Okay, so I started a Supernatural/Harry Potter crossover. Sue me.

There are multiple pairings in this story but I'll only list the endgame ones for your convenience: Castiel/Dean, Sam/Jess, Anna/Gabriel, and Charlie/Jo. There are many more, and the flirting between the characters never ends, but these are the pairings that get happily ever after. Sort of. If that's even possible. (Which it's kind of not.)

The story will be pretty long, and I'm not sure at what points I can update. Hopefully often. Hope you enjoy!

The scarlet steam engine, bathed in color, stood out glaringly against the black and grey of the platform it sat upon. It was a beacon, a light, in the center of all, calling every bit of attention to itself as children and their parents bustled around it, climbing aboard, packing in luggage, and waving their goodbyes tearfully. Well, tearful in the case of the parents. The children's faces were only those of excitement, for they were headed back for another year at their school – Hogwarts, known as the best magical academy in all of Britain.

Castiel surveyed his surroundings with great interest. It was always a joy to see those around him at their happiest, and the journey north to school was always a cause for celebration in the minds of wizarding children. As his eyes roamed around his peers, he zeroed the face he had been searching for. Sighing at the sight of the sharp, angular features, dark blonde hair, and the ever-present mischievous smile, Castiel made his way toward a familiar face.

"Castiel!" Gabriel greeted him with a chuff on the shoulder. Castiel rolled his eyes. His older brother was far too chipper, even if today was easily one of the best days of the year. "I was just looking for you. You got my bags in the compartment, right?"

"Of course," Castiel refrained from sighing once more. Upon arriving at the station, Gabriel had given him the wonderful duty of the bags, dumping them unceremoniously in his younger brother's arms before disappearing into the crowd, giving Castiel no time to argue with him. "I'm going to go on the train now. Are you looking for Anna?"

"Who else?" Gabriel asked. The aforementioned Anna was Anna Milton, a gorgeous redhead in the sixth year. A year younger than Gabriel and exactly Castiel's age, she and Gabriel had been dating for a year now. They were both Slytherin students that felt out of place amongst their, shall we say, slimier housemates, which was what originally drew them to one another. Gabriel had immediately asked her for a date, but Anna turned him down for years – Until she finally relented. Castiel still wondered why, thinking that she must have lost her sanity after prolonged exposure to his slightly insane elder brother.

"I'll ask Balthazar when I see him," Castiel said. "He probably knows where she is."

"Alright, see you!" Gabriel disappeared before Castiel had the chance to blink. Castiel looked at the spot where he vanished for a moment before hurrying forward and stepping onto the train. He was greeted by a variety of classmates, most of them pointing out the badge pinned to his navy robes identifying himself as Quidditch Captain.

Castiel had been playing Seeker for the Ravenclaw Quidditch Team ever since third year; Quidditch was a passion of his, one of the only things about his life that was good, clean, and pure. Just the thought of flying made him long to be in the air once more. He hadn't had much of a chance to practice over the summer, which needed to be remedied immediately, especially with Professor Harvelle choosing him for the captain position.

Finding an empty compartment was relatively simple – He and Gabriel didn't show up at the last possible second, unlike many of their classmates. He found one quite quickly in the middle of the train, absolutely vacant. Throwing himself a seat next to the window, he settled into the worn train seat, pulling The Standard Book of Spells (Grade 6) out of it, and settled down to read.


Castiel blinked, looking up from a fascinating section of his book on human transfiguration to be greeted by the Londoner accent and smirking face of Balthazar Milton. Anna's twin brother and Castiel's best friend and fellow member of the Ravenclaw Quidditch team, Balthazar was as annoying as he was flirtatious. Which was quite a lot. Castiel often wondered how they had stayed friends all these years. He figured it was because no one else was willing to put up with either of them.

"Hi, Balthazar," He smiled a bit wearily up at his friend, who dropped into the seat across from him. "Good to see you again."

"It's been two months, Cassie," Balthazar shook his head in mock shame while Castiel rolled his eyes at the nickname. "Two whole months, and not a single letter from you addressed to me. Gabriel wrote to Anna weekly, you fool! I'm beginning to think there's a plot afoot. Perhaps you have found a replacement for me?"

"No one could ever replace you, Balth," Castiel chuckled slightly at the over dramatization that he was so used to. "I was just busy this summer."

