June 1st, Saturday, 2013

I woke up from a major headache. What did I do last night? It was then that everything that happened came flooding back, making my head pound even further. One name kept repeating itself while the memories came back to me.


Oh god. Why? Why did I do it? Why did she have to come between us? Why?


The doorbell rung once and even with my headache, I could make out footsteps fading away. I slowly got to my feet and opened the door to reveal a box and a note. My hands trembled as I recognized the handwriting on the letter

-Nick- It read. What happened to Fang? I carefully opened the letter and my heart pounded as I read every word written on the paper.


That's right. I wrote Nick and not Fang. You should just stick to your real name from now on. When I saw you yesterday, you know what I did? I just shook my head. I knew it was too good to be true. When you first approached me and asked me out, I laughed out loud. I knew you were going to dump me after a few days but I still said yes. I thought that if I did, I could change you into something more likeā€¦like Fang. Not too annoying yet so annoying, it made me laugh and not at all a jerk. After yesterday, I realized that I was the idiot but I can't decide whether I was the idiot for believing that there was actually a way to change you or being an idiot for actually falling for you while trying. Well, I'm done. You're done and I know it's sappy and you probably heard a lot of times, being the player you are, but I never want to see you again. Ever. And I think that this is going to come true because once you're done reading this, I'm going to be on a plane to Arizona. I think it's best if we both agreed that we never knew each other.

Bye Nick.


P.S. Don't use my nickname for you. After all you did, the name Fang doesn't deserve you anymore.

P.S.S. Here's the necklace back. I figured you'd want it back since it was your most priceless possession.

Tears were already falling out, staining the letter and leaving huge blobs. I did the only thing that came into my mind. I stuffed the box in my pocket, I grabbed my car keys and ran as fast I could. Max was the only thing on my mind.

Two stories in one day!

I am on a roll here! Ok, maybe not but hey, a girl can try, right?

Like it? I'll try to post as often as possible and remember to R&R!

Mikki is out! Peace everyone!