A/N- Hey Sweeties, Thank You So Much for reading!

All follows/favs/reviews are much much appreciated x

Just to let you know this story does have a sequel called: The Doctor and 'Just Brooke', however this is a T rated story.

Please do check it out , however I also understand some people may want a M rated sequel. I'm not sure how popular this would be but I am somewhat considering writing and alternative sequel. I'll just see how things go for now.

Chapter 16: Goodbye Sweetie

"No!" River blurted, feeling as if her whole world was crashing down.

She grew incredibly afraid, what was she meant to do. She couldn't tell him she thought. No. Of course she couldn't. She placed a hand over her stomach her eye wide with a fear so very new to her.

Tears began to prick.

He had asked her to stay; they were supposed to have their small version of forever. It was all too good to be true. She should have known something would go wrong.

She imagined telling him but his reaction shook her to the core. The fear in his eyes. He was The Doctor. Nothing was permanent.

She needed to leave.

She had to leave. It was the only way.

River scrambled up off the floor.

She started at herself in the mirror and it all made sense now.

The fatigue, the nausea, her emotions all over the place.

She covered her eyes with her hands, wiping them and swallowed.

She made herself numb and took a deep breath.

She then strode to the bedroom, gathering her belongings and slipping into an outfit.

After that she made for the control room.

The Doctor saw her enter, concern flashing across his face.

"River?" he began but she cut him short.

"I have to go. Something has come up."

The Doctor studied her, not convinced at all.

"River?" he called again as she looked around the console for her vortex manipulator which she found and pulled onto her wrist.

The Doctor grasped her shoulders. What on earth was going on?

River smiled a perfect fake smile.

"I'm sorry Sweetie." She told him and he knew that this was more than a normal apology.

"Where are you going?" he asked her.

"Let me give you a lift at least?"

She could pick up the fear in his tone.

He thought she was rejecting him.

"Oh Doctor." She thought.

River reached forwards and kissed him impulsively. A most magnificent kiss and he was completely hooked. She poured herself out hoping somehow he would understand.

As they released each other she fought back the tears.

"I must dash." She smiled again.

"When will I see you again?" he asked her worriedly. Who knows what version of her he would meet next.

"Spoilers" River replied even though she didn't know the answer for that herself.

She couldn't take away his hope.

The Doctor opened his mouth to speak and River knew that if she didn't leave no it would all come out.

She pushed the button.

"Goodbye Sweetie." She breathed and was gone.