And he had been. Gabriel's seventeenth birthday had fallen on the previous January, meaning that this was the first summer the pair of them could legally move out of their uncle, Raphael's, house. There were endless legalities to deal with, along with earning the money to rent a flat. Castiel had spent all summer working at Flourish and Blotts as a shop assistant. He was surprised that Gabriel had found the time to write Anna at all, let alone as often as he did.

"Well, I'd expect," Balthazar raised an eyebrow and gestured toward the badge on Castiel's chest. "Been too busy beating me for the captain spot?"

Castiel frowned, brow furrowed. He hoped Balthazar wasn't jealous; the two of them had been playing together for years, Castiel as Seeker and Balthazar as Chaser. He didn't want this new hierarchy to put a rift in their friendship. "I'm sorry, Balthazar, I –"

Balthazar held up a hand to stop him. "I'm just teasing, mate. Good on you."

Castiel felt a rush of relief. "Thanks. And I'm sure Harvelle considered you for the position."

Balthazar shrugged lazily. "Hey, she probably based it off of behavior and not talent on the field. You've only gotten four detentions in six years, after all. A fact that needs to be remedied."

"How about not?" Castiel always tried to avoid getting involved in Balthazar's schemes. They never ended well for either of them.

"It's our second to last year, Cassie!" Balthazar said in a petulant tone. "You've got to live a little before we leave to become boring adults."

"I'll leave that to you," Castiel chuckled slightly, fingering the edge of his book and wishing he could delve back into it. Unfortunately, Balthazar would never allow him to do that. Suddenly, a quick jolt of his seat told him that the train was leaving the station. He glanced out the window at the parents waving goodbye at their children, even though he knew there was no one there for him. Hiding a sigh, he turned back to continue a conversation with Balthazar. However, there was a knock on the compartment door that distracted him.

Turning, he saw a face in the window staring nervously back at him. Castiel gestured for the boy – for he was obviously male – to come inside. As the door shuffled shut behind him, Castiel recognized him as Sam Winchester.

Sam was a fourth year Ravenclaw that Castiel was vaguely acquainted with. Extremely smart, it was already well-known throughout the school that Sam was going to go far in life, even though he was only fourteen years old. Castiel had never spoken to him at length before, only with nods and smiles in the corridors. They had barely spoken in the three years since Sam had arrived at Hogwarts, which made Castiel wonder why the younger boy had sought him out this morning.

"Erm, hi," Sam said, sinking into the seat next to Castiel's a bit awkwardly. "Uh…I was wondering which of you was Quidditch captain this year. I mean, I knew it was one of you. You two are the best players and I just...erm…"

Castiel decided to save Sam from the uncomfortable situation of trying to explain himself. The boy was already blushing, his cheeks tinged pink. "I'm the captain," Castiel gestured to the badge on his chest. "What can I do for you, Sam?" He tried his best to sound pleasant.

"I was just, erm, going to try out for the team this year," Sam said, determinedly not meeting Castiel's eyes. "So I wanted to know who the captain was so I could ask when tryouts were."

Castiel gave the younger boy what he hoped was a grin, although many people told Castiel that he just looked constipated when he tried to smile. "Well, I haven't decided the dates yet. Probably on Saturday, if the pitch is free. What position do you want to try out for?"

"Keeper," Sam returned Castiel's smile. "Fletcher graduated last year, right?"

"Yes," Castiel said, remembering Leon Fletcher, their last keeper and captain. He had been a bit harsh on Castiel and Balthazar, along with the rest of their team. Castiel had sworn to himself when getting the badge that he wouldn't be the kind of captain Fletcher had been. "He did."

"You think you're better than Fletcher?" Balthazar spoke up. He had been uncharacteristically quiet during Castiel and Sam's exchange, but apparently his muteness didn't last for long. He smirked at the young Winchester, who colored even more.

"No, of course not!" Sam said indignantly, looking at Balthazar with a bit of resentment. "He was a seventh year, he would be better. I just…I think I'm a good player, too."

"I'm sure you are," Castiel said reassuringly. "Don't listen to Balthazar, he likes to scare people." He gave his friend a slight glare, which was only returned with a lazy smirk.

"Thanks," Sam smiled tightly. "I'm glad you're captain, Castiel. You definitely deserve it. You're an amazing Seeker; I came to every match last year."

Now it was Castiel's turn to blush. "Er…thanks, Sam."

"Ooh, look, Cassie's embarrassed," Balthazar teased. "Look at him turn red."

"Shut up," Castiel groaned, turning back to Sam, who looked vaguely amused. "Thank you. I'm sure you're very good as well. I hope you try out."

