Wow! It's been forever since I updated! School doesn't help though...

Anyway, this is amazing! I have 50+ reviews! I would have never dreamed I'd get this many! As such, I'll address to my reviewers, favorite-ers, and followers:

Browlax: Sup! Thanks for favoriting and following and reviewing! And PM-ing me too! A super sexy Shadow, eh? I'm sure those red highlights enhance his charm!

Clawer the Wolf: I'm glad you like my story! Thank you for reviewing and favoriting!

GenesisTheKnight: Thanks for favoriting and following! I hope you are enjoying it so far!

LunarEclipseKid: Thanks for favoriting/following! Yes, I took note of your review and I agree. So I changed the summary to say: 'AU'

LusayLu182: Hello! Again, thanks for following/favoriting/reviewing! Also thanks for being by FanFiction friend! Hmm...we'll see about him letting Shadow stay... ;D

MissBrains101: Thanks for following, favoriting and reviewing! Heh heh, I chuckle every time I read your comment. Live action movie? Wow, that would be something. But I would watch it! :D

Shadow-of-Death060: Thanks for favoriting and reviewing! I absolutely love your username. :) I'm so glad you like my story!

ShinyShiny9: Hey! It was cool talking with you! I finally updated! Anyways, thanks for favoriting/following/reviewing! Oh, here's an online hedgehug. *hug* :3

SieSie5: Thanks for favoriting! I'm glad you're supporting my story!

SuperSonicBoom12: Hi! Again, thanks for following/favoriting/reviewing! I'm sorry it took so long to update. :( But never mind that, here's a new chappie!

TMNT15: Hey, haven't talked to you in a while. So, how you? Anyway, I hope you like this chapter, Miss Very First Reviewer/Supporter! ;D

XxXTigeryXxX: Thanks for following/favoriting/reviewing! I am REALLY glad this is one of your favorite Shadaria fics! It's really encouraging!

we are as one: Thanks for favoriting and following! I hope you enjoy this next chapter!

ABSOselfRBED: Thanks for following! :)

Watership's Nightwish Rat: Thanks for following! It was nice talking with you! Hope you enjoy!

Zenith the Hedgehog: Thanks for reviewing and following! Hope you like the chappie, extreme baseball fan! Heh heh. ;)

hollygeorgia5: Thanks for following! :)

lydiathetigeropean: Thanks for following/reviewing! Oh don't worry, he will. ;)

Prodigal the Son: Thanks for reviewing! Shadow...SHOOT ME?! NOOOOOO...

SarahBara: Hey Sweet! ;D Thanks for reviewing!

Guest (The Shadow Hedgehog Researcher) : Thanks for reviewing! I could reply, if you were logged in... Anyway, hedgehogs do purr, check it out on hedgehog websites. I'm really sorry yours doesn't purr, maybe it's just grumpy. Like Shadow. You named him well. :P

Lord Kelvin: I like your new avatar! ;D Again, thanks for the constructive criticism! :)

bearvalley3365: Thanks for reviewing! And no, there is no gorilla character.

Parker117: Thanks for your reviews! I'm glad you like my writing!

Guest : Yes, Shadow is adorable! :D

Yoshitaka: Thanks for reviewing! You really like Shadow, eh? ;D Hope you enjoy this next chapter!

Ultra Chaos: Thanks for reviewing! Hmph...Shadow really doesn't like me you know. "P

THAT took a while.

Chapter XIII

"What do you two think you're doing?" The Professor glared down at them in contempt. "Maria! You know I dislike you being in here without my permission! Add the fact I thought I locked you in your room!"

"Well…" Maria stuttered.

"No! Do not speak! I don't want to hear it! Now, if you just hand the hedgehog over my dear daughter…" He spoke monotone whilst he leaned over to grab up Shadow. Shadow just hid behind Maria's legs. Maria frowned as she saw him hiding. She could understand why he was scared, but so much for his promises guaranteeing Maria's safety…

"Come here, creature!" The professor was about get his hands around Shadow when the ebony hedgehog did something quite unexpected…he rolled. Maria's eyes opened wide as she witnessed Shadow do a perfect spindash. He whizzed right past her father's face crashing into the machine behind him leaving a hole that sparked and sizzled with electricity. The hedgehog uncurled to a reveal a face of determination.

