School House Rock
Chapter 8
a/n: while I've changed all the names to protect the guilty (ha ha) I am basing the school and staff on the school I currently work in…
/ Supernatural /
Dean and Sam entered the small school and immediately sought out the office.
"Uh, hi…I'm Sam Winchester…I'm here to enroll my brother, Dean…" Sam said to the secretary.
"Oh, yeah…we got the call from the board office…heard you had a run in with ol' Mr. Granger," the secretary commented off-handedly as she reached over and pulled out a file, "I'm going to need Dean's birth certificate and shot records…"
"Here they are…" Sam said, handing over the forged paperwork. The young hunter was forever amazed at the endless contacts Bobby had. The forged papers had been over-nighted to them over the weekend by some guy Bobby would only identify as Frank.
Despite trusting Bobby, Sam was none the less relieved when the secretary only gave the documents a cursory glance before placing them in a file.
"Are we going to get any records from your brother's old school…?" she asked
Sam pursed his lips, and frowned, "that may take a while…see our dad moves around a lot for his job…and Dean has been to a couple of different schools…"
The secretary nodded, "just let the counselor know and she'll help you contact the other schools…"
Sam just nodded as the woman handed him the file, "take this around the corner to the counselor's office…she'll take care of the rest of the paperwork and get Dean settled in his new class…" turning to Dean, she smiled, "welcome to Kiser Elementary, Dean…hope you like it here—I know you're getting a really good teacher…the kids really like her…"
Dean just gave a little smirk, grumbling as Sam led him from the room, "not likely…"
"Dean…" Sam hissed.
"Yeah, yeah, I'm tryin' Sammy…." Dean grumbled.
Sam tapped on the partially closed door and peered in to see an olive skinned young woman with long black hair look up with a smile. She immediately rose from her seat to greet them, "you must be our new student…third grade, right…?"
Sam returned the smile and nodded, "yeah, my brother, Dean…"
"Hi Dean, I'm Ms. Cottrell…" the woman said cheerfully.
"Yeah…hi…" Dean grumbled in reply.
Sam gave his brother a pointed look, "Dean…"
"That's alright…it has to be hard coming to a new school…and all the way from Kansas…" Ms. Cottrell said, taking the file Sam handed her.
"Yeah, we're staying at our uncles for a while, he's helping me take care of Dean while our dad is out of the country…" Sam explained.
"Military…?" the woman asked.
"Uh, yeah, he's a marine…" Sam said.
Ms. Cottrell nodded, "that's so great that you can be there with your little brother…"
Sam shrugged, "we'll our mom died right after Dean was born…it's just us, now…"
They had decided over the weekend to keep the lies as close to the truth as they could…to help Dean keep everything straight and to make for less forged paperwork.
Closing the file drawer, the counselor asked, "well, we're glad you're here, and if you ever need to talk about anything, you can always come to my office…now, you ready to meet your new teacher…?"
Dean just rolled his eyes, "yeah, whatever…"
Ignoring the boy's attitude, Ms. Cottrell said, "Follow me…"
"Mrs. Harris, hi…just wanted to bring down your new student…Dean Winchester…" Ms. Cottrell said as the three entered the classroom.
"Hi Dean, I have a seat ready for you right over there," the teacher said, pointing to a seat near the back, "I put all your books you'll need on your desk. Now, we're just finishing up our reading lesson and getting ready to have our morning break…" turning to the class, the teacher said, "guys, this is Dean…at break why don't some of you guys show his around the room and bit and tell him about our class…go ahead and go to your seat, I'll explain about your assignment book this afternoon."
Dean shot Sam one last petulant look before shuffling to his seat and plopping down heavily, doing his best to ignore the twenty pairs of eyes that were following his every move.
"Here's his file..." Ms. Cottrell said.
As the murmur's in the room started cresting at a dull roar, Mrs. Harris called the class down, "excuse me…but it isn't break time yet, you still have ten minutes to work on your study guides…so get busy…Amanda, show Dean what story we're working on this week, please…Dean, just start reading over the story for now…"
Dean just gave a sigh and rolled his eyes as the girl next to him stood up and began flipping through his book.
Mrs. Harris motioned for Sam and the counselor to step out in that hallway.
"Look, I'm sorry for the attitude…I've already talked to him…" Sam started to explain.
Mrs. Harris just gave a gentle smile, "he'll adjust…its not easy coming into a new school. So, are we coming from another school in the area or did you just move here?"
