Hello! Sorry that it took me this long to update, been busy. But here you guys go, I hope you all like this chapter and would review.

'italic' = inner thoughts/inner world

/= new scene

italic= memory

Don't forget to review please. Also I don't own anything.

With cold golden eyes, Shiro walked up into an abandoned building and ripped open the front door. The door slammed right into the wall, pieces of the dry wall fell away. Zangestu follow him in with less angry mixed into his actions. They looked at each other and Shiro growled as the building shook from a howl.

'Why must he be this way?!'Shiro called out as he slumped against the full length window. Zangestu stood in front of him, looking straight into Shiro's eyes. He looked off to the say as he thought of an answer. 'I mean, the last King didn't run from a fight. He went head first and thought last. Why can't he be like that and not this pussy?'

'He does not remember. Only what he wants to remember, he has nothing.' Zangestu stated as he held Shiro's molted gold eyes.

'Does not mean he has lost the will to fight. He can do it for fun!'


Ichigo sat up in bed as he rubbed the sleep away from his still half lidded eyes. With a yawn, Ichigo stood up and stretched his stiffed joints. He slowly walked over to the olive color dresser and slowly opened it. As he reached in, Ichigo stopped and franticly looked around the room.

"Where am I?" He asked himself as he tried to remember. Ichigo slowly looked around, lifting everything to check if anything could hurt him or hurt himself with. He found nothing that was dangerous at the moment.


Grimmjow held his hands in his pockets and steadily walked down the hall to reach his bedroom, were Ichigo laid asleep. With a soft smile, Grimmjow made his way towards the dark wooden door. Opening it, Grimmjow stopped short.

"You're awake?" Grimmjow asked as if he didn't believe his own eyes. Turning slightly around, Ichigo's one golden eye met with Grimmjow's crayon blue eyes.

"Who are you?" Ichigo asked with his little nose scrunched up as if he was confused. Grimmjow eyes widen slightly in surprise. "Do I know you?"

"How? It's me, Grimmjow. You know me, Ichigo." Grimmjow said slightly with a high pitched voice. Ichigo narrowed his eyes and a cruel smirked found its way onto Ichigo's pale pink lips.

"How? Do you mean, why." Ichigo's voice sounded far away and not there as if it's a whisper that was carried upon the wind and only reach Grimmjow slightly. Ichigo laughed low at the look Grimmjow held on his face. "Surprised that he doesn't remember, well nothing new for us. (Ichigo shrugged his shoulders at that thought.) I got to say though, he did make him happy, the sun was out again."

"Shiro." Grimmjow stated/growled out as he narrowed his eyes towards the creature of shadows. Ichigo laughed lightly like bells on a nightmarish horror film as he slowly full turned to look at the panther like hollow.

"Took you long enough." His golden eyes held a faraway look to them. Grimmjow waited in silence as Shiro talked to Ichigo. "But why, you don't know him. I can eat him." By the look Shiro held, he did not like the answer he received from Ichigo.

"Shiro," Grimmjow started to gain the other hollow attention. "Why are you here?" Shiro cocked his head to the side as a slow crazed smile formed. He laughed lightly before flashing behind Grimmjow and held him in place.

"He doesn't remember and he will never want to remember what you and him had. So stop trying getting close to him." Shiro stated before facing Grimmjow and with narrowed eyes and his sharp fangs showing, Shiro lean into Grimmjow's ear and said "He doesn't remember when he closes his eyes if he doesn't want to. He's to frighten of his darkest colors of his mind, so he forgot."

Before Grimmjow knew it, Ichigo's body disappeared in the shadows of the room.

Wild golden eyes narrowed to a bone crushing glare as he slugged the blue haired male across the sandy desert. Grimmjow looked up to the orange haired male as he held his jaw as if he didn't except for his lover to hit.

"You left me, Why?" Grimmjow's lover growled out as he tried to kick Grimmjow's head into the ground. Grimmjow raised his hands above his head to block the attack. Turning his wrist slightly, Grimmjow held onto his lover's ankle and pulled him away from his body before slamming him into the sand.

The lost of air made the lover surprised. It gave Grimmjow enough time to pin his lover to the ground and growl at him in warning. Golden looked into a blazed crayon blue.

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