A/N Thank you for all the really positive responses to this story! As a consequence I was inspired to write a third chapter. I have left room for the potential of more later, though you can probably tell from reading the publish/update date how long it takes me to get around to writing something up. Credit to 'Crystal Dragon's blood' and 'outinritefield1' for giving the idea to write up the consent form.
The Consent Form
The purpose of this experiment is to determine the exact nature of the relationship between the two participating bodies. [Please note that the researcher is included as one of the participating bodies].
"I take it that means you?" Penny asked sarcastically, raising her head from the document that had been brandished in her face first thing in the morning. Getting woken up by Sheldon knocking on her door at 9am on a Saturday had not been ideal. Hell, she hadn't even known nine o'clock existed on a Saturday.
Sheldon looked at her scathingly, "Of course it means me. Really Penny, I expected to have to dumb it down but sometimes you ask too much."
She didn't even bother to correct him.
The experiment consists of multiple parts, over a set period of time [length of which to be negotiated with other participating body], as follows, during which you will be asked to:
1) Engage in varying degrees of physical contact for set lengths of time, such as, holding hands, embracing and kissing.
"No coitus then?" she asked with half a smirk.
Sheldon gave her a half exasperated, half disgusted, look.
"Really Penny? Can we do nothing without out you succumbing to your over-active raging female hormones and lowering the tone to some base human instinct?"
She thought about showing him raging female hormones in the shape of a hairbrush flying at his head, but it was all the way over there on the coffee table and she was sat on the couch. She opted to keep reading instead.
2) Go on excursions to places in which participants may bond; either through renowned leisure pursuits or places of cultural or intellectual significance. Henceforth these excursions are to be known as 'dates'.
"Shotgun first pick!"
Sheldon looked at her warily, "I'm going to regret this, aren't I?"
It wasn't really a question so Penny didn't respond.
After each experiment, you will be asked to complete a two page questionnaire.
"Only two pages? How will I fit in all the riveting scientific analysis?"
Sheldon sighed, "You're right, of course, as much as it pains me to admit it." He tutted at himself, "Oh! I knew I shouldn't have cut it down from the original."
Now it was Penny's turn to look wary. "How long was the original?"
Sheldon pished and waved a hand in her general direction. "A mere four page questionnaire," Penny almost breathed a sigh of relief before he added, "and a one thousand word..." he paused, "I wouldn't say essay, its not really a high enough word count, but I thought it might have been too much for your limited capabilities." He shrugged. "I guess I was mistaken. I will amend the form." He reached for the piece of paper and Penny rapidly snatched it back.
"Let's not jump to conclusions! Let me read the rest of it." She hurriedly read on, mentally noting not to be sarcastic about it again.
Please note that none of the tasks is a test of your personal intelligence or ability, [which is probably a good thing, since one participant is of a significantly higher intelligence than the other].
"That would be me then," she pointed at the offending line. Sheldon didn't even dignify her with an answer.
The following data will be recorded: a list of the times and places that these dates, or physical encounters, have occurred, and a suitable questionnaire with a one to ten scale measuring interest and enjoyment. These questions will seek to distinguish between the enjoyment from the activity and enjoyment from the company of the other participating body. A further participant may be included at a later date in order to act as a control.
Now that phrase made her stomach knot in an uncomfortable way.
"What kind of further participant?"
Sheldon shrugged. "I hadn't quite decided yet. Since having a multitude of partners is your forte I thought you might like to handle that part of the experiment."
The knot in her stomach eased enough for her to snip, "Just keep them coming genius. One day you'll need a favour and out they will all come, preceded by the answer no."
Your anonymity will be protected in any research papers and presentations that result from this work.
"You're planning to write a paper on this?" she asked incredulously.
"The final analysis will have to be written up in order to draw conclusions for future interactions. As far as publishing the work goes..." his voice took on that superior tone, "it is highly unlikely. I am a renowned and respected scientist. My reputation would be ruined if anyone knew I had ventured into the sordid world of the rather inaccurately named," he paused and practically forced himself to say with a shudder, "social sciences."
