Hello everyone! I didn't think I'd be back this soon but I couldn't help myself, I had an idea and had to get it all down in writing before it completely disappeared! All chapters will alternate between points of view like Never the Bride; I found that format works well for me.

This is just a taster, I hope you enjoy it.

Chapter One: Collision Course

Caroline felt the relief instantly wash over her as she stepped off the gangway and onto the aeroplane. The flight attendant smiled sweetly at her and gestured towards the first class cabin. She found her seat and began to unpack her belongings for the five hour flight from New York. She had been working so hard lately and was looking forward to a well earned break from her east coast base.

She adjusted herself and fastened the seat belt tightly around her waist, although the plane was still stationary you could never be too careful. She had lost count of the number of flights she had taken over the years but it didn't stop her from being terrified. Although she found it was nothing a couple of shots of vodka and a few sleeping tablets couldn't fix.

Caroline took a deep breath and closed her eyes enjoying the serenity. Going first class certainly had its benefits, the space and solitude being just a few of them.

"How's it going love?" She heard a strong British accent say in her ear. She opened her eyes slowly already annoyed at whoever it was that had interrupted her solace.

"Well there goes my rest." She muttered not even looking at his face before continuing on with her rant. "Don't you know it's rude to interrupt someone when they're trying to sleep?" It was only then after she had stopped talking that she really looked at the guy in front of her.

Niklaus Mikaelson. The hottest new, up-and-coming actor in Hollywood, was even better looking in person she thought. Dirty blonde hair curling slightly over his ears, dark blue penetrating eyes, crimson lips and the sexiest stubble she'd even seen. Caroline tried desperately to rid herself of improper thoughts. It really had been too long!

"Are you okay love, you seem sort of flustered." He smirked knowing exactly what effect he was having on her.

"Perfectly fine, thanks. Now if you'll excuse me I was trying to rest before you came along." She snapped annoyed that he had managed to briefly get under her skin.

"You know it wouldn't hurt if you let yourself relax once in a while." He said looking deeply into her blue eyes.

"I relax plenty thank you." She replied tartly in a very uptight manner.

"Yeah I can definitely see that." He said raising his eyebrows. He walked across the aisle and busied himself placing his bags in the overhead compartment. Caroline couldn't help but admire his firm backside fitted snugly into his dark blue jeans. His leather jacket was hanging down slightly but you couldn't mistake his fine derrière.

He turned around abruptly catching her checking out his assets, she could feel herself blushing. He just shrugged his shoulders at her like it was a common occurrence.

Caroline attempted to go back to sleep but her mind was racing. She shook her head attempting to dislodge her thoughts but unfortunately they weren't going anywhere soon. She realised that everything her friends had been saying for the last six months was right she needed to move on and more importantly get some before she went absolutely crazy.

The plane taxied along the runway before shooting into the air. It was only when they reached their cruising altitude and the seatbelt sign had been switched off that she could uncurl her toes and loosen her grip on the hand rest, her white knuckles returning to a normal colour. She could see him studying her curiously but kept looking straight ahead not wanting to engage him in conversation again.

He signalled to the flight attendant for a drink. "Thanks love." He said as the flight attendant placed his whiskey on the tray table fluttering her eyelids shamelessly in his direction.

Caroline rolled her eyes in disbelief at how such an incredibly chauvinistic person could make girls weak at the knees. She knew she was being slightly hypocritical because she had acted the same way earlier but after a few moments of quiet reflection Caroline had decided to blame it on temporary insanity.

"Miss Forbes can I get you a drink?" She asked finally shifting her attention away from him.

"Vodka neat." She said without flinching. Klaus smiled and raised his glass at her.

"That's what I like to see, I've never understood why people insist on ruining perfectly good spirits with ice or mixers." She nodded in agreement.

The flight attendant placed her drink in front of Caroline. "Did you want some peanuts or anything?" She asked kindly.

"No thanks I'm okay." She replied.

"If you don't mind me saying I'm such a big fan of yours Miss Forbes, I have all your albums. Although I think your most recent is my favourite." She rambled.

