
Sam Winchester walked into the hotel room he was currently sharing with his older brother, Dean. He had just been out checking a job, and was pretty tired, since it was about two in the morning. He set his fake briefcase down by the door, then took off his suit jacket, closing the door with his leg. He began removing his tie, then moved into the small hotel bathroom to take a shower and change—he still smelled like the bar he'd been lurking in.

When he was done with his shower, he changed into his usual outfit of baggy jeans and a baggy shirt and a baggy jacket, then walked out of the bathroom, drying his hair off with a towel as he walked into the main space of the hotel room. It was a biggish space with two full-sized beds set side by side, with a nightstand between them. There was a small TV facing the beds, and, around a small corner from that, there was a little table, which is where Dean was currently sitting, watching something on Sam's laptop.

"Dean!" Sam called angrily, walking forward. "Get off of my laptop! Stop watching that stupid Japanese cartoon porn—"

Dean slammed the laptop shut, avoiding Sam's eyes. "I wasn't watching porn!" he said. His voice sounded strange... thicker than usual. "I was watching an anime!"

Sam scoffed. "Oh yeah? And what's this one about, a brothel or something?"

"Don't insult it!" Dean said. "It's not about a brothel at all! It's called Clannad, and it's really—" Dean hesitated for a moment before finally saying, "It's really good."

Sam stared suspiciously at Dean's back. "Well, if it's really good, let me see it."

"No," Dean said immediately. "Absolutely not. Never."

"Well, why not?"

"Because... you wouldn't like it."

"How do you know? C'mon, just let me try it." Sam reached out and grabbed the laptop, but Dean wrenched it out of his hands, clutching it to his chest.

"Don't touch it," he said, staring weirdly at Sam. His eyes were a bit puffy, and slightly reddened... Wait... had he been—?

"Dean, were you crying?" Sam asked. "Seriously? You're crying over some stupid anime?"

Dean made a weird strangled sound in his throat. "It's not some stupid anime," he half-sobbed."Nagisa's dying, after all of that she's dying, and look at their baby-"

"Dean, what are you talking about—"

"Here," Dean said, thrusting the laptop towards him. "Watch it. Watch it all. I'm going to go take a shower."

And off he went to the lame hotel bathroom. Sam stared after him, looking thoroughly confused, and then opened the laptop. He searched the first episode of Clannad on Youtube, then started watching.

Three hours later, Sam was trying not to sob his eyes out. Clannad was the worst thing that had ever happened to him, and this was coming from someone who had spent time in hell with Lucifer and Michael. It was just so sad. Sam didn't understand how anyone could make something like it without committing suicide or something. It was terrible. Well, and wonderful, too, but terrible.

Dean was sitting on one of the beds, channel surfing, when Sam finally closed the laptop, blinking tears from his eyes.

"How was it?" Dean grunted, eyes glued to the screen, which showed some dramatic soap opera thing.

"Why do you do that to yourself?" was all Sam could think to say.

Dean shrugged, then clicked to a different channel, which was showing one of the CSI or NCIS shows, whatever the heck they were called.

"It's pretty good, though, right?" Dean asked as Sam sat down on the other bed.

Sam hesitated before answering. "Yeah. It was okay."

"It wasn't cartoon smut, was it?"

"Nope. No smut."

"Told you so."

"Shut up."



A/N So, this is my first ever Supernatural fanfic, pretty much, and I'm sorry if it sucked, but I thought it would be kind of funny. For those of you who don't know, Clannad is this super sad anime that is super sad and made me cry about forty-million times. ;A; I thought it would be funny/cute if someone caught Dean watching it.

Also, this scene probably takes place around the middle of season seven, which is where I'm at in the show. ^^" I know, I suck, I haven't even started season eight yet, but I will! ...Eventually.