One Million Miles

By Drizzle117

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Zoe is a good actress.

She knows how to convince the other pets of things that are not true. She knows how to hide her real feelings deep, deep inside of her. She knows how to show no emotion on her purple furred face.

Zoe knows how to fake love.

She knows that if the other pets knew the true subject of her love, they would mock her. She would be scorned. The soon-to-be famous superstar, Zoe Trent, mocked and scorned because of who she aspired to be with forever. No, that simply could not happen.

Zoe knows how to think up plans quick.

When Digby first came to the pet shop, she knew he was the perfect target. Handsome, in a kind of way she couldn't quite see but could tell would be attractive to other females. She swooned. Digby was her lover.

Zoe knows that everyone believes her.

Penny is the most gullible. After the whole episode about her zit, Zoe knows she has become completely and undeniably convinced. The others know it too. They seem to automatically believe her, which is, in some ways, both good and bad.

Zoe sometimes feels very guilty about how she acts.

Most of the time she wants to fess up and tell her friends, but she isn't sure how they will react. Will they be scared? Nervous? Feel betrayed? No, she cannot tell them…but all this lying has been going to her head. It has been for years now…ever since she met her…

Zoe has tried to tell her…

Her voice gets caught in her throat when she approaches her true target; her eyes are nervous and wild, darting around, breaths short and quick. Her target looks at her, beautiful rose colored eyes gleaming. "Zo?" she would say, that thick voice of hers causing a shudder to go through Zoe. Yes, she has tried to tell her. But she has not been able to tell her.

Zoe is the only one that knows the truth.

She is in love with another female pet. Her love for Digby is foreign; faux; an act created to shield her true emotions…her emotions for none other than the pet she would walk a million miles for, over and over again. The pet she has tried to talk to for what seems like millions of years.

One million miles…

One million years…

One million tries…

Zoe does not want to admit it.

Zoe Trent is in love with Pepper Clark, the beautiful, funny, well-liked comedian of Littlest Pet Shop. She would create a million miles just for her and Pepper to run along together, laughing and loving.

But when a million miles go untouched…

…you, just as Zoe does, know there will be no happy ending.

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AN: A ship I support, but as I love Peppunil and ZoeDigby (I need a name for that ship. Ideas in the reviews?) more, I know this will never happen in my head-canon. I always have seen Zoe as bisexual, in love with both Digby and Pepper, but eventually settling down with Digby once Pepper and Sunil get together. One of many short one-shots I will be releasing upon my return from my two-weekend self-ban! :D

Reviews appreciated ;)