"Uh…yeah, we're staying with our uncle…my dad is overseas…in the military…" Sam went through the lie again.
"Ah, that has to be tough on a away and a new school," Mrs. Harris said with a nod, asking, "…so, you're his brother?"
"Yeah, his brother…our uncle can't handle him alone, so I'm taking some time off from college, we're both staying with him for the time being…" Sam explained.
Mrs. Harris nodded again, "Just give him some time to adjust…if there are any major problems I'll call you, but I really don't for-see any; kids will be kids, and my policy is' no news is good news', I don't call parents over every little thing. When they are here they are my responsibility, when they get home, there yours. If you have any questions, just leave a message in the office and I'll get in touch with you…" Mrs. Harris explained confidently, "oh, and, anything else…any allergies or anything I need to be aware of…IEP…504…?"
"Uh…no, none of those things and Dean's not allergic to anything…" Sam said, giving a smirk, "except maybe homework…"
Mrs. Harris returned the smirk, an amused twinkle in her eye as she replied, "don't worry, I'll cure him of that little allergy in no time…we have at least one assignment every night," she then held a staying finger and stepped back into the classroom, "I'm hearing an awful lot of noise for an individual assignment…we're not working with a partner right now…five more minutes on that study guide if you want your break this morning…"
The dull roar settled back down to tapping pencils and shuffling papers as the teacher stepped back out into the hall, "I'll be sending home a stack of papers for you to go over with your brother tonight…class rules and emergency forms and the like, please go over it with him so you are both aware of the classroom expectations…have him bring them back, signed, tomorrow…he'll also have an assignment book that will need signed nightly…"
Sam's eyes grew wider as the teacher went over the things he would need to do for Dean, nodding mutely as he tried to remember it all; all the while wondering if this is what Dean had felt every time they were enrolled in a new school. Sometimes their dad would already be immersed in the hunt and Sam vaguely recalled that it was Dean who often went through his backpack every day and went through his school papers…was Dean really doing all this for him when he had still been a kid himself?
Flipping open the file to give it a quick glance, Mrs. Harris asked, "Oh, and before you leave…will Dean be bus or rider…?"
"Uh…I guess I'll be picking him up…at least for this week…" Sam said with uncertainty, "I don't know about the buses…?"
"You're staying at Singer Salvage, right…out Route 18…we do have a bus that runs that way…Dean can ride the bus if you want…" Ms. Cottrell said.
"Maybe…but I think I'll pick him up this week…" Sam said.
"Well the pick line is at the side of the school, you need to be here at two fifteen…will anyone else ever be picking him up…?" Mrs. Harris asked.
Shaking his head, Sam replied, "only our Uncle Bobby…you'll recognize the tow truck; but it will be mostly me…"
"Okay, that sounds like everything…see you this afternoon…" Mrs. Harris said, giving them both a nod before stepping back into the classroom and Sam heard her telling to the students, "books up…break time…and don't ask ten minutes after break is over to go to the bathroom…go now, why you have the chance…"
Dean sat in his seat and watched as all the kids jumped from their seats and darted for various areas of the room, some even going out the door. His eyes quickly cataloged all the activity going on around him, several students got out games, others went for the several computers set up in the back of the room, still others were searching through books on a book shelf or sharpening pencils.
He sat up straighter in his seat and warily eyed the three boys that approached his desk.
One of them, a small dark headed one gave a small wave, "hi…I'm Chad…that's Mitchell, but we just call him Mitch," the boy introduced anther small boy with blonde hair.
"I'm Sam…"the tallest of the three said causing Dean to snort loudly.
"What…" the tall boy scowled.
"Nothin', Sam is my lit…big brother's name, 'xept I call him Sammy…" Dean said.
"You mean that real big guy that came in with you…that's your brother…?" Mitch asked in awe, "man he was big…you call him Sammy?"
"Yeah, gigantor…but he's just a big geek…" Dean replied with a smirk when the other three boys snickered.
"So what school you from…?" Chad asked.
Dean shrugged, "none really…my dad, he moves around a lot…haven't been to school for a while…Sammy made me come…" the last said with a scowl towards the door.
"What…no way…lucky, I wish I didn't have to go to school…" Mitch said.
"It's only for a little while, 'til my dad finished the job he'd doin'…he's, uh…in the military…" Dean stuttered, almost forgetting the cover story they had worked up, "then I am so outa 'here…"
"So what's she like…this teacher…?" Dean asked curiously, wondering how much effort he was going to have to put into this charade.
