Disclaimer: I do not own Primeval and it's characters, I just enjoy writing some fan-fiction.

A/N: Mild violence, angst, but brings some hope in the end. Hope you catch on to it. This is the last chapter. Please R&R if you liked it, or if you just took the time to read.

The lanky, thin reptile staggered around the forest of the Cretaceous. His head wobbled and he licked his snout as the thirst for water sequenced him to the bone. Hem's head yanked to the sound of a flowing creek in the distance. The little creature chirruped and scurried to the peaceful, calming sound of his aquatic home.

"Hem!" the creature heard a muffled sound behind him. The little Nothosaurs knew the sound of the people who brought him to safety, but the creature just wanted back where he belonged.

"Hem!" Abby and Connor searched through the woods for lost Nothosaurs. Connor gently laid his hand on Abby's tensed up shoulder, she kept back the tears she felt so silly even having over a creature she's only had for maybe a day and sighed.

"I'm sure he's fine." Connor insisted. Abby looked at the deep brown that coated his eyes, after breaking the stare she nodded and stored back any evidence of emotion. But Connor knew that when she tried to hide the emotion was when she was having more than just a care for a creature that looked like her pet- he feared Abby's irrational actions would start to get the better of her.

"Mmm, we just need to find him soon. I don't want that Pterodactyl or whatever it was to find him." Abby gripped her weapon; Connor realized he was still missing his from leaving it at the creek.

"Oi, why don't we head to the creek? I left my spear there. We can look for Hem on the way, yeah?" Abby looked at him and shook her head; she had another place in mind.

"You go. I don't think he'd go that way."

"Abs, I don't know- with hearing whatever that was yesterday and all that-?"

"I'll be fine, Connor. Just go get your spear and I'll be heading to the cliff." Abby assured but Connor knew better.

"There's hardly any shelter there, if a creature swooped down-!"

"Connor! I'll be fine!" Abby shot him her determined look once again, Connor always knowing her mind wouldn't be changed when it came to that. But hey, two can play at this game.

"Promise me you won't go out in the open without me."


"You gave me a speech about it not just being about just one person anymore, remember? Don't make me tell you the same." Abby looked him in the eyes, seeing the stubbornness and loyalty that crept inside of him almost annoyed her. He was a little too brave and zealous sometimes.

"Fine, but be fast."

"Yeah." Connor answered in a brief second as he took off for the creek. She watched as he rushed off and felt grief as he saw him leave without telling him how she felt. But she couldn't think about that now, not now – more emotions would not help the situation. She had to find Hem and get him home, but not Connor and hers home, his home; where he belonged.

Connor sprinted through trees and leaped over the defunct plants and bushes. To avoid any areas that were known for inhabiting Raptors or Theropods he had to take a detour which aggravated him to no end. His thoughts came near to going through anyway, but that would just get him and Abby both in trouble. There's almost always Raptor's near there.

After about a fifteen minute run he stopped, hardly out of breath, and looked to see the creek right ahead. Walking to his spear that sat yards away from the creek he picked it up and smiled before speaking.

"Hello, sexy." He slid his hand across the carved staff that he made himself and took a deep breath to get ready to do some more running. His feet glided in front of him and he started for the forest again but in an unexpected blow from the back he fell, catching himself with his hands before he hit, and looked behind him to see Hem. "Well," he laughed in relief. "Hi to you too, mate!"

A border of trees stretched across the Cretaceous, going down miles wide. A large land mass that bared no plants or life surfaced ahead of Abby that expanded to a mountain with a high peek that hung off like a cliff. Abby stood at the very limit of trees, anything could be out there; Raptors, Pterosaurs', Theropod Birds, Acrocanthosaurus'. There could even be innocent ones like some Hypsilophodons. Connor and Abby only came into this territory if they had to; they tried not to leave the forest because the valleys were so unpredictable.

But if Hem had gone out there, he would be fish and chips for any predator in a matter of seconds. If she went now, then she might have a chance of finding him. That is if he's even out there. The only reason she thought so was because as Hem stayed around the camp, she noticed he liked to find the sunniest area he could, so in theory he'd run off in a big sunny field.

