
"Gamzee, ii know you're there, an2wer me man."


"Gamzee! Come on! We need two get back two the other2!"

"HoNk HoNk MoThErFuCkEr! :o)"

Sollux sighs, venturing deeper into the cave. The honking gets louder the deeper he goes, and he gets nervous as he approaches a light. He turns a corner and sees Gamzee. He's staring into the fire, the flames giving his eyes a crazed look.

"HeY mOtHeRfUcKeR! :o)" Gamzee says, looking up at Sollux from where he sits.

Sollux eyes Gamzee cautiously. "What'2 up Gamzee?"

"Oh NoT mUcH, jUsT gEtTiNg My WiCkEd ChIlL oN."

"ii...ii 2ee..."

Gamzee pats the ground next to him, and Sollux approaches cautiously, sitting down only when he thinks it's safe. Gamzee hands him a Faygo and smiles. Sollux just stares at the bottle, confused.

"Uhm... we're on an a2teroiid, how diid you get Faygo?"

Gamzee's smile widens, making it almost creepy in the firelight.

"I sNuCk It In ThE gAmE mOtHeRfUcKeR! HoNk!"

Sollux returns his gaze back to the bottle and takes a sip, almost gagging as it goes down his throat. After a few more sips he gets used to it, gulping it down an letting out a sigh of pleasure as he sets the bottle down.

"2o what do you 2ay we go back two the other2, okay?" He looks at Gamzee and shivers at the look on his face.

"BuT I DoN't WaNt To Go BaCk MoThErFuCkEr! I lIkE iT hErE! HoNk! :o)"

Sollux puts a hand on Gamzee's arm and stands up.

"Come on, everyone'2 worriied about you."

Gamzee's look is instantly replaced by a somber one.

"No ThEy ArEn'T." He replies.

Sollux looks at him, shock creeping its way onto his face.

"Of cour2e they do! That'2 why me and Karkat have come lookiing for you!"

Gamzee looks up at Sollux.

"KaRkAt'S hErE?"

"Yeah, we got 2pliit up a whiile back, we can meet hiim down there." Sollux points the way he came from, "All you have two do ii2 follow me, come on!" Sollux turns around, not seeing Gamzee lift up the club at his head.

- Back In Karkat's Tunnel -

Karkat gets up, putting his hands on his knees and panting lightly.


Feferi is panting as well by this point, "W) (al-E it's a miracle t) (at we cuddle breat) (e in the first place, I wouldn't be surprised if t) (ere is less air to breat) (e down ) (ere. Plus we've been walking for w) (at seems like forever."

Karkat stands up straight and begins to slowly walk forward. "WELL WE CAN'T QUIT NOW, WE HAVEN'T FOUND THE END OF THE TUNNEL OR GAMZEE. UNTIL WE FIND ONE OF THE TWO WE KEEP WALKING."

Feferi follows him, staying a few steps back in case Karkat falls again. He's limping, but he can walk now. They turn down the tunnel, journeying further, making it harder to breathe.

"Kar...Karkat," Feferi pants, " I don't t) (ink Gamzee's down ) (ere, t) (ere's no way ) (e could last down ) (ere."

Karkat doesn't even look back at her, his hand on the wall as he walks. "WE KEEP WALKING."

They continue down the tunnel as it begins to curve, though it doesn't get any easier to breathe. As they pant and walk, their steps become as labored as their breaths. They listen to the sound of their feet meeting rock as they stomp further into the tunnel. Karkat looks back, but he can't even see Feferi in this darkness.


no response. He walks back, almost stepping on Feferi's hand.

") (ey! Watc) ( it!"

Karkat mumbles an apology as he sits down next to her, both of them trying to catch their breath.

- Back In The Cave -

Terezi looks at the doorway again, biting her lip, her grip on Tavros' chair tightening. Tavros looks up at Terezi, concern noticeably plaguing his face.

"uH, yOU OKAY?"

Terezi glances down at him through her shades.

"Y34h, 1'm just worr13d, th3y'r3 t4k1ng so long..."

Equius doesn't even look away from his screen. " D- Like Eridan said, they're most likely just fine. Now quit worrying and go back to your screen."

"Yeah," Kanaya says, turning around in her seat to look at them, "I'm Sure They're Completely Okay."

Terezi sighs, walking back to her seat.

- Back In Sollux's Tunnel -

Sollux turns around just as Gamzee brings the club down on his head, and he falls to the ground, completely limp and unconscious. Gamzee binds his hands and feet and drags him to the wall as a honk escapes him. He sits down in front of the fire and grabs a Faygo, waiting for Sollux to wake up. He watches the blood trickle down Sollux's forehead and cracks a smile.

After a few minutes, Sollux gains consciousness and lets out a groan, reaching for the newly formed bump on his forehead. He looks at his wrists, and then his ankles, and tries to wriggle out of the bindings. Gamzee lets out a laugh and walks up to Sollux.

He slaps him across the face, hard, the smile gone now. Sollux's eyes are shut, and he spits to get the slight taste of blood out of his mouth.

Gamzee grabs him roughly by the chin and tilts his head back so they're eye to eye.

"NoW, yOu'Ll Do As I sAy."

