Olivia sat in her office working on her speech for Chicago. She was determined that it be perfect. It would be Fitz's first speaking engagement of the campaign and she was going to be introducing him right after her. She wanted her speech to really speak to who he was both as a man and a sitting President. Olivia was finding it hard to find the words. Since the incident with Cecelia things between Fitz and Olivia were strained. She felt a disconnect from him that left her both worried and dejected. Cecelia had brought up a lot of old insecurities for both of them. If Olivia was honest with herself she'd admit that thoughts of losing Fitz the way she got him were always in the back of her mind. And she knew that Fitz was in constant fear that Olivia would run. Cecelia had called them both out and rather than address it like they should, they pushed it aside. Now it was eating Olivia alive. She desperately wanted to prove to him that she was there to stay. She wanted nothing more than to take his fear and eliminate it for good. She just didn't know how. Olivia sat back in her chair and closed her eyes. A small knock on the door made her open them again.

'Come in.' she called out.

'Miss Pope?' Tom was at her door.

'Hi, Tom.' She replied.

'Miss Pope, I need you to come with me.'

Olivia sat up quickly at his words and the serious tone in his voice. 'What's wrong?'

'Please just come with me.' Tom replied.

Olivia stood up and grabbed her purse as she followed Tom out of her office. They walked through the White House and out to the South Lawn where Marine One was waiting for them. Olivia tried to stifle the rising panic but was not doing the best job. She sat down in one of the seats but had a hard time buckling her seatbelt because her hands were shaking so badly. Tom reached across her and buckled the belt for her. He then covered her hand and gave her a sympathetic look.

'Tom? What's happening? Is he ok?' She asked while choking back tears. She was terrified. Suddenly the emptiness and uselessness she felt in the weeks following Fitz's assassination attempt were overwhelming her. She knew then that she could not live in a world without him. Even if he wasn't hers she could stand existing in a world that he did not breathe in.

'Miss Pope, please try not to panic. We will be there soon.' Tom said and then turned his eyes from her. Olivia looked at him closely. She swore she saw a slight smirk but as quickly as she recognized it, it was gone. They sat in silence the rest of the way. When the pilot signaled they were about to land Olivia looked out the window and noticed they were above Camp David. She looked at Tom again who continued to stare straight ahead. Once they landed Tom said 'Please follow me.' Olivia was starting to become irritated. She took a deep breath and stopped dead in her tracks at the door into the main cabin.

'I am not taking another step until you tell me what the hell is going on, Tom. Is he ok?' Olivia asked curtly.

'Thank you, Tom. I will take it from here.' Fitz said. Olivia hadn't seen him sitting in a chair just to the left of the door. She watched as Tom nodded and left them. She turned toward Fitz who was now standing at the door and let out the breath she had been holding since Tom came into her office.

'You scared me.' Olivia said quietly and looked at her shoes. She was going to cry and she didn't want him to see it.

'I'm sorry, Livvie. I didn't mean to scare you.' Fitz replied and took a step toward her. He was startled when she looked up at him and tears were streaming down her cheeks. 'Livvie?'

'Please don't do that to me again. Tom wouldn't say anything. He wouldn't even tell me if you were ok. The entire way here I felt sick and helpless. I can't….I just….' Olivia tears turned to sobs and Fitz rushed to her. He wrapped his arms around her tightly.

'Liv, I am so sorry. I told Tom not to give you any hints. I didn't think he would withhold my well-being from you. That was not the plan. I'm sorry.' Fitz felt terrible. She was supposed to be surprised not terrified. He held while she composed herself and then took her hand and led her inside. Olivia stopped when they came through the door and gasped at the sight. There were candles lit all over the room and in the center was a table set for two. Atop the simple white table cloth were more candles and wine glasses. Next to the table sat a silver bucket holding a bottle of champagne.

'Fitz…' Olivia breathed out.

'It was supposed to be a surprise to make you happy. I did not mean to scare you. Things have felt a little off between us the last couple of days. You haven't spent a night with me since Cecelia and I wanted to spend some time with you. We need to talk and reconnect. I need you to know how much I love and want you. I know we have a lot to work through. I know part of you doesn't trust me. But we love each other so much. I need you. I can't do any of this without you, Livvie.'

'Did you cook?' Olivia asked.

Fitz laughed. 'I actually did. Which is why I sent Tom for you. I've been here since this afternoon getting things set up.'

'It's beautiful. Thank you. And you're right. We do need some time together.'

'I am glad you are on board because I had Quinn pack you a bag. It's in the bedroom. It's just the two of us for the next two days. No kids, no Cy, no work. So unless a war breaks out there will be no interruptions. You and I are going to spend the next forty-eight hours enjoying one another.'

'Sounds like heaven.' She smiled up at him.

'Good. Now go change while I finish up here.' Fitz leaned in and kissed her softly. She nodded and turned to go into the bedroom. She giggled when he smacked her on the ass. Olivia walked into the bedroom and saw her bag in the corner. She unzipped it and found a note on top of her clothes.


Since you will be spending two days away from the world with your gorgeous man I took the liberty of picking up a little something to catch his eye. Have fun!


