A/N: First of all, I apologize for this chapter taking so long; I had a minor case of writer's block exacerbated by a plot bunny rampaging around my head uncontrollably. Secondly, I've got some responses for reviews.

Those who keep wondering when I will update my work: I will update it when I get a chance; but I won't always be able to do so on a regular basis. I implore you to cease asking, as I can only do so much.

Archfiend1244: Thanks, I intend to keep working on this story. Yes, I intend to writing this story. As for your offer, I have a few ideas on how I could keep the story going, but I would still listen to your ideas.

Imc9389: This is set before the Apocalypse, meaning that the Horsemen are at their almost limitless power (as long as they act in the name of the balance). There will be more Darksiders characters making appearances; (one is even due to arrive in this chapter – whoops, spoiler!) more will probably make appearances around the same time as the Riser Phenex arc. As for Death's self-restraint, he is still unaware that Sona is a Devil; therefore, he has to restrain himself (when he discovers the truth though…).

'mastermind': A good hypothesis, but no. You'll understand why Rias and her peerage don't know about the Charred Council in a later chapter (Besides, where would the fun be if I gave it all away in the first five or so chapters?).

Haseo55: You make an excellent point; besides, it's not like they can talk after having Harvester run across their throat (And he might just do so)

mephistopheless: Watch this space.

Treytucker891: This story will focus mainly around Death and his mission; but the other Horsemen will probably make a few cameos.

Thanks to dragonsong2795 for proofreading my work.

Disclaimer: I don't own Darksiders or Highschool DxD (to my utmost regret)

Death silently stalked along the hallway leading outside from the student council's meeting room, fuming.

That child should consider herself damned lucky that I'm not allowed to kill humans! He thought to himself. As it is, I cannot interfere much more… The Balance itself could be compromised. The Pale Horseman remained in a foul mood until the school day ended; sitting in his chair; face buried in his hands to prevent himself from making the class flee in terror, when he heard what sounded like the entirety of the females in the class start screaming in excitement. His curiosity piqued – but unsure whether he wanted to know – Death lifted his head and noticed a blond-haired, second-year boy had walked into the classroom.

Yuuto Kiba… Death thought, as he recalled the boy's name and face from the school database. He must be the Gremory child's 'errand boy'. Figures… Death's thoughts trailed off as the boy walked to Issei's desk. Death noticed with slight amusement that Issei was irritated with Kiba's presence.

"Hi, how are you doing?" Kiba asked, to Issei's irritation and the girls' collective horror.

"So what business do you have here?" Issei asked, clearly annoyed by the better-looking boy's presence.

"I came here by the order of Rias Gremory senpai." Kiba answered to Issei's surprise.

I thought so. Death thought.

"Okay, okay. So what do you want me to do?" Issei asked Kiba, still annoyed.

"I want you to follow me." Kiba told him, to the girls' collective horror.

"No, No! Hyoudou and Kiba-kun walking next to each other!" One screamed, practically sobbing.

"You will get infected, Kiba-kun!" Another cried.

That one is definitely a Devil. Death thought bitterly. Worse, he is surrounded by screaming teenaged fan girls. If Strife was here, I think I'd die of embarrassment… Or get Dust to peck his eyeballs out; either way works. Death's thoughts were interrupted by Kiba then walking over to him.

"And you must be Rider Carnificis-kun." Kiba remarked as he smiled politely. At this, Death visibly raised an eyebrow.

I never thought I'd see the day when someone smiled at Death. He thought; highly amused. This one must be insane, stupid or both.

"You obviously know that, so why do you repeat it?" Death asked coldly. Instantly, his female classmates shot glares at him, but Kiba merely continued smiling.

"Club President Rias Gremory sent me." Kiba told the Pale Horseman, as if he wasn't already aware.

It's time… Death thought as he stood up, briefly glancing in Issei's direction. It appears that I won't be the only one getting answers. Silently he began following Kiba, as the blond-haired boy walked to the door.

"Rider-san, Hyoudou and Kiba-kun walking together…" One girl muttered. "Kiba-kun and Rider-san will be tainted with Hyoudou's perversion." At this, another girl chuckled darkly.

"I think you should be more worried about what Rider-san will do to Hyoudou and Kiba-kun." The girl who had chuckled remarked. "I don't know why, but he makes me feel like I'm about to die gruesomely."

Only if she provokes me. Death thought, somewhat amused; but his mood was immediately spoiled by Matsuda's voice.

"He-Hey Ise!" The bald boy called, sounding slightly concerned. Issei turned to him.

"Don't worry, friend. I'm not going to have a fight." Issei reassured him.

