the home, despite the lights that were on.

"Okay, the house is empty, I want Acree, Ironhide, Stone, Nelson, and Phelps to go through the front of the barn. Chromia, Elita, Cap, and Hooch you're with me, we're going through the back, stay on alert; we don't know what those other heat signatures are." Trinity tells them, putting the tablet back into Hooch's pack, nodding to the men, "Let's get into position."

Both humans and Autobots moved towards the barn silently, Phil letting them know the motions of the heat signatures inside. Hooch tapped Trinity's arm and motioned at the door that was large enough for the Autobots to get through and was nearly hidden. She nods to him in acceptance and watched as he quickly deals with the old hinges, making sure to not make so much noise for those inside to hear. However, it wasn't happening and Steve told them that he can easily kick it in, so long as there was nothing behind it. Chromia was able to quickly distinguish that there was nothing solid behind the door.

The team in position, the group waited on bated breath when Phil suddenly told them about one of the heat signatures moving towards the front entrance, Trinity telling the others to hold. When the person suddenly returned towards the middle, Trinity gave the word to breach, Steve kicked in the door. Everyone was yelling and screaming, Trinity looking around as she and the team moved as one towards the three civilians that were gathering in the middle of the barn. She noted that there were different inventions against the far west side, which was probably the reason for the warm signatures that they were getting. Trinity noticed that the three civilians were two adult men and a woman no older than eighteen being hidden behind by one of the men, who could probably be her father.

"Clear!" Nelson yelled from one corner.

"Clear!" Phelps yelled from the other corner.

"Clear!" Steve yells from her right.

Trinity lowers her weapon, "Clear!" she tells them all, staring at the three scared civilians, making sure to soften her features just a bit more, "Who's the owner of this property?"

The taller, scared man pointed to the father, "He is and his name is Cade Yeager!"

Trinity raises an eyebrow, "Keep an eye on him, he has an open mouth on him." she then nods to Cade, "So, you're the one stealing our power."

"What?!" the girl looked to her cringing father in anger, "We're stealing power now?"

"I'll tell you later. First, who are you people?" Cade asked suspiciously but the Autobots had to have given him a hint.

"I'm Agent Trinity Hart from NEST," Trinity tells them, not lying to them.

Steve smiling shyly when they looked towards him with wide eyes, "I'm Captain America with the Avengers."

Their eyes widen even more at this, almost paling at the fact that they had an elite agency with Autobots in their barn but an Avenger as well. "So you're Cade, who are the other two?"

"This is my daughter, Tessa, and Lucas," Cade answered, nodding to the other man who ratted him out first.

Trinity nods in greeting, then tells them, "We noticed a decline of our electricity so we came to investigate."

Cade swallowed hard, "I had heard of someone buying the old building down the road but I thought it was just some rich prick trying to build their mansion or something."

Trinity couldn't help but grin at the blushing man, "Sorry, us rich prick's tend to keep to ourselves when buying buildings. Look, as long as that's all you're doing, stealing power, we don't mind sharing." she chuckles at the idea of someone stealing power from them, shaking her head, "We'll get a couple of guys to stop by and set that up."

Cade's eyes widen in surprise, "I–" he stuttered, "Thank you." he said appreciatively.

Trinity gives him a curt nod, "It's not a problem, it's the least we can do for you in order to keep us a secret. However, Hooch,"

Lucas cried out before passing out, Cade and Tessa crying out in fear as the daughter demanded to know, "What are you doing?"

Trinity kneels at the man's head, "Erasing your friend's memory of us. He has a big mouth and no one can know that we're here." with her hands on either side of Lucas' head, Trinity tapped into the All Spark and started to erase them from his memory, taking only a few seconds before she was standing up again. "All set, he'll think it's a dream or déjà vu if he catches glimpses of us. So long as you don't tell him, he should be fine."

"What happens if he does remember?" Tessa asked cautiously.

"His head will explode," Trinity tells them nonchalant before laughing at their gasp and eyes wide of horror. "I'm kidding! He'll just have severe bad headaches until I can lift off the power or erase his memory again."

"Are you a mutant?" Tessa asked curiously with wide eyes.

"No, but what I have is confidential and that's all I can say," Trinity nods to the group to head back.

"What exactly do you do, Mr. Yeager?" Steve asked curiously, looking around, "This place looks like Stark's workplace."

"I'm an inventor," Cade tells him with pride.

"With things that don't work half the time," Tessa muttered with a roll of her eyes.

Cade shot his daughter a look, arguing, "They only have a few kinks, that's all."

Trinity shakes her head, "Alright, let's move out, we're all good here." she pressed her right forefinger to her ear, "Mother hen, we're returning now, there's no danger." Trinity tells her uncle, making their group to snicker and the Yeager's to stare on in amusement.

"Good to know, half pint. Don't tinker about, you still need rest," he tells her good naturally with a grin.

Trinity rolled her eyes but smirked anyways as they all left the barn, noting to get the doors fixed too…and possibly convincing Steve–which she knew it wasn't going to be all that hard–in bringing the ass of Anthony Stark to take a look around Cade's items. The man just seemed to need a bit of help and why not? It'll be better than him trying to sneak on to their base and finding things out that he shouldn't. Which, the woman didn't doubt.

A/N: Alright guy's, I've gotten promoted to my corporate office and for whatever reason, I got inspired to finally finish this chapter. Idk when I'll get the next chapter up but I'm already thinking of what's going to happen in the future, just gotta write it out now. I hope you guys like it, please review and let me know what you think!