I love my meetings with the gorgeous Mrs Connor, she's flawless, a perfect specimen and definitely someone I intend to have a more deep and meaningful connection with. I know she enjoys our meetings too, she is so seductive and flirtatious throughout and I know she is attracted to me. There is an unmistakable chemistry between us too and we will make a good team. Only one thing currently stands in my way but that will be easily dealt with, I have far more brains, money and power than that scruffy young man, who is no more than a boy and playing at business.

Straightening my tie in the rear view mirror of my car I make sure I look presentable. I must impress her as usual. I know her type they always fall for the mysterious, handsome stranger who flashes the cash. A women like that needs to be kept in the luxuries to which she has become accustomed and they should not have to work so hard for it. They need a partner; a wiser, older guiding hand and I want to be that influential figure that is there for her. I've collected my research; know a little about her past and I will use it to my advantage. I am Tony Gordon, I am successful and I always get what I want.

I step out of my car and look up to the factory door confidently. Carla and I have only had a handful of these meetings and this is our first alone. I am ready to make my move, play off of her weaknesses and lull her into a false sense of security. Confidently I swan in and make my presence clearly known as I head across to the office and wrap my knuckles upon the door. I can see Carla inside; she looks up from her desk and smiles seductively, motioning so elegantly with her hand for me to come in as she finishes her call.

"Mr Gordon" she chirps happily and almost with surprise.

"Carla, a pleasure as always" I answer as I smile at her and take her hand when she stands. Its naughty of me but I cannot resist placing a kiss upon the back of her hand.

Today she looks more gorgeous than ever. I drink her in, every perfect centimetre of her. The black material of her skintight dress clings to her body and accentuates its slender figure, her hair is thick and luscious as it frames her gorgeous face and her eyes twinkle. There's that chemistry again and it seems to be on fire without Liam around today. I can't help wondering where he is today, he usually is sulking in a corner as we talk business and although he teases Carla I know secretly he wishes he were man enough for her.

I release her hand and she takes her seat again, confidence that she in charge of this situation oozing from her. Again she gestures elegantly for me to take a seat opposite her and I do. Seconds later Rosie comes bumbling in with two coffees. I like Carla's assistant she is highly attractive also but nowhere near as bright as the beautiful creature who is her boss. I sit and wait for her to begin, I let her take lead of the meetings for her own satisfaction and I like to play her until I can manipulate the meeting round to my points of view.

"That is all very well Carla, but it sounds to me like you don't really need another client" I say after listening to her waffle through some pointless facts and figures and business strategy, all of which sort of interests me but not as much as another subject but I do like the sound of her voice so felt it rude to interrupt.

"Care to tell me what I do need Mr Gordon?" she almost dares me to tell rather than asks. She's playing the game now but not as well as me. Its almost as if I've hit a nerve and she didn't like it but she's intrigued, she wants to know what I have in mind.

Clearing my throat I get ready to pitch my idea, I won't just blurt it out of course, I will hide the truth in ribbons and bows and trap doors until Carla believes this is best for her and her business. I want this factory and I want it all. I have a plan all mapped out and know my route from A to B like the back of my hand. I just need to overcome a few obstacles and its in the bag.

"Financial Investment, you see Carla, I truly believe you could build on this business more and make it truly great."

"Financial Investment?" she quizzes.

I regard her as she let's the thought sink in and roll off the tongue a few more times until it feels comfortable as an idea. She smiles and I know she knows I am right on this. Now I wait, she will certainly ask for me to elaborate because she likes the idea and then she is going to need my expertise to find her a suitable partner for her newest business venture. This is where I will step in and offer some of my fortune, companionship, partnership and if I play my cards right and get in where I want to be maybe even more.

"Well I'd love to tell you more now but unfortunately I have another meeting." she looks disappointed that I cannot stay. Its all lies though, part of my master plan not that she has been able to tell. I am a very good and convincing liar because you have to be to be successful in business. She is desperate for my knowledge so I know she won't refuse what I propose next.

"But, I can do dinner, say tonight at Seven. Somewhere nice, we can talk through all the options available to you?"

I wait eagerly as she doesn't reply straight away as I had hoped but I am still smiling at her, showing my kind side and that I am a keen businessman who wants to help her succeed. I know she's weighing up whether it is worth her while or not but its not rocket science really that it most certainly is. She is trying to see if she can make me tell her more now, but my lips are sealed. The seed has been planted and I will only help it to grow and develop if she agrees to meet me later.

"Ok" she eventually answers and I could kiss her. This definitely constitutes as a date but I am professional and must behave in such a way so I get up and straighten down my suit. I offer my hand out to her and shake hers gently.

"Until later then. I'll pick you up here at seven" I tell her, I will not give her the choice to meet me somewhere in case she doesn't show and don't give her and opportunity to protest against me. She nods, not saying anything but is grinning and I know she is pleased about our out of hours business arrangement too. She can't hide how attracted she is to me. Confidently I leave the office and shout back a charming goodbye to all the machinists admiring me.

Now back in my car I must make plans for tonight. I know a perfect secluded little restaurant in the heart of Manchester. The food is exquisite and just suited perfectly to both our business styles. I also don't want to be spotted by someone I know or interrupted in anyway. I want to spend time alone with Carla and seduce her until she is putty in my hands. Its a challenge I know but I am good at problem solving and Mrs Connor shall be no problem at all.