"What are you going to do with this DVD 'Me, the molester, and the udon'?" Matsuda asked, to the disgust of everyone present and causing Death to bury his face in his hand for what felt like the hundredth time that day, as he, Issei and Kiba hastily departed.

After a few minutes of walking, Death, Issei and Kiba were outside the old schoolhouse; now a semi-familiar sight to the Pale Horseman, having been inside once and having beaten the Kendo club senseless nearby earlier that day. As the three were about to enter the building, Dust flew from one of the trees and perched on Death's shoulder.

Where've you been? Death wondered. In response, Dust sent him a few mental images of the bird surveying the neighborhood; keeping an eye out for anything unusual. I see… Before Death could commune further with Dust, Kiba opened the door and the three walked inside. After another minute of walking, they were outside the Occult Research club room; a familiar sight to Death, but not to Issei.

"The President is in here." Kiba told Issei; before raising his hand to knock.

To the Nine Hells with this! Death silently growled. No one keeps me waiting!

"Stand aside." Death commanded as he roughly pushed Kiba aside. At his silent command, a pair of ghostly, skeletal arms materialized before the door and slammed it open before vanishing; and Death stepped inside, followed by a surprised – albeit composed – Kiba and a shocked Issei. As Death stalked inside, he noticed a young, white-haired girl was seated on one of the sofas, eating youkan from a plate.

Koneko Toujou… Death thought as the girl met his gaze with a cold expression. You're evidently no ordinary creature… Death then broke eye contact and glanced around the room as Koneko finally noticed Issei.

"Ah, yes. Koneko-chan, this is Hyoudou Issei-kun and Rider Carnificis-kun." Kiba introduced as he gestured to Issei and Death. "Hyoudou-kun, Rider-kun; this is Toujou Koneko-chan." Koneko bowed her head but remained silent.

"Ah, nice to meet you." Issei greeted Koneko as he bowed in response; Death on the other hand, remained silent.

"Ah, Rider-kun?" Kiba asked; a little confused, but still smiling. "Did you hear me?"

"I heard." Death answered tersely. "Where is your master, Kiba?" Kiba was about to answer, but was subsequently distracted by Issei muttering something that even the Pale Horseman couldn't decipher under his breath. Following Issei's gaze, Death noticed that he was staring at the obscured shower that was presently being used. Suddenly, the shower stopped and Death could hear movement.

"Here, take this President." Death instantly recognized Akeno's voice.

"Thank you, Akeno." Rias' voice responded, as Issei's expression became lecherous; to Death's weary irritation.

"…What a perverted face." A low, female voice muttered. Issei glanced at Koneko in shock, whilst Death simply sighed.

"You'd better get used to it." He told the girl. "He's going to be doing that for a long time." Ironically, Death himself had no idea just how true this statement would be. Suddenly, the shower screen opened and Rias appeared; her hair was still damp from her shower. Akeno was standing behind her with her usual serene smile.

"I'm sorry." Rias told Issei. "I couldn't take a shower last night because I stayed the night at your place. So I took a shower now." Issei nodded slowly, before he realized that Akeno was standing behind Rias and his expression became one of surprise. Akeno turned to Issei.

"My, my; how do you do? My name is Himejima Akeno, pleased to make your acquaintance." Akeno introduced herself to Issei, before turning to Death and giggling quietly. "Carnificis-san; it is nice to see you again." Death almost chuckled at this.

"Right…" He muttered. And War doesn't have anger management issues.

"Looks like everyone is here." Rias remarked once the introductions had been made. "Hyoudou Issei-kun; no, let me call you Ise." Issei jumped slightly and straightened his back.

"Yes." He responded.

"We, the Occult Research club, welcome you." Rias began, to Issei's confusion.

"Okay…" Issei's confusion caused Death to roll his eyes in irritation.

"As a Devil." Rias concluded, to Issei's surprise and Death's lack thereof.

It's going to be a long night… He thought bitterly.

Nearly ten minutes later, Rias and Akeno were seated on one sofa and Issei, Kiba and Koneko were seated on the other, whilst Death casually stood behind the sofa with his arms folded. Issei had a cup of partially drunk tea in front of him that was provided by Akeno. Everyone other than Death was directing their attention to Issei.

"I will tell you directly, we are all Devils." Rias told Issei, to the boy's apparent disbelief. "Your expression says that you don't believe what I am saying. Well, that can't be helped. You saw the guy with black wings last night?" Issei nodded slowly.

"The man in the suit was a Fallen Angel." Death interjected, to Rias' displeasure. "They were once members of the First Kingdom, but they turned against the laws of the White City; hence, their black feathers and general lack of regard." Issei turned to the Pale Horseman in shock.