The boys glanced over to Mrs. Harris who was explaining something that one of the kids had pulled up on the computer.
"Okay, I guess…" Mitch replied with a shrug, "she's really goofy sometimes, she can do voices for the characters in our reading stories and she always tell funny stories an' makes dumb faces: oh, an' she's really afraid of spiders…she even know the name of all the cartoon characters on Nickelodeon…"
"…and you should see her when the smart board doesn't work…she gets all panicky and just starts pushing buttons on her computer…" Sam said with a grin, causing the other two boys to laugh.
"But, man, don't make her mad…last week I get ten checkmarks…I didn't get break for the whole week…" Chad said ruefully.
"Checkmarks…?" Dean questioned.
"When ya' break a rule or don't do yer' homework or…" Sam started to explain only to be interrupted by Chad.
" 'specially if you talk too much…she hates having her class interrupted…" Chad interjected knowingly.
"Yeah, then you get a checkmark…and if you get to many ya' don't get to go the semester party…" Sam finished.
"So, you making some friends…" Mrs. Harris's voice sounded above them and all four boys turned to the teacher, "thanks for helping Dean out guys…about five more minute before we start math…why don't one of you show Dean where the bathroom is…"
"I will…" Chad and Mitch exclaimed.
Mrs. Harris just shook her head, "one…it only takes one…don't need a whole herd of elephants tromping down the hallway…"
The boys exchanged looks before Sam said, "I'll do it…come on Dean…"
The rest of the morning was spent with a math lesson and Dean was nearly board out of his mind as the teacher went over two digit addition, explaining to the class how to carry sums from one column to the next. By eight years old, Dean was already adept at reading road maps and helping his dad calculate routes and mileage-two digits…really, Dean could already add four digit numbers in his head.
Dean rested his head on his hand as his eyes wandered out the window towards the playground where a group of children were playing some kind of racing game under the watchful eye of some old, bald guy…Dean figured it must be the gym teacher.
"Hope we get to go out for gym today," the girl next to him whispered, her eyes tracking the activity outside like Dean.
"We have gym today…" Dean asked, perking up a bit at the prospect of not being stuck in the classroom all day.
The girl nodded.
An hour later the teacher declared an end to the torture session known as mathematics, but not before writing the homework assignment on the board to the collective groans of the class, "I can always make it two pages…"
The class quickly straightened up with quick shakes of their heads and small waves of their hands, throwing out comments like, "that's okay, ones enough", "we're good", "no, no more…"
"Books up…go wash hands and line up…" Mrs. Harris directed, picking up a bag.
Lunch and recess, two subjects Dean excelled in…and it wasn't long before he forgot to still be mad at his brother for dropping him this living hell as he tore around the playground, laughing and chasing around with the boys from his class.
Recess was followed by a quick science lesson on rocks and minerals, the teacher showed a video and then went through the steps for mixing the chemicals and pouring the solution over a rock so the class could watch their own crystals grow over the next two days: promising the class that over Christmas she would show them how to do the same experiment with sugar…to make edible crystals and snowflakes.
"Get out you assignment books…" Mrs. Harris directed the class, "reading workbook page 37 on cause and effect, spelling page 42 and don't forget your math worksheet. As soon as you get it written down, check your mailboxes then get coats and book bags…"
Mrs. Harris then came back and showed Dean how to fill out his assignment book, then showed him his mailbox where returned assignments and notes home would be places, before finally walking him to the hall to let him pick out a locker.
"When you come in tomorrow, I'll have an index card on your desk…write your name and decorate it however you want and we'll put it on your locker just like the other kids have done," Mrs. Harris told him, adding, "there are a lot of papers in your notebook that your brother needs to read over and sign…so try to make sure he does that and bring them back tomorrow…"
Dean snorted, "don't worry my geek brother loves to do that stuff…"
"Okay…you make him do his homework while you do yours," Mrs. Harris replied with a small laugh, "now let's see if everyone is ready for their pullouts…"
Dean could have definitely done without the music class…he had no interest in anything that wasn't his dad's classic rock and the lesson that day was to take any well know Christmas song tune and change the words for the upcoming holiday of Halloween. Ms. Sutter's declared it to be a contest…for the scariest and funniest. She assigned them three to a team and he found himself working with Sam, Amanda and a kid from his class he hadn't met yet…Stanley.