"Oh, I definitely will –" Sam was cut off by the compartment door sliding open once again. Well, maybe banging was the more appropriate term. However, the end result was another boy stalking into the small compartment, this one tall and built, with green eyes, a multitude of freckles covering his face, and Gryffindor robes. Dean Winchester.

Dean was in Castiel's year and, as stated, in Gryffindor house. One of the most popular boys in their year, he was widely known as a troublemaker, unlike his nearly angelic younger brother. There were even rumors that he held the record for most detentions within a single school year. Castiel doubted this was true, but he was sure that Dean's record of wrongdoings would shock even Balthazar, who was probably in and out of detention at least once a fortnight.

Castiel had never really talked to Dean except for once in third year when they had been partnered in Care of Magical Creatures and Castiel had managed to get bitten by a knarl, shockingly enough. Dean had escorted Castiel to the hospital wing, but only after making fun of him the whole way there, saying that he didn't even know that knarls had teeth. Castiel had tried not to speak much to the elder Wincehster since.

"Hey, Sammy," Dean kicked his little brother's leg in an almost teasing manner. "I've been looking for you. What're you doing in here?"

"Sam was just –," Castiel began to explain what their discussion was but firmly shut his mouth with a warning look from Sam, the other boy's eyes pleading him not to say anything. "It was nothing. Nice talking to you, Sam."

"Yeah, same, Sammy," Balthazar emphasized the nickname. Dean glared daggers at him as Sam got to his feet.

"Thanks," he nodded at Castiel. "Talk to you soon, hopefully."

Castiel gave a slight wave as Sam followed his brother out of the compartment. Balthazar gave a long, drawn-out sigh as he kicked his feet up onto Castiel's chair.

"Soooo," he drawled. "Why don't we plan out a magnificent way get our sixth year started with a bang?"

Castiel gave his friend long look before picking up his book and attempting to immerse himself in the spells once again. However, if Balthazar had anything to say about it, he probably wouldn't even last a page.

"So what was that all about?"

Dean glanced sidelong at his younger brother. Sam had been very secretive about where he was headed the second the pair arrived at the platform. Dad couldn't have been bothered to take them, so they had come just the two of them, same as always, and the same as when Sammy first started at Hogwarts. Dean was used to it, even though it made Sam angry; it was the way it was. Nothing he could do to change it.

Anyway, Sam had disappeared the moment they arrived, muttering something about finding a person. Dean had stumbled upon him with two older Ravenclaws, looking to be in his own year. Dean recognized one of them as the Milton bastard who made smartass comments all throughout Herbology last year. Dean had hated him. The other one, though, he didn't know who he was. He seemed strangely familiar, though, as if Dean should have been able to recognize him but couldn't.

"Nothing," Sam had answered him automatically. "Just some questions about the year. Anyway," he said, changing the subject. "Shouldn't you be with your own friends instead of hanging out with your kid brother?"

"I always wanna hang out with my kid brother," Dean shoved Sam's shoulder as the two strode side by side down the train corridors. They were nearly empty right now, seeing as how the train had just started moving. "And I'm gonna go find 'em right now. Jess is looking for you, by the way. Nearly chewed my ear off telling me to find you."

Dean grinned when Sam blushed crimson. Jessica Moore was Sam's best friend, and the two of them would make a great pair if only Sam had the balls to ask her out. Dean supposed that was the reason he was in Gryffindor and Sam was in Ravenclaw.

"I'll go find her, then," Sam said. "Do you know where she is?"

"Like the…second to last corridor," Dean racked his brains for a minute. "She's with Andy and Ava and all the other nerds you hang out with."

"Thanks," Sam rolled his eyes at Dean. "Thanks a bunch. See you later."

Dean watched his brother's retreating back until it fully disappeared in the opposite direction, smiling slightly, before he headed off to find his own compartment. It was only a couple of doors down, and pulling the door open, his ears were immediately ransacked with the sound of an argument.

"…All I'm telling you is that you can't do a shield charm to save your life," Charlie was saying, raising an eyebrow in Garth's direction. The fifth year looked highly put out before biting back a reply.

"Well, you can't deny my endless expertise in regards to Charms work. You nearly failed Charms," he grinned victoriously while Charlie shook her fist at him.

Dean sank into the chair next to the door, smiling. "Having fun?"

"Dean!" Charlie squealed, jumping up from her seat to hug him, throwing her arms around his neck as he squeezed her tightly, picking her up off her feet slightly.

