A/N: DANG IT HAS BEEN TOO LONG SINCE I WROTE FOR THIS STORY! I hope you all can forgive me for writing with this one for so long. I guess I kind of lost contact with my Transformers side, however, I've been re-watching the seasons and getting new ideas, so hopefully I can come up with something, so I figured I'd give you a little to munch on while you wait. Sorry if its short, but HEY! At least it'll keep you company while I work on the rest. Anyway, I would like to say thank you for those that have followed my story and stuck with it, you guys rock! And I promise to update again, hopefully it won't take another year or two, I forgot how long its been since the last chapter, but anyway enjoy this one for now, and I'll keep working, THANK YOU FOR OUR SUPPORT! And don't forget to R&R, it inspires me to work harder!

Chapter 5. He knows

(On the Nemesis)

Megatron stood proud and tall in the brig of his ship. Hands laced behind his back looking outwards to the clouded skies that surrounded the Nemesis. He was waiting to hear that the plan for bringing his unstoppable undead army of warriors was going to go on as planned. Hopefully without any distractions, unfortunately he wasn't that lucky.

Starscream entered the brig with two vehicon troopers behind him, "Parton the intrusion my liege, but our men just got through with an inventory check, and the shard of energon that we found in the last mine seems to have disappeared."

"If you are referring to the white and blue shard with that strange pulse, then how exactly did it just disappear?" Megatron asked with growing irritation. He remembered how his team had discovered that shard, buried deep within the earth, and it was deep. The moment he saw that shard he immediately felt a strange sensation in his spark. The dark energon in him pulsated violently when near the strange energon. He felt as if a life long enemy was staring him in the optic with a neutral gaze, almost like his foe was asking him, 'why do you wish to condemn this world to the same fate that befell our own?' He decided to pay it no mind, figuring his anxiety for his mission to be completed was starting to get to him.

"Sir, the shard went missing some time before the Autobots' invaded our ship to rescue the human known as 'Agent Fowler'." The vehicon explained.

"But he wasn't the only one captured. Along with him, Soundwave also captured another human, probably just a youngling and no older." The second vehicon explained further.

Soundwave soon came to stand behind the two vehicons and Starscream, they stepped to the side to allow Megatron to see. On his screen he showed a picture of the two humans. One was of Agent Fowler and the other of Miwa.

"From the looks of it, I'd say the younger human is a female. And if I'm not mistaken, that's the same human that managed to escape her prison first. The little rat must have been prowling around the ship in search of the autobots." Starscream said aloud.

"FOOL!" Starscream was smacked off to the side. He watched in terror as Megatron advanced upon him.

"Your telling me that not only did your plan result in the disabling of my ship and delaying my armies arrival, but you allowed a human pest to run free in my ship, doing Primus knows what?!"

Starscream began to cower as he stood up and took a step back, "Please my Lord, she is only a human child. Something as puny as she cannot cause any kind of damage that we need to consider a threat."

"And yet in the time that she was free to roam about this ship, that shard of energon managed to vanish. Do not tell me you find this coincidental."

"Well…" Starscream started, but quickly backed down when Megatron started to growl in annoyance. "My lord I'm sure our security can prove that the human had nothing to do with this. Besides I highly doubt that something as small as her can do something to a massive energon shard like that." Starscream said managing to save his self... For the time being. He turned to Soundwave, and he immediately started up the security footage. He searched through it until he found a clip with Miwa looking back and forth, trying to figure out which direction she should take.

"See? She probably just wondered around aimlessly lost, until the Autobots found her." He stated with a smirk, watching the young human run through the dark corridor, but he his spark clenched in fear as Megatron peered closer at the scene.

"Wait a minute… that corridor leads directly to our energon supply room. Soundwave, see if you can find her anywhere near its entrance." Megatron ordered.

Soundwave nodded and started his search again. He pulled up the footage of Miwa using her scrap metal to open the door and she entered. The cons watched, as for Starscream, he was watching with extreme nervousness. After a minute or two a bright blue light filled the room and shined through the lines of the door. The light was so intense that Starscream and a few vehicons shielded their optics from its harshness, even Megatron found this light to be rather strong and squinted as the light shined through. After another minute or two she walked out of the room, an electric blue glow surrounded her eyes.

'Oh scrap.' Starscream cursed in his mind. His face faded to white once he heard the loud footsteps coming to stop behind him. He turned slightly, but was grabbed by the neck and hoisted up to meet Megatron's anger filled optics.

"And you say that the human had nothing to do with the shards' disappearance?"

Starscream could not offer any answer; Megatron's grip was so hard and so tight that his vocalizer was close to being disabled. With another growl he released Starscream and let him drop to the floor with a loud clang.

"Forget the human… When this over I want her captured, alive and unharmed for study. For now we move on with our plans. Activating the spacebridge and ejecting the dark energon… My army awaits."