"Rider-san!?" Issei gasped. "H-how do you know about all this?" Death shrugged.

"It is my business to know." Death answered coldly.

"Anyway." Rias interjected in an attempt to steer the conversation back to its original topic whilst trying to reassert some modicum of control. "We, the Devils, have been in a war with the Fallen Angels since ancient times. We have been fighting over the possession of the Underworld. The underworld is split into two areas of the Devils and Fallen Angels. The Devil forms a pact with humans and receives their sacrifice and increases their strength." This caught Death's attention.

She almost sounds like Vulgrim… He thought. But far less unpleasant to look at…

"The Fallen Angel on the other hand controls humans to eliminate Devils." Rias continued, as Death's eyes narrowed. "And here the Angels come to destroy the two races on God's order. So the war is split into three groups: Devils, Fallen Angels and Angels. This has been going on since ancient times." Death kept his expression neutral as Rias spoke; but his thoughts were anything but.

How in the Nine Hells can this war still be raging? He thought with incredulity. The Council should have sent my brothers and I to end the conflict until the End War. Death's thoughts were interrupted by Issei displaying his intellect (or lack thereof).

"Umm, senpai. That kind of story is hard to take in by a normal male student like myself." He stated in confusion. "Is this what members of the Occult Research club do?" Death rolled his eyes in irritation.

"Were you even paying attention?" The Pale Horseman growled in annoyance. Issei's expression suddenly became one of anger and he stood up.

"What is your problem, Rider-san!?" Issei yelled. Death unfolded his arms and glared at Issei, as Dust squawked in protest and flew to the other side of the room.

"Watch your tone with me, boy!" Death growled as he let some of his aura seep from him; causing everyone in the room to start shuddering in fear and revulsion.

"Please don't kill him, Carnificis-sama." Rias pleaded. Death raised an eyebrow in mild surprise as he allowed his aura to vanish; causing everyone present to visibly slump with relief.

"You show an unusual degree of concern for a mere slave." Death remarked, as Issei looked between the two in confusion. "Fear not, Gremory; I won't kill him… Not yet." Issei turned pale and the others looked at Death in a mix of surprise and fear. Death then turned to Issei.

"As for you; unless you want Dust to peck your eyes out, I suggest you sit down, keep your mouth shut and pay attention." The Pale Horseman growled at Issei, who merely nodded meekly and sat back down. Death turned his attention back to Rias and folded his arms again. "Continue."

"As I was about to tell you, the Occult Research club is just a front." Rias explained. "It's more of a hobby, actually. We are all Devils." Issei's expression was one of denial as Death rolled his eyes and stretched his neck from side to side.

"Amano Yuma…" Rias muttered. Instantly, Issei's eyes widened and his expression hardened. "That day, you were on a date with Amano Yuma, right?" Death almost had to cover his nose to stop himself from snorting.

He was killed by his girlfriend…? He thought with amusement. I never would've thought he was that unpleasant to be near… Through his link with Dust, Death could also sense the bird's amusement.

"If you are joking, then can you please stop now…?" Issei requested, his tone now had a mix of anger and pain. "I don't want to talk about it in this atmosphere."

"She existed, Hyoudou." Death told the lecherous boy, who looked at him in surprise.

"H-how-?" Issei stammered in confusion and surprise.

"How did I know? I saw what she did to you." Death answered.

"The girl was a Fallen Angel, just like the one who attacked you last night." Rias confirmed as she swirled her finger and Akeno produced a photo of Issei's girlfriend; albeit with a pair of black-feathered wings protruding from her back. Issei's expression was one of shock and confirmation that she was his girlfriend.

"This Fallen Angel came in contact with you to accomplish her motive." Rias explained. "After she accomplished it she got rid of any record and evidence regarding herself."

I can guess how… Death thought to himself.

"Motive?" Issei asked in confusion. Death rolled his eyes in frustration; Issei's lack of common sense was beginning to test the limits of his already short temper.

"Isn't it obvious? She wanted to kill you, you idiot!" Death growled. Issei's expression became one of shock.

"W-why did she have to kill me!?" He cried with a mix of hurt and anger. Death shrugged.

"Damned if I know…" He muttered. "But I doubt that it was because she wanted to do future generations of the Third Kingdom a favor…" Issei was beginning to show signs of an internal struggle.

"What the hell…?" He muttered.

"Calm down, Ise." Rias commanded and the boy began to compose himself obediently. "It couldn't be helped… You were just unlucky; there are possessors who aren't killed." Death visibly raised an eyebrow at this.

"Possessors of what, Gremory?" Death asked pointedly as his eyes filled with menace.