"Oi, let the rest of us have a piece!" Another female voice entered the fray. Dean set Charlie down and turned to the direction of the new voice.

"You know you want a piece of me, Jo Harvelle," he cocked an eyebrow at the shorter blonde, who stared back at him with her trademark smartass expression. No, seriously, she managed to convey smartass with just the way her face looked. It was a gift.

She gave him a long-suffering sigh. "I suppose. C'mere, you son of a bitch, I want a hug too."

Dean leaned over Garth to squeeze her tiny frame before clapping Garth, along with Benny, who was sitting across from him, on the shoulder. "So, what've I missed, other than another pointless Charlie and Garth argument?"

"It wasn't pointless," Garth said indignantly. "We were fighting over which of us would win in a duel."

"So, pointless, then," Dean deduced with a grin while Charlie decked the back of his head playfully.

"Have a good summer?" Benny drawled.

"Yeah, good enough," Dean lied smoothly. Hoping to change the subject, he suddenly noticed an adornment on his friend's chest that hadn't been there previously. "Hey, you're Quidditch captain!"

"Glad you noticed," a faint smiled graced Benny's features. "Jo and I are going to kick ass this year, you'll see."

"Oi, forgetting about me?" Garth mock glared at Benny, who just shrugged his shoulders, as if to apologize.

Dean grinned at Benny in happiness. Although Dean loathed flying with an unending passion (shut up, brooms were fucking scary), Benny and Jo had been Beaters on the Gryffindor team together for two years now. Jo was a year younger than Benny and a hell of a lot scrawnier, but she was just as strong, and they made a great duo out on the field. Dean had watched them enough times to know.

Garth, on the other hand, had just started playing Seeker the previous year. He wasn't amazing, but according to Jo "he's better than the majority of the knuckleheads who tried out." Dean and Charlie both preferred the sidelines, Charlie because while she was a decent flyer, she couldn't play Quidditch to save her life and Dean because brooms are fucking scary, okay?

"Well, congratulations," Benny smiled warmly at Dean's words. "I knew you could do it."

"Just wish I knew who the other captains were," Benny pointed out. "So I could see whose skills I'm up against."

"Lucifer's definitely still Slytherin captain," Garth's mouth twisted into a scowl. "Saw him when I got here, strolling around with that badge on his chest, flouting it. Michael's Head Boy, he was doing the same thing."

Dean groaned. Michael and Lucifer Blake were twin brothers of Ravenclaw and Slytherin respectively, and apparently their gold, riches, and blood type made them think they were superior to all else. Dean loathed them both with a fiery passion.

"The older Campbell is probably still Hufflepuff captain," Jo said thoughtfully. "But Fletcher from Ravenclaw graduated last year, so it can't be him."

"I found Sam sitting with a couple of Ravenclaws," Dean remembered suddenly. "One of them was wearing a Quidditch captain badge."

"Who?" Benny asked, curiosity showing in his face. Dean racked his brains, but for the life of him, he couldn't recall the dark-haired boy with the piercing eyes and the half smile.

"I don't know," he said truthfully. "Didn't recognize him."

His friends all groaned in unison. Dean sighed, knowing that his memory was rather shitty and that it could get him into trouble sometimes. Like right now, for instance.

"Either your memory got even worse over the summer," Charlie told him bluntly. "Or you just became the most unobservant person in the entire fucking universe."

"Thanks for the kind words, Char," Dean rolled his eyes at her, nudging her shoulder with his own. She smiled at him and Dean was violently reminded of how much he missed his friends over the summer.

Of course, Sammy had been there, so it wasn't all bad. And someone had needed to stop John from picking on Sam too much like he always did. Especially when he was drunk. Which was more often than not. Again, Dean was used to it. The seemingly endless stash of mulled mead and firewhiskey in the cellar was basically the only given in the Winchester house.

But they had made it. He and Sammy, they always made it. And now they were back at Hogwarts, where Sam could get on his way to becoming the greatest fucking genius the Wizarding World had ever seen and Dean could go back to making sure that dream became a reality.

While he had a bit of fun with his best friends, of course.

The four them had sunk back into conversation once more, and as Dean rested his head against the compartment door, he managed to tune them almost all the way out as his eyelids drooped. He didn't sleep well on any given night, so a nap was always welcome in his book. He drifted off into the realm of dreams with a slight smile on his face for the first time in two months, for he was finally back where he could have just a tiny bit of comfort.