"Thanks." She smiled slightly embarrassed by the attention. Caroline had never really thought of herself as famous and still found it unsettling when someone praised her. She noticed Klaus looking over studying her thoughtfully.

"Forbes, Forbes, yes I thought you looked familiar." He said vaguely.

"Oh really?" She asked a smile playing on her lips. "What's my first name then?"

"Oh well that's easy it's um Jessica." She arched her eyebrows. "No I'm just joking, Sarah, not that's not right, Hayley?" He stumbled. Caroline just rolled her eyes at him. She wasn't fussed that he didn't recognise her but to pretend he did was just annoying. "Okay fine you win, come on the least you could do is put me out of my misery and give me your name." He pleaded.

"Not that you deserve it, but it's Caroline." She noticed a flicker of recognition in his eyes.

"Caroline Forbes the singer." He said the realisation setting in. "You sing that song about never getting back together, some guy must have really done a number on you." He muttered.

"Ah no that would Taylor Swift, but really close." She said her voice laced with sarcasm, was this guy serious? She finished her drink in one gulp, realising how much she needed it. Caroline gestured to the flight attendant for another.

"Oh come on love, no need to take it that hard." He said. She shook her head not quite believing his massive ego.

"I'm fine, I just don't like flying that much and quite frankly your little attempt at chitchat is making it much worse."

"Well don't let me interrupt." He shot back signalling for another refill himself. "Actually I have the perfect remedy for your fear of flying." He said wiggling his eyebrows suggestively. She shook her head, this guy was unbelievable.

"Not if we were the last two people on this planet."

"Oh come on you'll regret saying that if we end up crashing and everyone dies leaving just you and me on a desert island to keep each other warm." He said knowingly.

"I'd rather you didn't mention crashing or even dying for that matter." She said queasy at the thought.

"Okay maybe I can induct you into the mile high club later but I do have another suggestion." She looked at him slightly worried about what he had in mind. He unlatched his seatbelt and moved over sitting himself right next to her, his arm brushing up against hers. The intoxicating smell of his aftershave filled her nostrils making her dizzy.

"One word." He said leaning in closer so that his lips were within inches of hers. She breathed in sharply not quite sure what to expect. "Tequila." He said simply. Caroline moved over a little trying to ease the sexual tension that was racing through her veins. She paused briefly trying to collect her thoughts.

"I think that's the best idea you've had all flight." She replied. "Oh and by the way I've been a member of the mile high club for years." She smirked watching the shock register across his face.

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"Wow I certainly underestimated you." Klaus said watching Caroline down another tequila shot with relative ease. She sucked on the lime wedge, the burning sensation from the alcohol slowly subsiding.

"Yeah you have a habit of doing that don't you?" She asked arching her eyebrows.

"Excuse me if you have that sweet as apple pie, American sweetheart look about you Caroline." He said taking a shot.

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"You know the long, straight, neat blonde hair, big blue eyes full of innocence and your perfect floral sundress with the boring white cardigan." He said taking in her appearance.

"You know you really shouldn't judge a book by its cover." She said wisely.

"Maybe but it's a shame your cover doesn't match its contents because I think you'd definitely have more fun if you let yourself go and stopped being so uptight."

"Well thanks for the advice but you don't know me Niklaus. I think I'd just prefer to keep drinking." She said taking another shot. Her head was beginning to feel fuzzy but Caroline felt freer than she had in a long time.

"It's Klaus actually, only my family still uses the full version unfortunately. So what business do you have in Las Vegas?" He asked curiously licking the salt off his hand before having more tequila.

"None at all, exactly why I'm going there. I can't wait." She said closing her eyes briefly her anticipation growing.

"Definitely not the preferred holiday destination I would have imagined for you." He said shaking his head; she shot him a dirty look in response. "Okay sorry no more making judgements. I hope you're not going all by yourself, could be dangerous for an attractive female like yourself."

"Not that it's any of your business but some of my friends are joining me later. Now stop asking questions and drink up, we're about to commence our descent." She smiled excitedly.

"Damn I was hoping to try out the bathroom before we landed." He laughed a cheeky grin crossing his face.

"Yeah you wish." She muttered taking one final shot of tequila, her head beginning to spin.