Olivia smiled to herself and pulled out the black and red teddy the note was pinned to. She quickly discarded all of her clothes and put it on. It was all black with red stitching. The middle was sheer and the skirt ended at her upper thigh. She looked at herself in the mirror. It was sexy for sure. Olivia undid the clip that was currently holding her hair and used her fingers to smooth the curls that fell to her shoulders. She turned to look at herself from the back and giggled to see that the teddy did not fully cover her ass and the bottoms of her cheeks were showing. She decided to keep the black thong she was wearing on to give Fitz some extra work. Liv slid her black pumps back on and grabbed the matching silk robe and put it on. The robe was much longer than the teddy and hit her at mid-thigh. She smiled again and thought 'As soon as he gets this off he is going to lose his mind and I cannot wait!'

'Livvie?' Fitz called out to her.

'Coming!' She replied. She applied some lip gloss, took one last look and headed out to join him. Olivia stopped in the entry to the dining room and watched him. He was wearing jeans and a light blue sweater. She loved when he dressed casually. She loved him in his suits too but when he was like this she could really separate her Fitz from the President. He looked youthful, almost boyish and it was such a turn on.

'Something smells delicious.' She said and moved into the dining room.

'Eggplant parmesan….'he started but stopped when he saw her. Olivia smiled bashfully at him. His mouth fell open and he dropped the large spoon he was about to serve with. Liv laughed as it clinked on the table. 'That's what you're wearing to dinner?'

'You don't like it?' she asked with wide innocent eyes.

'Um…..' Fitz swallowed hard. 'I like it.' His face was deadpanned and she giggled again.

'Good because I am hungry and don't want to go change again.' Olivia moved to the table. She waited for Fitz to snap out of his reverie. He shook his head and walked over and pulled the chair out for her. She sat down and looked at him. 'Thank you, Mr. President.'

'Do not start with that. I want to at least attempt to get through this dinner.' He said as he hovered over her. She nodded. 'You look beautiful.'

'Thank you. You look pretty amazing yourself.' She smiled at him as he leaned in and kissed her lips. He was careful not to linger which disappointed her some but she understood.

They spent the meal chatting about normal things like current events and the upcoming football season. There was no mention of the campaign or the White House. They enjoyed their time like any other couple would. After dessert Fitz cleared the table while Olivia moved to the sofa with her wine. After a few moments Fitz joined her with his own glass.

'You outdid yourself, Fitz. Everything was delicious.' She said as she turned to face him pulling on leg up onto the sofa.

'Thank you. I aim to please.' He smirked as he eyed her bare thigh.

'Eyes up.' She commanded.

'Really? You wear something like that and expect me not to ogle you?'

Olivia laughed. 'We need to talk.'

'You're no fun.'

'I will make you a deal. We talk and then if you are really good I will let you take this robe off because what's underneath is so much better than the wrapping.' Olivia flirted.

'Really? Ok. Deal.' He smiled at her. 'Do you want to start?'

Olivia nodded. 'Things have been off with us the last few days and it's not your fault, it's mine. I let Cecelia get into my head and I shouldn't have. The last three nights without you have been sleepless and lonely. I am back in that place where sleeping without you is just not possible. I know you. I know the way you love and I know you would never hurt me on purpose. I am insecure and scared because I am absolutely petrified at the thought of losing you. My fear is trying to take over and in the past I would have let it and I would just run but I can't now. I promised you that I would be here and I refuse to not honor that promise. I refuse to hurt you in that way ever again. So I am working on my own insecurities. I can't promise that I won't have times that it will surface but I will promise to not let it control me. I promise to not let it dictate my decisions. I want you. I want us. Because Fitz, I don't think I have a choice anymore. Before I could function. I wasn't really living but I was functioning but now? It's not an option. Being without you is not an option. I love you so much.'

Fitz was touched in a way he never had been before by this woman. She was completely open and vulnerable. It was a role he was used to playing. Seeing Olivia open up to him in this way was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen. The great Olivia Pope was handing herself over to him completely.

'Livvie, I love you. I don't want anybody else. I need you as much as if not more than you need me. We're connected. We belong to each other. It has been that way from the day we met. I knew it then. But you're right. It's different now. I promise to earn that last bit of trust from you. I will do whatever it takes to be the man you need. The man you deserve.'

Olivia's eyes filled with tears. 'Don't you know that you are already that man? Don't you know that there is no one better for me? Don't you know that you are the most amazing, loving, supportive, sexy man I have ever known? Have I not made that clear? If I haven't I am so sorry, baby. You are the one. You're the one.' Olivia moved in and kissed him softly on his lips. Fitz wrapped his arms around her and pulled her into his lap. He kissed her back. Olivia pulled back and laid her head on his shoulder. 'I love you.' She whispered.

'I love you, Livvie.' They sat there for several minutes just breathing in one another. 'Now can I see what is under the robe?'

Olivia giggled. 'Mmmm. Maybe we should move this into the bedroom?' Fitz stood and lifted her with him. Olivia looked at him and for the first time she knew they would be ok. All doubt left her and she accepted what he was offering her, a lifetime together.

Sorry it has been so long y'all. Things got busy! Don't hate me for leaving out the sexy time. You'll get it in the next chapter. These two are acknowledging their fears and working on them! What? Progress people! Let me know what you think! And as always thanks so much for reading and reviewing!