CH. 1

Gotham, a city full of people that on most days would go about there lives without a care in the world. On other days they would worry for there lives and cower in the corners of there homes until the danger was gone. Gotham was a city wrapped in mystery and crime and even had its own masked vigilante to patrol the streets and protect it from whatever was thrown its way. That's not the Gotham I saw, I saw a city that was tragically beautiful with its very own guardian angel to protect it and its citizens. It's tragic because of how crime ridden it is and it's beautiful because it just has this old gothic beauty to it that makes me love the city even more. Some people would probably call me crazy for picking to live in Gotham than bright and sunny Metropolis. I guess I was just an odd person and I didn't care, because I was about to start a new life in Gotham and nothing could ruin that.

Everything was so far going great and I had managed to set my apartment exactly how I liked it. I had everything unpacked, my breakfast ready and my new white Armani power suit all laid out on my bed. The only thing missing was a certain ginger haired genius who probably was still fast asleep. AJ never woke up before ten anymore and it was still new to me. She being the eighteen year old genius she is, she had technically graduated school early so she had no reason to be up. She was the closest thing I had to a little sister since I don't know my biological family. She was my foster sister and I had lived in Florida with her until this past month when we moved to Gotham. There wasn't much back in Florida but family and moving to Gotham was very exciting for me. It was even more exciting when AJ decided to come with me, well she was the one that got me the job in the first place. Her cousin happened to be friends with someone at Wayne enterprise and he told her that his boss a.k.a Bruce Wayne needed a new secretary/Personal assistant. From what I was told by AJ, the last one was fired due to complications. I was curious to know what said complications were, but at the same moment I didn't. Oh well I all know is that AJ's cousin Matt had been visiting and kind of did a mock interview and he said he would pass it on to his boss. Two weeks later Matt calls us and I got the job and he already found us a place to stay. Matt has to be by far my favorite of AJ's cousins. I was broken out of my thought by a loud thud coming from AJ's room and seconds later AJ appeared rubbing her eyes and sported her usual bed head.

"What time is it," Asked AJ sitting down on the couch.

"It's twelve thirty in the morning," I said sitting down next to her with a plate full of pop tarts.

"Getting ready for work," Asked AJ biting into a pop tart.

"Yep, after I'm done eating all I have to do is put on my work clothes and then I am out of here," I said.

"Cool, and can you pick up some Chinese tonight, please," Asked AJ giving me her famous puppy eyes and pout.

"Sure thing kiddo and if you leave the house don't forget to lock up," I said getting up and heading straight to my room.

"Ok, hope you have a nice day," Said AJ.

Once I was in my room I quickly got dressed and looked at myself in the mirror and adjusted my skirt and then grabbed my bag to leave. I had to say, for once in my life I did not mind wearing a skirt and I hated them. I said goodbye to AJ before I left for work making sure to lock the door as I left. Once I actually got outside it took me a minute to find my car and remembered I had parked it the end of the parking lot due not having anywhere else to park last night. It took me a good half an hour to get through Gotham's morning traffic while listening to the radio. Luckily for me I found a good parking space and proceeded to walk towards the doors to Wayne enterprise. I had to go through security to get my work passes that would let me access certain parts of the building. Everyone was so nice and I was so glad Matt was working today, he could show me around. Matt was the head of security and new the building like the back of his hand and since he was the only one I actually knew I felt more comfortable for him to show me around. He showed me were the main security office was and told me if I needed anything to come see him. After the mini tour was over, Matt showed me to my desk and told me that Mr. Wayne was currently on a business call and to wait for about a half an hour before I went in. So basically I had a half an hour free to myself. So I basically set up my desk to how I liked it and made sure my password I was given worked on my computer and promptly reset it like I was told to. I had just finished texting AJ when the little intercom buzzed and my boss's voice broke me out of my thoughts.

"Hello sir," I said softly.

"Can you step into my office," Asked Mr. Wayne.

"Sure thing, I'll be there right away sir," I said.

I quickly got up and entered the large double door and when I got in I saw my boss looking none to happy for some reason.

"Uh Mr. Wayne is everything alright, I could get you coffee or something," I asked a little worried.

"No it's fine, please sit," Said Mr. Wayne.

