Well this is a little different from what i usually do but tell me how you like it :D enjoy


"Summer, here I come." I muttered as I filled in the last bubble on my exam. This was officially where I could begin to plan out everything I planned on doing.


"Summer, oh joy." I thought as I walked up to my teacher to hand him my exam. This was officially where I was going to devise ways to keep my sanity.


The final bell rang signaling the start of my summer. I was packed and ready to head out to Long Island for another glorious summer full of orchestrating epic pranks, hanging out with Connor, obtaining extra chores, and getting to seem my newly found best friend Katie Gardner. Well by best friend I mean in an I-hate-your-freakin-guts sort of way.


The final bell rang signaling the start of my summer. I was headed out to Long Island for another long summer of tending to the strawberries, preventing stupid pranks, keeping my siblings in line, and ignoring all the crap my long established 'buddy' Travis Stoll threw at me. Well by long established 'buddy' I mean the drives-me-insane-every-day kind.


In other words my summer is going to rock.


In other words my summer is going to suck.