"Ise, you are a possessor of a Sacred Gear." Rias answered, to the confused recognition of the lecherous boy and the curiosity of the Pale Horseman.

"A Sacred Gear is an irregular power which is bestowed to certain humans." Kiba continued. "For example, most of the people whose name is recorded in the history are said to be possessors of Sacred Gears. They used the power of their Sacred Gear to record their name in the history."

"Presently there are people who have Sacred Gear within their body." Akeno continued. "You know those people who play an important role worldwide? Most of those people possess Sacred Gear within their body."

"Most of the Sacred Gears have functions that are only usable in the human society; but there are exceptional Sacred Gears which are a threat to the Devils and Fallen Angels." Rias concluded. "Ise, raise your hand high." Issei had a look of confusion as Death's thoughts turned to what Rias had just said.

A danger to the other two kingdoms…? He thought as Rias urged Issei to hurry. Perhaps this is why the Council believes that the Third Kingdom is so vital to the Balance… Or, I might need to consider the fact that the Third Kingdom has been woefully underestimated this whole time… I have never heard of these Sacred Gears before… Death's thoughts were interrupted by Issei raising his right hand.

"Close your eyes and imagine the thing which you think is the strongest." Rias told Issei.

"Strongest being? Ummm… Son Goku from Dragon Ball?" Issei wondered aloud, causing Death to bury his face in his right hand for what felt like the one hundred and first time; to the apparent amusement of Akeno. Death simply sent the girl a discrete glare that made her pale slightly and avert her gaze; all traces of amusement gone from her face.

Better… He thought to himself as Issei went to stand in the middle of the room at Rias' urging.

"Now mimic the pose of that person." Rias commanded. "You have to copy it properly, and you cannot hold back." Issei nodded and Death raised an eyebrow.

Either he has a ridiculous amount of suppressed power or he makes himself look even more stupid… Death silently decided as Issei's expression became one of embarrassment.

"Hurry and do it." Rias urged. Issei cupped his hands to his side in a copy of the pose he was imagining.

"Kamehameha!" He cried as he brought his hands forward, as Death raised an eyebrow in amusement.

"Now open your eyes." Rias commanded. "Since this place is filled with magic power, the Sacred Gear will appear more easily." Issei obediently opened his eyes as light began to emanate from his left forearm and slowly took the shape of an ornate, red, fingerless gauntlet with a green gem embedded above the back of his hand. Death was no longer amused in the least.

"WHAT THE FUCK!?" Issei yelled in shock as he looked at the gauntlet.

"That's a Sacred Gear, and it is yours." Rias told him. "Once it appears, you could use it anywhere and anytime as you will." Issei's eyes were filled with wonder. "You were killed because your Sacred Gear was a big threat to the Fallen Angel, Amano Yuma." Issei slowly digested this information as Death eyed the gauntlet on the boy's arm; an unusual expression of caution and… Something else was etched on his face.

"You called me when you were on the verge of death." Rias continued. "I was summoned by this poster." Rias produced a leaflet that was inscribed with an intricate circle and had the caption 'we will grant your wish'.

So that's how they make the deals… Death thought to himself. More rope for you to hang yourself with, Grermory…

"This leaflet is the one we give out." Rias continued. "This magic circle is used to summon us, Devils. Lately, not many people draw this circle to summon us. So we give this leaflet to people who look like they would summon Devils. This magic circle is safe and easy to use. That day, one of our familiars who was disguised as a human was handing this out at the business district. You got it at that time, Ise. After you were attacked by the Fallen Angel, you called me while you were on the verge of death. You wished so hard that it summoned me. Usually Akeno and others are the ones who are summoned." Issei's expression slowly became one of understanding; as Death continued to eye the pervert's Sacred Gear with an unusual degree of caution.

"When I was summoned and saw you, I knew right away that you were attacked by a Fallen Angel and that you were a possessor of a Sacred Gear." Rias continued. "But there was a problem, and that was that you were just a moment from death. Not just Devils, but also humans would be killed instantly if impaled by the Spear of Light. You were also in a state like that, so I decided to save your life." Issei looked confused at Rias' statement.

"I saved your life as a Devil." Rias clarified. "Ise, you who were reborn as a Devil of mine, Rias Gremory, are my servant and Devil." Death would have raised an eyebrow if he wasn't already aware of that fact. Instantly, a pair of bat-like wings unfurled from the backs of each of the other Devils. "I will introduce us again. Yuuto."

"My name is Kiba Yuuto. I'm also in the 2nd year like you know, Hyoudou Issei-kun." Kiba introduced himself. "I'm also a Devil, nice to meet you."