"Don't be an idiot, Abigail." Abby thought to herself. "That's Connor's job, remember?" she groaned and looked behind her- Connor wasn't anywhere in sight. Where was that cheeky geek anyway? "Connor's taking too long. I can just go out there and come right back!" She looked out to see the opened clearing- no creatures were in sight at the moment. "No, no you promised Connor. He'll be furious at you." Hearing the same screech she heard at the camp Abby gripped her weapon and looked behind her again, it had to be Hem.

"Oh glömma Connor!" Abby's Swedish back ground bled through her words and she ran out for the pasture, knowing what she was doing was going to make Connor lose his temper for the first time in three months. Abby couldn't look back, even if this was a mistake, she had to find that Nothosaurs before it was too late.

Connor's feet pounded against the ground, he carried the heavy reptile load in his arms and whizzed for the clearing. Connor had a feeling deep down in his gut that Abby didn't keep his promise, especially for how long it took him to catch Hem, she never had much patience. He had realized this morning that naming this creature Hem wasn't because he reminded her of home it was because the creature had no home.

Just as Connor related himself to the fish in the creek, Abby was seeing her problem in this homeless prehistoric reptile. And although it seemed silly, this creature was away from his kind, away from his territory, he was lost in a big wilderness with flesh eating dinosaurs and the longer he stayed away from his home the longer he became accustom to a place he had no reason being.

The first few months of being in the Cretaceous was the hardest for Connor, it hit him like a ton of bricks – having to emotionally accept the turmoil of their situation. But Abby, she never cried, she never broke down. The only time tears streamed down her face was when she feared Connor wouldn't make it after an attack by a raptor; it was their first weeks of being there, they didn't know the territory and his hurt leg caused him to be a bit too slow to have an actual chance against the predator- it wasn't too bad, Abby managed to scare it away with fire before it really hurt him.

But when Hem went missing he saw in her eyes how hard it hit her, just like him, a ton of bricks falling right on her like a cartoon on the telly. It wasn't like Abby hadn't accepted that she was here, it was just Connor didn't think she fully ever wanted to accept the consequences – afraid it would do to her what it did to him. You lose it. Your sense of mind goes straight out the window and you hurt, you feel pain for what you've lost. That rang Connor's fear even higher as his feet found a faster pace; no sense. He knew exactly what Abby was doing right now, and it wasn't keeping her promise.

He raced to the edge of the pasture, finding himself to the very border of trees. He looked out and saw Abby's figure charging out into the wide open field. "Abby!" he shouted, but he hardly could make anything out. Connor needed glasses so he wore contacts, but the contacts he used were already a month old when he walked into the Cretaceous so they didn't last him very long after. He wasn't blind without glasses or contacts, but he could hardly see anything from a distance. "Abby, I found Hem!" he yelled out to her. From what he could see she had turned around but before he knew it a large mass surfaced to the sky, following Abby fairly close behind.

"Abby!" Connor hurtled out in the clearing, holding Hem with one hand and his spear with the other. The creature swooped down, it screeched out the shriek they heard at the camp and tried to catch Abby but she ducked and it circled back around. As Connor got closer and saw what exactly this thing was his stomach churned. It was a Pteranodon.

The creature scoped out its trap and Connor could see it eyeing them as its prey. The Pteranodon cawed out a loud call and brought their ears to a piercing ring. Connor ran up to them and strikes for the Pterosaurs' heart as it lowered down to claw its target. The spear sliced through the Pteranodons skin and slit down its chest, the blood lashed out of its torso and seeped onto Connor as Abby grabbed the reptile from Connor's grasp. She gasped as the creature plunged back down with its claws clutching for something to retaliate to, Connor thrust himself over Abby as a shield and the talons nearly caught Connor's eye, putting a gash over his eyebrow.

Connor looked at Abby, she was terrified and repentant – she looked back at him and shook her head.

"Abby, go!" he demanded as the Pteranodon revolved back around to attack.

"Not without you!" she refused, he shot a look to her that showed the anger in his eyes and Abby knew she had no choice. She coursed for the forest but when she looked back she saw the creature grappling for Connor, rasping its claws into his flesh before he could even fight back. "Connor!"