If data is to be recorded that would identify the participant and researcher, for example photographs, audio or video, and if there is any intention to use this material in any publication or presentation, a separate release statement should be obtained from both parties after the recording has been made.
"Does Instagram count?"
If you are interested, you can find out the result of the study by contacting the researcher Dr Sheldon Cooper. No phone number or email address is required as you live across the hall.
She raised her eyebrows but said nothing, instead thinking loudly, 'duh!'.
"I told you I'd simplified it for you," Sheldon stated, making her jump out of her skin.
"You verbalised your reaction," he pointed out.
Oh, maybe she hadn't just thought it.
Your signature below indicates that you have understood the information about the relationship experiment and consent to your participation. Although the participation is voluntary I must insist that you do not refuse to answer any questions on the questionnaire or withdraw from the study at any time.
Penny pointed to the newest contentious phrase on the document.
"You mean that once I start this experiment with you I won't be able to pull out until its completion?"
"That is correct," Sheldon answered. "In my opinion, researchers involving human experimentation are far too squeamish when it comes to 'ethics and morality'."
So once she had signed she was stuck in the deal. Penny felt her stomach flutter, and was unable to tell whether it was nerves or excitement, because if she couldn't pull out then neither could Sheldon.
You should have received a copy of the consent form for your own record. If you have further questions related to this research, please contact the researcher.
Penny flipped over the piece of paper to check the back and then looked at 'the researcher' intently.
"You're expecting me to sign this?"
Sheldon looked surprised at her question, "Well, yes."
"Even with all the insults and no get-out clauses?"
"That is correct."
"Give me one reason why you're so sure I will."
"Oh, that's very simple Penny." Sheldon smiled knowingly, "You're curious."
She looked at him sharply. "Curious?"
His eyes held hers intently, "Yes. Curious."
She swallowed hard and dropped her eyes back to the page in front of her. He was right. She would love to know...love to try...but her insides contracted in fear and her mind began to list all the ways they were different until the words finally spilled out of her mouth.
"This isn't going to work."
She thought he would agree, and that would be the end of it. Congratulations Penelope you have potentially saved yourself from a broken heart, because she knew Sheldon would break it. He would break it over and over without even realising.
"That's your hypothesis," Sheldon responded to her surprise. She snatched a glance at him again and he stared calmly back. "Mine is very different." He paused and then added, "a hypothesis is a prediction by the way."
Laughter bubbled up inside and she tried to stifle it. That was exactly what she meant. A compliment wrapped in an insult.
"Penny," and suddenly his eyes had gone from calm to serious, very serious, and the laughter died instantly, as she met his intense gaze. "Penny, you need to think about this. There are a number of unpredictable variables in an experiment of this kind and its important that you are fully committed."
Unpredictable variables. That was one way of putting it...and it sent a little thrill up her back. She could get hurt...but so could he.
She thought back to the moment she'd opened the door to him that morning, bleary eyed and irritated. She'd reluctantly taken the document he'd offered and slumped back into her apartment to make coffee. He'd followed, of course, although she couldn't remember inviting him in. He'd seemed in a fidgety mood, now that she thought about it, and had only sat when she did, his eyes watching her expectantly as she had read, what she had slowly begun to realise, was a consent form. She remembered the moment when she had realised it was for her, and for him, sharp and startling and clear in her mind.
"Its for you to proof read," he'd said to her as she sat in silence. Clearly he'd decided that she was still half-asleep and needed it explaining, rather than the silence being one born of shock and excitement and fear and uncertainty. So she had read it again, in the manner he was expecting, and the whole while trying to decide exactly what this meant. Sat now, confronted with the final choice, the bought time seemed to have done her no favours...
"Penny?" and she was meeting his earnest eyes again. How far had he come to allow this to happen? To actively invite contact with another person? Not just any other person...her.
She was remembering the kiss they'd shared on the very sofa she was sat, and the moment they'd shared on his. She took a deep breath and shut her eyes, letting it out heavily in a sigh. She was no coward. With the sharp movement of ripping off a plaster she snatched up the pen and signed on the dotted line.
"When do we begin?"
Sheldon picked up the pen and signed next to her name, his eyes meeting hers as he picked up the document and smiled.
"We already have."