"Just pick something I don't care…" Dean grumbled, he didn't have the same carefree, excited attitude for the holiday his classmates had; he knew those monsters and ghosts the kids joked about were anything but funny…
"Come on Dean…ya' gotta help," Amanda complained.
"Fine, you pick the dumb old song and I'll write the words…" Dean snapped, adding with a smirk, "we can make it about a Wendigo…"
"Wendigo…what kinda monster is that…" Sam asked.
"It's a big ol' deformed guy who got turned into a monster 'cause he ate people…and he's got gray skin and big-as…these big claws for fingers…and he can run so fast your dead before you even know what hit you…" Dean was starting to get into his description that his uncle has quizzed him on that weekend, failing to notice the uncertain and horrified looks his classmates were giving him, "then it take you back to its lair to eat you later when it gets hungry…"
"Eeww, that's gross…I want a funny song…" Amanda complained.
Dean just shrugged when he saw his groups scowling faces, "fine…whatever…I don't care…."
Phys-ed proved to be more to Dean's liking and he won every race he ran that day…after all, when you occasionally actually had to run for your very life against things that wanted to kill you…running in a race against some kids was a cake walk.
Finally the day was over and Dean found himself in line with the other kids waiting to go out to the cars of their waiting parents.
"I need all the third grade walkers over here in their line, come on, let's go…" Mrs. Harris directed not only her class but student walkers from the other third grade class, calling out to Dean, "Dean, your brother is picking you up all this week, so you'll get in this line everyday…"
"Gotcha…" Dean called back.
Sam had been sitting in the Impala for the last forty-five minutes waiting for his brother, worry about how his first day went; so much so that Bobby had finally sent him out to pick Dean up nearly two hours early when the older hunter realized Sam had been "reading" the same page, in the same book, for an hour.
"Yer' brother is gonna be just fine, Sam…the school'll give us a call if 'n anything happens or that brother of yours gets hisself inta' too much trouble…" Bobby tried to reason with Sam…"
"I know Bobby, it's just…I know he was a little scared about all of it…he was doing all the things my Dean does when he's scared about something…" Sam countered with a sigh.
So in the end, Bobby gave up getting any work out of Sam while Dean was gone, and sent him back to town, "and pick the boy up some pie to go with supper tonight…he might need a pick me up after his first day…"
Sam ended up picking out two pies at the local grocery story before finding himself sitting outside the school, nearly an hour before dismissal.
As kids began flooding out of the school, Sam craned his neck to try to find Dean in the mass of little bodies, finally just stepping out of the car to get a better vantage point.
He needn't have worried. While Dean may have been lost in the sea of children pouring from the side door, Sam wasn't hard to spot, easily a head taller than most of the other parents there to pick up their kids.
Sam smiled in relief when he heard his brothers yell and saw the boy barreling towards him, "Sam…hey Sammy…"
"Hey, ya Dean…how'd it go…?" Sam asked.
"I've got homework already…" Dean grumbled, hoisting his backpack more firmly on his shoulder, "can you believe that…?"
Sam just snorted and shook his head, "it's not really 'already' Dean…it's October; school's been in for six weeks…"
"Yeah, well, it's only my first day…." Dean grumbled, suddenly perking up with a smirk when he added, "but Ms. Harris, she says you got homework too…got a bunch of forms ya' gotta fill out…"
"Yeah, well, we'll both sit down tonight and do our homework, how's that…" Sam said.
By this point, Mrs. Harris had caught up with the students, at their designated spot, "ah, Mr. Winchester…Dean had a pretty good day today…"
Dean nearly doubled over as he began laughing, "Mr. Winchester…he's not a mister he's just Sammy…"
Mrs. Harris just raised an amused but questioning brow while Sam just shook his head, "it's just Sam…really…"
"Okay…Sam, then…did Dean tell you about your homework tonight…" she asked with a wink towards Dean.
"Yeah, I told him…bet I get mine done first…" Dean interjected.
"I want to hear who won, tomorrow…" the teacher said, ruffling the boy's hair, "see you tomorrow…."
"See ya'…" Dean said, "come on Sammy let's get outa here."
Bobby was back out in the garage, working on the car from the wreck the previous week, when the Impala pulled in and Dean shot from the car and made his way over to the older hunter.