The Pterosaurs raised Connor by the arms as it brawled to fly away, Abby knew it didn't have much left in it but it had enough to kill him. Before the creature had time to get up high enough Abby dropped Hem, reached for Connor's spear and hurled the weapon straight for the Pteranodons heart. The spear punctured straight through to the organ and the Pterosaurs plummeted to the ground, crying out a yowl as it gorged to the surface head first- its neck shattering and distorting as it collapsed, dying within minutes.

Connor lifted himself from the hard, prickly Cretaceous ground – remembering it not being too long ago where he was laying in the dirt because of Abby. Abby slid down beside Connor and cupped her hands to his face, looking him in the eye.

"Are you okay?" Connor eyes met with hers and every bit of rage he held inside of him melted, just feeling her warming touch. Connor spluttered out blood onto his jeans from the toll of the fall, his arms quickly bruised large rings around his arms, splintering gouges from the claws tore across his skin and the cut from his brow dripped down into his eye, but he still managed to smile.

"Just a scratch." He managed out. Abby swiped her thumb amidst the deep wound on his forehead and gave a delimited chuckle. Without hesitation she pressed her lips against his, bringing Connor to a pleasant surprise. She quickly pulled away before embracing him with a hug; holding onto him with dear life.

"Thank god." Tears flooded her eyes and sobs of joy begged their way out of her, but Abby refused to let one piece of weakness show in such a happy moment.

Over Abby's shoulder Connor clasped Abby in his arms, seeing the view of the Pteranodons corpse in a twisted, deformed manner from the way it mauled to the ground. His eyes stayed on a figure that was small and motionless beside the dinosaur, he watched – hoping for it to move – but it laid dead. It was Hem- the Pteranodon must have hit him, killing him instantly. Connor pulled away, his eyes sad and unsure. "What-? What's the matter?" Abby turned to see what Connor's eyes directed to. In a sudden gasp she fled to her feet and stood near enough to see Hem, lifeless. She felt a deep pain inside her, everything around her finally – after all the months of denying – it was all falling in on her.

Connor stood beside her, expecting some kind of sadness or cry, but she did nothing. "Abs?" Connor's voice was muted in her ears as she gazed at the dead creatures.

"Glömma Hem." She finally spoke, Connor not sure what she said. Before he could ask, Abby walked away and headed to their camp site. Connor looked at the creature one last time, leaving his remorse with the poor, fragile thing and quietly followed Abby; waiting for her pain to finally show.

They got to their camp site without any hustle, Connor was slower than usual but feasting time had settled down for the day for the dinosaurs. Abby came to the shelter and pulled out her things for dinner; Connor stepped into the camp site and patiently watched as she let herself deal through it.

"Fish or bulbs?" she asked. Connor shrugged and Abby nodded. "We could find something else tonight I suppose."

"Abby," Abby flinched at his voice, ignoring him she went on with her things.

"We need to put something on those wounds, I'd hate for them to scar."


"We're low on supplies from the first aid kit, I think if use that and some of the natural bandages we've made we should-"

"Abs," Connor's presence startled Abby, her eyes settled up at him with tears overcoming her and she shook her head.

"I'm fine, Connor." She choked out. Connor stroked his trembling hand through her matted hair and pulled her in his chest. With one deep breath she let out every sob, every tear, every cry and every doubt that she had been bottling up inside since the first day of coming through that anomaly.

Connor said nothing, his arms stayed wrapped around her and his breath stayed steady. She listened to his heartbeat through her weeps, reassuring her that she wasn't alone. She may not be home, but she wasn't alone- and at that moment, that's all that mattered. After all, they were going to be just fine, as long as they had each other.

"It's going to be okay." Connor finally spoke, Abby looked up at him.

"Connor, we're stuck here." Connor shook his head and smiled.

"We're going to find our way home, Abby."

"We're not Hem."

His eyes clipped open, the mass creature dead beside him. His eyes peered around; wobbling on his feet he shook off the stiffness in his muscle and gave a loud wail. He was injured, but not dead. A large, bright, rotating object appeared and shined in front of the small little Nothosaurs, he slipped toward the peculiar variance and he sunk his head through the anomaly to examine this unusual light. He pulled back in a leap; the creature had seen this before.

The familiarity was enough for Hem to step through, right before the anomaly closed behind him for good- and Hem was finally home.