"I intentionally missed, but next time you threaten me or Maria I will hit my mark." Shadow hissed. Maria was taken aback by his behavior; one minute it appeared he had been cowering, to the next he was acting like a warrior. She also learned that day that hedgehogs can make scary hisses.

"Shadow!" She was afraid that maybe teaching him to roll was a bad idea…

The professor said nothing. He just calmly looked down at Shadow not at all fazed by his "spindash." Rather, it looked as if he had other things in mind…

"My ultimate creation, many have disliked you on this ship, and I find it is because they find you useless." Maria's expression turned confused as her father proceeded ever so calmly.

"But now that you have proven that you are capable of much more then just supersonic speed…" Maria didn't like the way this was going. She had to say something. He was acting too weird.

"What are you talking about Father? Are you going to do something with him? I don't want him to be hurt…but I don't want him to be killed either…I mean I know that Shadow's disliked…in fact! Julian came into my room—that's how I got out—and he was acting ever so strange and…" The professor held his hand up motioning for Maria to stop talking.

"Too much talking is not polite for a girl. Now, what do you suggest when you say, 'Julian was acting strange'? And please, talk slowly with fewer words, my daughter." Maria sighed in relief to herself that her father changed the subject. She cleared her throat before speaking.

"Well, he started pounding on my door, cursing different things, and then he broke it down, which surprised me. He barged right in and was really mad at me, and his breath smelled funny as well…" Again the professor held his hand up motioning silence.

"He will be taken care of. He is not the only one though. It appears my colleagues are misusing the alcohol meant for medicinal purposes…" He appeared to be talking more to himself now. "But no matter, I will address that later. For now, Ultimate Life Form." Shadow walked up to him cautiously when he addressed him.

"I see much potential. I was mistaken earlier but now my head has been cleared." Maria stifled a nervous gasp as she realized Shadow was going to be saved. Her hands curled up into little fists in excitement as she lifted them to her mouth.

"Father, so Shadow will be kept…alive?" She could barely contain her joy that Shadow would finally be accepted! Her feet shifted on the floor as her father turned to her with a solemn expression.

"Yes. But he will be used as a weapon. And you, my daughter, will no longer be able to see him." Maria's face fell as her body filled with the feeling of shock and surprise as she gathered in what he was telling her.

"But…but…" She could feel her eyes filling with tears. The man held his head as if this statement saddened him too.

"I want to cure you, my Maria, but such will not be possible anymore…"

"Not possible?!" Maria voice began to fill with anger. "You loved me, father! You said you'd cure me! So I could finally leave this cursed place! You promised…" She started to shake with fury. "You never loved me! You never spent time with me! You…" She fell on her knees, crying. Her sorrow filled Shadow's heart as well and he felt a harsh pain in his chest. Not physical pain, but a heavy feeling that seemed to pull him down. He leaned down to Maria and hugged her. She sobbed in his arms while that beast of a man stood by in cold silence. Shadow was trying to understand the situation. What did she mean about leaving this 'cursed' place? Couldn't she before?

"Maria…don't cry…" Shadow started. "I'll take you away from here if you want to. I wouldn't know how but I know I'd do everything in my power to help you, Maria."

"Not happening." The professor stated. "I'm sorry Shadow, but I won't allow you to leave my sight again."

He reached for his desk where a gun-looking weapon lay. He picked it up and pointed it to Shadow's face.

"I need you for other things." And with that he fired.

By the way, I have a DeviantART account now! (*EDIT*-I go by 'ChristianHedgie') You all can check me out if you want. There is a little chibi of me as my DeviantID, so you can know what I look like...somewhat. My chibi is more or less a human version of me since they don't have "hedgehog" features. :P