"Sure," I said softly as I sat in the chair in front of me.

"So is your first day so far Ms…..what is your name again," Asked Mr. Wayne.

"It's Jessifina Bordeaux, but please call me Jess," I said smiling.

"It's nice to meet you and I hope you like it here at Wayne enterprise," Said Mr. Wayne.

"Thank you Mr. Wayne," I said.

"You know I think I will take you up on that offer for coffee," Said Mr. Wayne.

"Oh ok, what would you like it," I asked as I walked over to the coffee machine.

"Black thank you and I need you to go down and take these files down to Mr. Fox," Said Mr. Wayne.

"Sure, anything else," I asked.

"Well there is one thing, how are you with kids," Asked Mr. Wayne.

"Pretty good with them actually, I used to babysit and kids just seem to love me," I said smiling.

"Good, my youngest son Damian is coming here later and I have a meeting with Queen's industries CEO Oliver Queen and I need some one to keep him occupied," Said Mr. Wayne.

"Sure thing Mr. Wayne," I said sitting the cup of coffee on his desk.

"Are you sure, it's not really your job to take care of my kids," Said Mr. Wayne.

"It's fine, I am here to help make your job easier, that's what personal assistants are for," I said smiling.

"Ok, well these files need to get to Mr. Fox and you will find him on the seventh floor," Said Mr. Wayne.

"Sure thing Mr. Wayne, see you later," I said as I walked out the door of his office.

I took the elevator to the seventh floor and somehow I managed to get completely and utterly lost. After like fifteen minutes of wandering around the seventh floor I finally found a room with a whole bunch of people in it. I stood at in the door way not sure what to do at this point. I decided to go find him myself when someone bumped into me and the files went flying across the carpet flooring. As I went to pick the files up I noticed a dark skinned hand reach down and pick up one of the many fallen papers. I looked up and met the face of a dark skinned man around his late forties smiling down at me.

"Uhm, thank you," I said.

"No problem, you must be Ms. Bordeaux and these must be my files," Said the man.

"Oh you must be Mr. Fox. Sorry for taking so long to get here, I got a bit lost," I said laughing nervously.

"It's alright, your new," Said Mr. Fox.

"Thank you Mr. Fox, I haven't been here two hours and so far I managed to get lost and I still haven't even been to the other floors," I said laughing once again.

"Well everything seems to be here, you can go back and please inform Mr. Wayne that I will be there for the meeting with Queen industries in about an hour," Said Mr. Fox as he placed the now in order files on his desk.

"Of course and thank you Mr. Fox, I'll be sure to tell him…..Wait the meeting is in an hour, oh god, I have to figure out how to preoccupy his son while he is in the meeting," I said now very much worried.

"If I may ask, which son is it," Asked Mr. Fox.

"I think his name was Damian," I said still slightly worried about my predicament.

"Oh, well he is a bit of a rash and head strong child, just ask him what he wants to do, as long as it is not dangerous," Said Mr. Fox smiling at me.

"Oh thank you, you're the best Mr. Fox," I said as I waved goodbye as I headed back to the top floor.

Mr. Fox waved goodbye back as I turned back around and headed to the elevator, which oddly enough was only a short distance away (now this is a face palm moment). As I got into the elevator I noticed a tall blonde man with a slightly pointed blonde goatee, he wore a dark blue suit. He was quite handsome and he seemed very familiar like I have seen him somewhere before. I watched the lights of the elevator descend upward as I thought to myself and tried to figure were I saw Mr. handsome blonde from.

I was broken out of my thoughts by the ding sound the elevator made indicating our arrival on the top floor. Mr. Handsome blonde (my new nickname for him) walked out of the elevator first and I followed a feet behind as I watched him walk to my bosses office. Holy mother of god, he was Oliver Queen, I was in a elevator alone with Star Cities most handsome bachelor. I blushed to myself as I watched him walk and noticed I was starring at his ass, which made me blush even more.


My head immediately jolted upward and I saw a very angry looking Bruce Wayne looking at a kid about ten or so. That's when I noticed my computer was smashed to hell on the ground and a very familiar looking ginger standing sitting casually in my chair. Wait a minute, when the hell did AJ get here and why in the hell was my computer smashed to fucking pieces, oh there was going to be hell to pay if I found out it was her doing.