Looking up, and wiping his hands on one of those ever present, greasy hand towels, Bobby looked the boy up and down, commenting, "well, looks like you survived you first day…don't look like I'll be needin' to salt an' burn yer bones on this one…"
Scowling as he dumped his backpack and picked up a nearby wrench, Dean countered, "it was close Bobby…some monsters aren't all fangs and claws…some are just boring old math…can a person die of boredom…bet there's some kind of boredom monster that just roams around a school, waitin' to pick off suffering kids…"
Bobby just chuckled and looked towards Sam, who had followed Dean to the garage. Dean turned towards his brother, "we need to look it up…it has to be a monster…really…."
Sam just smiled as he reached for Dean's discarded backpack, saying, "Yeah, Dean, I'll get right on that between researching the counter spell and taking the board class…and getting a job…"
That got both their attentions as Bobby and Dean exchanged a quick look before they both tried to talk at once…
"Job, what'd you need a job for…ya' mean a real job…?" Dean exclaimed.
For his part, Bobby was a little more subdued in his questioning, "Job? Don't you think we have enough going on here Sam? Why this sudden need to look for a job?"
With a huff and a slight wave of his arms, Sam explained, "look Bobby, this could take a while, finding this spell…and staying here…."
"Now you just don't worry none about that…the garage brings in enough ta' cover what you boys need…" Bobby interrupted, realizing that on top of everything else, Sam was worried about money.
"Thanks Bobby really, but it could be a while and I'd feel better if Dean and I were contributing somehow…" Sam replied, holding up a hand to forestall any cross from the older man, Sam continued, "besides, it might look weird, us staying here and me just being around the yard all day…people would expect me to have some sort of job…"
Bobby just nodded. While Dean may not understand all of where Sam was coming from, having lost all his memories of Sam's restlessness and growing dislike of the life they lead and his longing for anything resembling normal, Bobby knew it. So, there is was, Sam making the most of a lousy situation and even working in his dreams of "normal"…enrolling his brother in school, being settled for an indefinite amount of time at a single address…and getting a job….a "normal" job…: and Bobby had an uneasy feeling that Sam was doing more than making due in a bad situation…he was starting to fear that Sam was using it, unconsciously, to get his "normal".
While Bobby nodded his head in understanding of his reasoning, Sam couldn't help wonder at the tight, thoughtful look that covered the older man's face…an expression he'd seen before; days ago when he and Dean had gathered up a whole armload of junk food and had sat for hours watching Batman videos.
Shrugging it off for the time being, Sam called to Dean, as he held out the backpack, "your teacher said you had homework…"
"Ah, Sammy, come on dude, I just got home…" Dean whined.
"Give the boy a bit to unwind…we'll be in shortly, then you can sit and the table while I rustle up dinner and help him with his homework…" Bobby said, waving towards the house, "now that yer brother is home maybe you can finally concentrate on researching that spell…"
"Really…you haven't been geeking out….why not, man don't worry 'bout me…I can handle school," Dean exclaimed, "you just get me outa this mess by finding that stupid spell…"
With a snort and a deferring nod, Sam said, "yes sir…right away sir…"
Dean just shook his head as he watched Sam turn and head into the house, suddenly serious, he commented, "really, Bobby, Sammy don't need to worry about me…" he then shrugged, "all kids gotta go to school, right: I mean, it sucks big time, but all kids gotta do it…"
Bobby just nodded, "he's adjusting to, ya know…let him worry a little bit…he's not used to this big brother deal like you are…so cut him a little slack okay…he'll get the hang of it…"
Eyes wide, Dean shook his head, "no Bobby, I don't want him to get used to it…I want things to go back to the way they were before…"
Understanding it was hard, despite the loss of memories, for the older brother in Dean to take a sudden backseat to this shift in their paradigm, Bobby just nodded, "I know boy…I know. But until then, earn yer keep, youngin' and hand me that socket wrench…."
a/n: the "classroom" scenes, I hope, came across as realistic…they should have, I modeled it off my own classroom…my daughter insisted on a "Dean's first day"-after this we will skim over the classroom scenes in favor of an overview….next chapter: Dean Makes an Unlikely Friend.
I know I kinda went overboard with the detail of Sam enrolling Dean, but I wanted to try to get across that this is just as difficult & overwhelming for Sam to deal with as Dean: the sheltered and protected little brother suddenly being thrust into the role/responsibilities that Dean has been doing all his life for himself and Sam.
Also, when our kids leave the room for gym, art, etc…we call them pullouts…