- Back In Karkat's Tunnel -

"COME ON! I THINK I HEARD SOMETHING!" Karkat shouts as they run, panting heavily, going deeper into the tunnel. They're sweating now, and Karkat is slowing down. Suddenly, he hits a wall and falls to the ground.


Feferi catches up, putting her hands on her knees as Karkat gets up and dusts himself off.

They turn around and start to head back before Feferi puts a hand on Karkat's shoulder.

"It's going to take us at least two ) (ours to get back. S) (ould we go find Sollux w) (en we do?"

Karkat nods and continues walking, each second getting a little faster as he imagines what could be happening between Sollux and Gamzee.

- Back In Sollux's Tunnel -

"And what ii2 that exactly?"

"I wAnT yOu To FiRe YoUr EyE cAnOn ThInGs At ThIs AsTeRoId :o)"

Sollux couldn't believe what he just heard. That would kill everyone! He couldn't do it.

"No." He says, and Gamzee hits him again, this time with a closed fist. Blood trickles out the side of Sollux's mouth and he glares up at Gamzee.

"WhAt WaS tHaT mOtHeRfUcKeR?"

" ii 2aiid no." Sollux repeats, and Gamzee hits him in the face with his club. Sollux hits the ground, and Gamzee steps on his arm hard, breaking it. Sollux lets out a cry of pain and blacks out. Gamzee kicks him in the ribs to wake him up and he flies across the wall a couple of feet, smacking the wall with a pained grunt. Gamzee walks up to him and grabs his shirt, pulling him a few inches off the ground. Sollux lets out a whimper as Gamzee drops him back against the wall and walks back to the fire.

He grabs an iron and sticks it in the fire until it glows red hot, then stands up and walks back to Sollux.

"Do YoU wAnT tO tRy AgAiN mOtHeRfUcKeR?"

Sollux glances from Gamzee to the red-hot iron, and back at Gamzee. "No." He says with a blank face.

Gamzee brings the iron down and Sollux closes his eyes. The iron connects with his chest, searing through his symbol and burning his flesh as he screamed and writhed around on the cold ground.

Gamzee pulls away and Sollux opens one eye partially to look at him.

Sollux didn't know how he ended up here, all he knew was that he missed Karkat and that he wished he would get there before it was too late.

"So WhAt WiLl It Be MoThErFuCkEr?" Gamzee points the iron at Sollux's head.

"ii won't do iit." Sollux says.

"If YoU dOn'T dO iT i'Ll KiLl EvErYoNe." Gamzee says with a wicked smile.

"But Gamzee," Sollux says, glancing nervously at the iron, "iif ii do what you a2k, everyone wiill diie anyway2."

"I dOn'T mOtHeRfUcKiNg CaRe!" Gamzee screamed, waving around the iron and almost hitting Sollux in the face. Sollux flinches away and a wave of pain surges through him. From behind Gamzee, something shifts, and Gamzee turns around, weilding his iron.

Sollux wriggles in his bindings, the previous situation loosening them. The bindings on his feet come undone and he slowly sits up. Gamzee turns around and swings the iron at his head like a bat. Sollux ducks his head just in time and the iron hits the wall and Gamzee lets go, letting it skid across the floor.

Gamzee advances on Sollux, grabbing his burnt shirt with one hand and punching him several times with the other.

"YoU wIlL dO aS I SaY mOtHeRfUcKeR!"

Karkat sneaks up on Gamzee from behind and hits him over the head with his own club, falling unconscious on Sollux, who struggles to get Gamzee off of him.

Feferi walks up behind Karkat and helps lift Gamzee off.

"How diid you guy2 get here? We agreed two meet up where the tunnel 2pliit."

Karkat rubs the back of his neck, looking at the floor.


"Yea) (, I'm so glad you're okay!" Feferi pulls Sollux into a hug and he groans. Feferi lets go, worry washing over her face.

"O) ( my cod, I am so sorry!"

"iit2...okay..." Sollux gets up and looks at his hands. "Can 2omeone cut the2e plea2e?"

Feferi walks up and cuts them with a pocket knife she pulls out of her skirt. Karkat rushes up to Sollux and hugs him, not caring that it causes Sollux pain.


Sollux lets out a strangled laugh and pats Karkat's back.

"Hey man watch iit, from the way you're actiing you would thiink you were re-"

Sollux and Karkat both blush, and Karkat lets go of Sollux, looking at the ground. Feferi smiles at them and backs away to give them a little privacy.

"Oh yeah, ii never gue22ed who you're red for... ii -"

"IT'S YOU."Karkat rushes out, not taking his eyes off of the ground, his blush deepening. Sollux stares at him, his mouth slightly open.

"iit...what? Really?"

Karkat nods and looks at Sollux just in time to be caught up in a hug. Sollux lets go and pulls him into a kiss, long and passionate. They both pull away at the same time, remembering to breathe and looking around for Feferi. She walks up to them smiling, and Karkat turns to Gamzee.


Feferi glances at Gamzee as well, "Maybe w) (en we get back, we can get Equius to carry ) (im for us."

They turn back and start the way they came from, not looking back as the light fades and they put their hands against the wall to guide them.

AN: If I get enough opinions ((wink wonk)) then Ill add an epilogue. I haven't decided yet, so I'd like your guys' opinion!

Thanks for reading guys, and if I messed so ething up, feel free to message me and I'll get it fixed!