"1st year…" Koneko muttered as she inclined her head. "…Toujou Koneko… Nice to meet you… And I'm a Devil…"

"My name is Himejima Akeno, and I'm in 3rd year." Akeno introduced herself. "I'm also the vice-president of this research club. Nice to meet you. Even though I'm like this, I'm also a Devil." She giggled slightly as she politely inclined her head.

"And I'm their master, and my name is Rias Gremory of the house of Gremory." Rias concluded. "My house holds the rank of duke. Let's get along from now on." Issei's eyes were wide for a moment before he gestured towards the only one who wasn't introduced.

"W-what about Rider-san?" He asked. Rias turned to Death.

"Would you please introduce yourself?" She asked politely. Death narrowed his eyes for a moment, before he shrugged.

"Death; Pale Horseman of the Apocalypse and enforcer of the Charred Council." He introduced himself as he shed his disguise; revealing his normal, muscled appearance, complete with Harvester at his sides in the form of two scythes and his ever-present mask. Instantly, everyone in the room – with the exception of Rias and Akeno, who had already witnessed his power for themselves – snapped their attention to the Pale Horseman with a mix of surprise, awe and suppressed terror. "I am here to ensure that none of you are a threat to the Balance. If you prove to be a problem – even if you annoy me enough – I will kill you all. Understood?" Slowly, everyone present nodded. "Good. Dust will remain here to keep an eye on you. I should advise you that he rather enjoys the taste of fresh eyeballs; so be on your best behavior." Smirking slightly beneath his mask at the expressions of disgust on the Devils' faces, Death retrieved his disguise and exited the room; leaving Dust to babysit the Devils.

"Greetings, Horseman." A familiar voice called from the corner of the old building as Death stepped out. Instantly, Death spun to face whatever had greeted him and was greeted by the sight of a blue-black creature with long-fingered hands, vestigial wings, no mouth and nine azure eyes that seemed to appear and disappear from its face. It was a Watcher. Worse; it was one that Death was familiar with.

"Panoptos…" Death growled as he restrained himself from squishing the vile creature's head in his gauntleted hands. "What do you want? I have business to take care of."

"Oh, Horseman. Is that any way to greet an old friend?" Panoptos asked with mock-hurt laced through his voice. Death clenched his fists and took a silent, deep breath.

"I have no time for your games, Panoptos." Death cautioned. "State your business and be gone." Panoptos' eyes flashed with anger and if he had a mouth, it would be contorted in a snarl of anger.

"The Council demands a report." The first Watcher told the Pale Horseman shortly.

"Well, you may tell the Council that when I have something to report, I will report it myself." Death answered in a tone that silently added 'now get out of this world before I decide to test Harvester's sharpness on you'. Panoptos seemed to swell with fury.

"How dare you!? I am the most devoted servant of the Charred Council! You can't just threaten me!" Panoptos screeched in fury. Death raised an eyebrow beneath his mask in amusement.

"I believe I just did." He countered calmly. "Now leave the Kingdom of Man or I will have Vulgrim send what's left of your carcass back to the Council through his serpent holes." Panoptos struggled with himself; a part of him wanted to unleash his powers upon the Pale Horseman, yet he knew that he wouldn't stand a chance against the full – and nearly limitless – power of the Rider of Death.

"The Council will hear of this!" Panoptos hissed as he flew off. Death shrugged and sighed as he turned towards the gate.

Consider yourself fortunate, Panoptos… Death thought to himself as he donned his disguise again. If I had sufficient evidence of you hiring demon mercenaries during the incident with the Grand Abominations, you would have suffered a worse fate than the Nephilim… As Death walked through the gates his mind turned to the Sacred Gear that Issei had.

It seemed so familiar… Death thought to himself as he began walking back to the building where Vulgrim's serpent hole was located. He shook his head. It can't be… I ensured they were all destroyed, myself! How could one be on Earth, in the hands of a child? I never even conceived of one like that! He continued to walk; the sleeping people unaware of his presence.

How in the Nine Hells did he acquire an Abomination?

A/N: How's that for a cliffhanger? And yes; Death has no idea about what the Boosted Gear really is (he can only tell that there is something 'alive' in it). Unfortunately, I will be putting Never send a pervert to do a Horseman's job on hiatus for a little while due to other commitments (Namely, tertiary education, getting the aforementioned plot bunny out of my head, playing Arkham Asylum, Arkham City and – when it comes out – Arkham Origins). But I have no intention of abandoning this story and – when I've gotten all my other commitments out of the way, along with some rest and relaxation – I'll start working on a new chapter. Until then, goodbye and I hope you enjoyed this chapter.