"AJ Weaver, what is the hell do you think you are doing here," I asked angrily.

"Oh, hey Jess what's up," Said AJ with a very innocent look on her face.

Mr. Wayne looked a little shocked at my sudden outburst and so did Mr. Queen, which made me a little embarrassed now making angrier.

"I came to visit and when I got here the kid had just mashed your computer when he bumped into your desk when he was fighting with the kid behind your desk," Said AJ bluntly.

"It was Drake's fault," Said the kid.

"Like hell it was you demonic spawn," Said an older boy popping his head out from behind the desk.

"FUCK OFF," Yelled the kid.

"GO TO HELL," Yelled the older boy.

Mr. Wayne seemed a little distressed at this point and it looked like he either wanted to strangle them both or start hitting his head against the wall out of annoyance. So I did the only thing and first thing that came to mind at the moment and it possibly wasn't my best idea either.

"BE QUIET BOTH OF YOU," I yelled now fully enraged by the both of them.

"Sorry," squeaked the older boy and hid himself behind the desk once again, this time in fear.

"I am so sorry for yelling Mr. Wayne," I said realizing what I had done.

"Wow never seen you that mad since my mom hit you across the head at Aunt Carol's wedding," Said AJ.

"Sorry, I have a tendency to react bad to people fighting," I said looking at the floor.

"No its fine Ms. Bordeaux, I just didn't expect such a quiet person like yourself to be so loud," Said Mr. Wayne smiling.

"Her quiet, wow you have not been around her long enough," Said AJ laughing to herself.

"AJ leave now," I hissed.

"No, boss man here said you would be watching the teeny titan of terror here and I wanted to help and oh you forgot your lunch at home," Said AJ pointing to a bag containing what I assumed was my lunch.

"Oh god, I am so sorry that I yelled in front of Mr. Queen," I said looking over at Mr. Queen apologetically.

"Its fine, I found it quite amusing myself and please call me Ollie," Said Mr. Queen speaking for the first time since I saw him.

"Wait Oliver Queen, like owner of Queen Industries in Star city, hey have you ever met Green Arrow," Asked AJ with a twinkle of mischief in her eyes.

"AJ please, let them get to there meeting and I'll call a janitor to clean up the mess and figure out what to do with Damian and Mr. peek-a-boo over there," I said smiling.

"I'm Tim, Tim Drake Wayne," Said the older boy.

"Tim please give Ms. Bordeaux…err Jess whatever information she will need incase of an emergency and Jess you can have the rest of the day off paid if you can take him to the amusement park," Said Mr. Wayne.

"Sure, I guess I could do that, AJ can help me and I promise to take good care of him," I said smiling as I watched my boss and Mr. Queen….err Ollie walk into the next room.

This had to be the most exhausting three hours of my life, first I get lost bring files to Mr. Fox and now I had to call a janitor to clean up my now destroyed computer. It also didn't help that AJ would be with me all day and Damian didn't look like he was very happy with his father. Tim gave me all the information I needed, like Damian's allergies and stuff and who to call if something happened. Tim said good luck before heading out to who knows were to go about his business. Now to get the terror twins in the car and off to some amusement park of Damian's choosing. What could go wrong, as long as I didn't loose the kid everything would be fine, right?

Well everyone that is chapter one, and this is my first dc fanfic the first, well the first one I have ever posted lol. Please tell me what you think, I like helpful criticism, so no flames or anything nasty or rude/vulgar. So if you like it please review and if there are any spelling mistakes or I have used a word that has a different meaning and I haven't used right, please inform me. I like when you guys tell me I made a small mistake. Also chapter two should be up soon and what awaits Jess and AJ when taking Damian to the amusement park. What possible trouble could a smart ass kid trained as an assassin get those two girls into lol or maybe even team up with AJ to cause some destruction.

P.S- i just fixed it up a bit cause somehow i managed to contradic the second chapter which tells how Jess came to be AJ's foster sister. i had it written in this chapter that had been friends for years and that she moved to Florida but i fixed it so now that it states they are in fact foster sisters and so one. WEll later days my little duckies.