Oh, these naughty dwarves, is there anywhere they won't get into mischief?

WARNING: Contains more incest!

Chapter 3 Midnight Snack

The halls of Rivendell were mostly deserted as the two heirs of Durin made their way to the kitchen. The brothers moved quickly, making hardly a sound, apart from their growling bellies. When they found the kitchen both Fili and Kili were astounded. There was more food than either brother had ever seen! Cured meats, rich cheeses, and fluffy bread stacked high in the pantry. Succulent fruits and pastries beyond counting lined the shelves of another. It wasn't long before the brothers were stuffing their faces and pockets with all the goodies they could find.

"Some hosts these elves are," Kili grumbled through a mouthful of white cake and raspberry frosting. "Where was all this at dinner? All we were offered were leaves and twigs!"

"Agreed. It certainly isn't as if they couldn't spare it!" Fili mused as he bent down to examine a group of barrels. No ale, just wine and more wine. What do these elves have against ale? At that moment, Fili felt hips pressing against his backside and hands rubbing his lower back. He stood upright as Kili wrapped his arms around his waist. "Kili, my love, I don't know that I could go another round."

The dark haired prince rested his chin on Fili's shoulder. "Don't worry, brother, you won't have to do anything but come for me," he breathed into Fili's ear, sliding his fingers into his waistband.

"I've done that twice already, not sure there's any left at the moment," Fili murmured, pulling Kili's hands out of his pants as he turned to face his brother. He kissed Kili's lips-they tasted sweet and his brother's body was warm and inviting compared to the chilly kitchen. Why can't I ever say no to him and mean it? Fili pondered as he deepened the kiss, tangling his hands in Kili's dark tresses.

The younger dwarf was already pushing Fili's breeches down his hips. When did he get my laces undone? Fili groaned into his brother's mouth as his member was freed from its confines, yet again. Kili broke the kiss long enough to strip off both their shirts, before attacking his brother's lips again.

Suddenly Fili felt something cool and sticky on the side of his neck. He pulled back quickly to see Kili burst into a fit a giggles, his fingers covered in the raspberry frosting. "Kili! You little-oh…mmmm," Fili lost his train of thought as Kili began to leisurely lick the sweetness from his neck. He gripped the table for support and the fingers of one hand ended up in a dish of lemon custard. Fili smirked as he brought the hand up to smear the pudding across Kili's nearly hairless chest. Kili snickered wickedly, realizing it was his turn to be licked.

The blonde prince lapped at his brother's chest, relishing the way the tart custard mingled with the delicate, salty taste of Kili's skin. He could feel his arousal begin to throb.

"I need to be inside you, Fee," Kili moaned softly.

"Here? In the kitchen?"

"I don't think I can wait, brother. Please?" Kili whined. "Who knows when we will have another chance once we leave here," he nipped Fili's ear and began unlacing his own breeches. Fili looked into his brother's dark eyes, full of lust and need. He nodded and looked for a place to lie down.

"Over there," Fili motioned to a pile of flour sacks in a corner of the room. Kili led him to it and gently laid Fili upon the pile. The older dwarf didn't notice the small clay jar Kili had carried over from the table as his brother pulled off their breeches. The brunette sunk his fingers into the jar and removed a large light yellow glob. He slathered part of it into his brother's crevice, the rest he rubbed over his own hardened member.

"What is that? Kili, is that butter?! You used but-" Kili silenced him with a kiss, positioning himself at Fili's entrance.

"Let's see if we can get it hot enough to melt, kidhuzur akhun," Kili murmured against his brother's lips and Fili quivered at the sound of his pet name.

As Kili slowly pushed himself inside his brother's channel, Fili winced slightly at the intrusion but soon wrapped his legs around the younger dwarf's waist, urging him deeper. "Perhaps you have another round in you, after all," Kili smirked as he snapped his hips, hitting Fili's sweet spot and causing him to moan. Setting a steady rhythm, Kili angled his hips to hit his brother just so each time, reducing the strong, masculine dwarf to a sweaty, trembling mess.

Before long, Kili's thrusts became erratic and his breathing labored. He grasped Fili's cock in his buttery hand, stroking it vigorously. Fili truly didn't have much left at this point, having found release under the table and then again in the bedroom, but he knew Kili would wait for him to come first. Fili's third orgasm of the night wasn't the most impressive, but was still worth it to see Kili's face afterward, full of pride and love.

A few more hard thrusts and Kili soon followed his brother into bliss. He rested his forehead against Fili's, panting heavily as his member softened inside his brother.

"I love you, Fili," he said softly, his brown eyes sparkling.

"I love you too, brother, even if you did just fuck me with butter!" Fili tugged Kili's dark hair playfully and gently shoved him off.

"I suppose I'll be paying for that one for a while then," Kili grinned mischievously, grabbing a towel to clean them up. Fili nodded with a glint in his eye. "Good, that's what I was hoping for…"

Kidhuzar akhun =Golden One